
Q's Comics and Games Ribbon Cutting

Q's Comics and Games Ribbon Cutting

Dexter, Missouri - The Chamber of Commerce in Dexter hosted a ribbon cutting for Q's Comics & Games on Wednesday, March 16th.

Q's Comics is owned by the Quertermous family, Travis and Kelly and their son Brandon.

Q's Comics offers a full line of new and used comic books dating back to the 1940's, board games, role playing games, card games, action figures and toys. 

They are open from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and offer several special activities both weekly and monthly.

Each Saturday morning they host a Kids Comic Hour from 11:00 a.m. - noon.  They serve snacks and each kids gets a free little gift!

Every Tuesday night beginning at 6:00 p.m. Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament card games with a $5.00 fee.

On Thursday, March 24th Q's Comics will be at Dexter Twin Cinema for the opening of Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice movie!  Free gift bags and coupons will be handed out!  You don't want to miss this event!

Saturday, March 26th Easter photos with Iron Man, Thor & Supergirl!  Photos will be 5x7 and $5.00 each along with a FREE gift with every photo purchased.

On March 31st they will host their monthly Family Game Nigh - Free!

For more information call (573) 421-7771 or qscomicsandgames@hotmail.com or follow them on Facebook by clicking HERE.

They are located at 103 E. Stoddard St. in downtown Dexter.

Pictured from left to right are: Chamber Executive Director Hillary Starnes, Ron Garner, Chamber Director Chris Brannan, Alex Garner, Bill Hampton, Mayor Joe Weber, Owners Travis, Kelly and Brandon Quertermous, Kenneth Rowland, Chamber President Debbie Stidham, Andy Starnes, Rachel Wade, Spiderman, Gina Watson, Iron Man, and Chamber Director Rhonda Hall.

Written by Dee Loflin
Date: March 22nd 2016
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