Dexter, Missouri - Young Real Estate LLC, a proud advertiser of the ShowMe Times, would like to invite YOU to celebrate the benefits of home ownership during their 3rd Thursday Open House Event, February 18, 2016.
SIX (6) great properties will be open to the public from 4:30pm to 6:00 pm. This is a great opportunity for first-time home buyers and investors to visit with our team of expert agents and ask any questions you have regarding the home purchasing process.
This is a stress-free event where prospective buyers can customize their own tours. Feel free to call us with any other questions you may have!! 573-624-4441.
Click HERE to see all the details! See the houses on the list and more!

Bernie, Missouri - There is one great thing to be said about coming from a small town. Everyone knows you and everyone cares for each other. There is closeness and a shared energy of togetherness that small communities have that can’t compare to living in the big city. Once a Bernie Mules forever a Bernie Mule!
Bernie families came out in force a few weeks ago to honor and raise money for former Bernie Mule basketball athlete and graduate, Shawn Green. So many people cooked, cleaned, and raised money with a silent auction, bake sale, and other countless ways they volunteered to make January 22nd a very special night to remember.
Shawn suffers from a rare brain cancer and though he continues to fight daily, so much of his treatment is not covered by his standard health insurance, but he is more determined than ever to beat this.
“The final fundraising total for the Hoops for Hope event benefiting Shawn Green was $22,955.56,” commented head basketball coach Brad Botch. “The event was a tremendous success and so many people helped out for such a great cause!”
Approximately $2,200 was raised for Avery’s education fund as well. “Thank you to everyone who donated and made this such a memorable and successful event,” continued Botsch.
“My family has had a few weeks to think about what truly transpired on January 22, 2016,” commented Shane Green, brother to Shawn. “And we still can’t quite fathom all of it. The amount of time, energy, effort, generosity, and compromising that went into planning the event was truly remarkable.”
“It was supposed to be Homecoming night and the administration chose to move it to a later date, the fish fry in the cafeteria was all donations, the decorating the gym with the signs, old newspaper articles (that really made Shawn and I smile because of all the great memories), the silent auction, Avery’s education fund AND the countless number of people who volunteered their time to make the night truly special for our family and especially Shawn was unbelievable!”
“Erin and I can’t thank all of you enough as we will be forever grateful,” Shane Green.
If anyone still wants to donate to the Hoops for Hope account benefiting Shawn Green, it will remain open at the Bank of Advance in Dexter. You can mail or drop by your donation to that location at 1428 W. Business US Highway 60, Dexter, MO 63841 or you can call the bank at (573) 624-1500.
Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times manager/editor. Pictured from left to right are Coach Josh Long, Erin Green, Shawn Green, and Shane Green at the presentation of the game ball and high school basketball photo both brothers played on.

Dexter, Missouri - On Thursday, February 11, 2016, Montgomery Bank will feature a Valentine Decorating Party with Monty event from 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. at 140 S. Walnut Street in Dexter.
Bring a friend and make your own Valentines! Special treats and photos with Monty!
Please R.S.V.P. to Rachel Wade at (573) 614-3555 or send an email to rachelwade@montgomerybank.com

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce is offering a new and exciting weekly feature to better acquaint our community with local businesses.
The Weekly Business Spotlight is a FREE Chamber Member benefit. Each week a business member will be highlighted on their social medial Facebook Page. If you are interested in becoming a Bloomfield Chamber member contact Brook Allen at Sweet Teas, 118 S. Prairie, (573) 568 - 9858 or Goldie DeGroot at Granny Pickers at (573) 568-9996.
Bloomfield is the true and actual birthplace of the original military newspaper, "The Stars and Stripes" first printed on November 9, 1861.
The museum features more than 7,500 square feet of exhibits including current and past copies of the Stars and Stripes for visitors to examine. There is a 12-minute video featuring former Stripes correspondents Andy Rooney and Steve Kroft.
There is a Civil Ward Exhibit, World War 1 Exhibit, World War II Exhibit, Korean War Exhibit,Vietnam War Exhibit, Cold War Exhibit, Gulf War Exhibit, Kosovo and Bosnia Exhibit, Operation Enduring Freedom Exhibit, Operation Iraqi Freedom Exhibit and a full library.
The museum is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
If you would like a group tour, please contact Jim or Sue Mayo (573)568-2055.
The Stoddard County Historical Society meets monthly at the Stars & Stripes. They typically have a very god speaker. The next meeting will be Monday, February 22nd at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Bill Shell will discuss the life of Moses Austin and Lead Mining in Missouri. The public is welcome. This is a free event.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce held their annual awards dinner on Saturday evening.
Hillary Starnes, Chamber Director, presented the Citizen of the Year Award.
"The Citizen of the Year Award recognizes someone within the community who has gone above and beyond for the betterment of Dexter," stated Starnes. "It is an award that used to be annually presented, but went by the wayside years ago and is being revived with the 2015 year."
The recipient of the 2015 Citizen of the Year is a cornerstone of the Dexter community.
John William Ringer's passion for the city of Dexter is evident in more than half a century of service in a multitude of endeavors.
Tireless efforts in the early 1960s brought about the construction of the area's first hospital, now SoutheastHEALTH Center of Stoddard County. Ringer served on the hospital's initial board of directors and remained on the Board until 2008. Of his 44 years on that Board, 25 were in the role of Board President. he continues to serve today as attorney for the Regional Healthcare Foundation Board of Directors.
He served as Associate Circuit Judge in 1985-1986, appointed to fill the term of the late Jimmy Trammel. he had a successful run for the office when the next term came up, but later resigned to resume his practice full time in Dexter, where he remains today on Vine Street.
For the past 37 years, John William Ringer has served as legal representation for Dexter Public Schools. Additionally, he has spent a lifetime promoting literacy, primarily through his efforts on the Board of Directors of what is now Keller Public Library. Within that realm, he has served as a loyal "Friend of the Library" still taking time to volunteer at the library as a guest reader for their popular Story Hour series.
In his younger years, Ringer was active in the local Jaycee organization, serving as president for three terms. He has spearheaded countless fundraisers for worthy causes, including the hospital initiative, library additions and many others. He is also a veteran member of the Dexter Kiwanis Club and in that realm has served in every feasible capacity.
Ringer was recognized as the Chamber's "Man of the Year" in 1964. He was honored in 1995 in Who's Who in American Law and Excellence in Government and in 2013, received the "Friend of the Library's" annual award for his service to the local library.
Along with all of his civic contributions, John William Ringer has devoted a lifetime of service to his place of worship, Dexter's First Baptist Church. He has served as worship leader, Sunday School teacher, church deacon, as legal advisor for the church since the 1960s and in just about every other possible aspect of church service.
Health issues have recently forced this unsung hero to resort to the use of a wheelchair, but the wheels have not slowed his pace in the community. He continues in countless roles - serving quietly, with little fanfare and certainly with no self-gratification. He is a good steward, in the truest sens of the word - a giver and not a receiver - and a valued gift to the community of Dexter.
"We are pleased to present the 2015 Citizen of the Year to John Ringer," continued Starnes. "Congratulations!"
Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.