
Fifteen, Fighting, and Fabulous
September 23rd 2013 by Beth Farrah
Fifteen, Fighting, and Fabulous
Submitted by
Beth Farrar, SMT Writer

Bloomfield, Missouri - Kathy Jones was once an elementary and special education teacher for thirty years and won the Teacher of the Year Award in 2010, but that's not the only thing she won. Thankfully, she also beat breast cancer and she is now celebrating her fifteenth year in remission!

She was initially diagnosed with breast cancer on September 28th, 1998. After being told that she only had a 10% chance of survival, she started chemotherapy, a mastectomy, radiation, and a stem cell transplant. After that battle, she had finally beat breast cancer for the first time in her life and stayed in remission until March of 2011. During that time, she lost her husband to lung cancer and two weeks after his passing she discovered that she would once again have to fight her own battle against cancer. This time was different from the first time she was diagnosed, because now the cancer had metastasized into her bone.

The family has been through turmoil ever since March of 2011. In those short two and a half years, the family has lost not only their father, but three of their grandparents, two aunts who lost their battles to cancer, a sister to unexplained causes, an infant relative, and various friends and neighbors. Throughout all of this, Kathy continues to fight proudly and gracefully. She is truly an inspiration.

"My mother is a fighter!" Kathy's daughter, Lora Galati stated. "She is so strong and amazes me every day. I don't have the words to explain it all like I'd like to, but what I can say is that I love my mom, and I believe that the prayers and support from others are what's gotten her and all of us through."

Kathy has recently maintained her health through her previous treatments for the past year and a half, but she recently had to switch to chemotherapy treatments in early August of this year. There are good days and bad days, but due to the care of her family and friends, she has kept a positive attitude towards her situation. 

It has been a long fifteen year journey for Kathy as well as her friends and family. That is why her daughter, Lori, is piecing together a scrapbook keepsake for her. Anyone who has been touched by Kathy's story or knows and loves her are encouraged to participate!

The keepsake represents the fifteen years of survival for Kathy and the battle she has been fighting for all this time. Lori is currently collecting emails, hand written letters, personal stories, and anything that is inspirational or encouraging, including prayers and get well soon cards. Any of these things can be recent, in the past, or could have happened throughout the years.

Lori will be collecting all of these great things until September 28th. To participate in this thoughtful event, simply formulate a message for Kathy-- however large or small-- and send it to Lori Galati at loraegalati@yahoo.com or 1238 Redbud, Jackson, MO 63755. 

You can include anything you’d like (even a favorite picture of you and/or her if you have it), but please don’t forget to sign your name, and make a note on there of how you best know Kathy- from school, church, community, through hearing her story some other way, etc.! Extra note: Please pass this note along to any others you know would want to be included in this celebration! Whether one knows Kathy from her very early years of teaching at Bernie, her longest period of teaching at Bloomfield, her more recent position at Parkview; from church or community over the years; if you’ve only met her once; or have just heard about her story, we’d love for you to join in this celebration! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lori at loraegalati@yahoo.com.

The family says thank you from the bottoms of their hearts for participating in this fantastic way of remembering this journey.

Last Updated on September 23rd 2013 by Dee Loflin

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