
Local Residents Participate in 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb
September 17th 2013 by Beth Farrah
Local  Residents Participate in 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

Submitted by

Beth Farrar, SMT Writer

Clayton, Missouri – America was broken and rattled after the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001. Last Wednesday, the nation remembered the lives that were lost by having tributes, moments of silence, and times of prayer. A few residents from Dexter travelled to Clayton, Missouri to remember those that were lost inside of the Twin Towers on that fateful morning.

There are many 9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs held in multiple different states, but Missouri is proud to be holding two different climbs in two different cities. Both Clayton and Springfield both hold them each and every year.  The first Memorial Stair Climb was held on September 11th, 2005, in Denver, Colorado, where the participants supported the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and those who were involved with the 9/11 rescue mission. Years later, the event spread all across the country with thousands of participants each year.

Dexter resident, LaDawn Northcutt, and her family travelled to Clayton and climbed up twenty-two flights of stairs five times to represent the one-hundred-and-ten flights of stairs that the firemen and policemen climbed on the morning of 9/11 during their rescue mission. The climbing took place in the Pierre Laclede Tower in Clayton.

The Clayton Fire Department hosts the event each year. The firefighters and other volunteers, like the Northcutts, got a chance to support the first responders of the FDNY and the battle they faced in the towers twelve years ago. Each of the participants got the chance to go the extra mile and remember the Americans that were lost in a different way than most.

“I had a great experience this weekend at Clayton 9/11 stair climb,” said one volunteer, “ I got to hear a little bit of what happened and how the FDNY responded that day. It was bone chilling to listen to a guy that was actually there, risking his life, and not knowing if he would see his family again. My hat comes off to all the responding units that were involved in 9/11.”

The Clayton 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb was described as a humbling experience by Northcutt. Her and the team she ran with were proud to represent the three-hundred-and-forty-three heroes that were part of the first responders on that morning. Some participants carried breathing apparatuses, fire hoses, or other firefighting equipment. Most firemen showed up in full turnout gear. Each participant carried a photo and a biographical sketch of one of the three hundred and forty three FDNY firefighters that lost their lives when the World Trade Center collapsed.


Last Updated on September 17th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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Banded Foundation and Sterling Bank Host Charity Event
September 11th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Banded Foundation and Sterling Bank Host Charity Event
Article Submitted to

Bloomfield, Missouri - Chad Belding of The Fowl Life and The Banded Foundation hosted the first concert event at The Boat House Wine Co., in Bloomfield, Missouri.  The event benefited the Stoddard County Children’s Home and 18 Fore Life. The event raised a little over $5,000 for the charities.

The night began with a local favorite and 18 Fore Life founders the “Buzz.”  They were followed by Lawrence Music Group’s Josh Pruno.

Pruno’s show featured his debut hit “23rd Psalm” and his newest release “Cutoffs.” The night wrapped up with Nashville recording artist Brice Long, known for his songwriting.

Brice co-wrote “Nothing On but the Radio” for Gary Allan and has also written multiple other songs for Randy Travis, Josh Turner, and John Michael Montgomery.

Belding said, "I am very pleased that this first ever event was a success and that money was raised to benefit the two Stoddard County charities.  This event would not have been possible without it sponsors."

The Banded Foundation would like to give special thanks to the event sponsors: Sterling Bank, Nathan Maurer, Mark Booker, and Matt Mills with the Legacy Club.

Other Sponsors and donors deserving thanks are as follows: Laura Jane Yarbrough (event planner); County Wide Insurance; Greg’s Auto Sales; Eric Rinehart with Real Action Waterfowl; Jon Thompson with Webb Woods; and Banded Nation.


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Last Updated on September 11th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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22nd Annual Old Greenville Days
September 05th 2013 by Dee Loflin
22nd Annual Old Greenville Days

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer

Wappapello Lake, Missouri - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Wappapello Lake in partnership with the Wayne County Historical Society, 10th Missouri Light Artillery, Crowley’s Ridge Black Powder Club and Mingo Job Corps is proud to announce the following schedule of activities for the 22nd Annual Old Greenville Days event on September 21-22, 2013 at the Greenville Recreation Area located just two miles south of Greenville, Missouri on Business U.S. Highway 67.

Saturday 21 September 2013

9:00 am - 9:30 am             Memorial at Union Cemetery

8:30 am - 6:30 pm             Craft Booths Open

10:00 am - 5:30 pm           Living History Encampment Open

10:00 am - 10:50 am         Cabin Fever

11:00 am - 11:50 am          Acoustic Cross Roads

12:00 pm - 12:50 pm          Mikayla and The Davis Family Tradition

1:00 pm - 1:50 pm             Legacy

1:30 pm -                           Old Time Children Games and Candy Cannon (Living History Area)

2:00 pm - 2:50 pm            Iron Mountain Station

3:00 pm - 3:50 pm            Buzzard Run

4:00 pm - 4:50 pm            String Circle

5:00 pm - 5:50 pm            Betty and Jane with Bluegrass Friends

8:00 pm – 9:30 pm           Candle Light Tours (Bring Flashlight)

Sunday 22 September 2013

8:30 am -                          Non-denominational Service (Courthouse Mound)

9:00 am - 6:00 pm            Craft Booths Open

10:00 am - 3:00 pm          Living History Encampment Open to Public

10:00 am - 10:50 am        McAtee Singers

11:00 am - 11:50 am         Acoustic Cross Roads

12:00 pm - 12:50 pm        Boo Boo The Clown and Basket Auction

1:00 pm - 1:50 pm            Iron Mountain Station

2:00 pm - 2:50 pm            Level Ground Ministries

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm            Buzzard Run

4:00 pm - 4:50 pm            String Circle

5:00 pm - 5:50 pm            Heartland Rhythm 

There will be special juggling performances by Kevin and Kris from Caseyville, IL throughout the event on both days.

For more information on this topic, please contact Park Ranger Andrew Jefferson by calling 573-222-8562 or email andrew.jefferson@usace.army.mil.

Note That Scheduled Activities Are Subject To Change.

Visitor Center Operating Hours:

7 Sep - 27 Oct 2013            Saturdays - Sundays Only     10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Upcoming Events:

14 Sep 2013                        Wappapello Outdoors Opportunities for Disabled Sportsmen (W.O.O.D.S.)

28 Sep 2013                        National Public Lands Day

29 Nov - 29 Dec 2013          Festival of Lights Christmas Auto Tour


Last Updated on September 05th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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The Image In the Mirror is a … SMILE!!
August 17th 2013 by Staff Writer
The Image In the Mirror is a … SMILE!!
Article Submitted by a
Radical Fan of the
ShowMe Times

Dexter, Missouri - A parking lot filled to capacity will often times create a question of “I wonder what is going on there?”  That would have certainly been the case if you passed by the Lighthouse Christian Center this morning as area residents arrived to be involved or be treated at the Lighthouse Dental Clinic mission.

The vision of a dental clinic came to the Lighthouse through many different paths, but the willingness of local professionals, ministers and lay people has taken a spark of hope and delivered in a grand fashion a ministry of smiles.

“One day a few years ago, I met a young lady that I had seen a complete change God had performed in her heart, explained Pastor Tim Russell.  “She would always hold her hand over her mouth as she spoke and at that moment I knew that God had a plan for me to help that young lady.”

As often found, Brother Tim Russell is one that always has a willingness to put his faith into action.  As the idea unfolded, Kevin DeArman quickly came onto the scene to assist to take the dream to a vision.  The vision has now become a full fledged ministry. 

Beginning the process in a small dental trailer that the team was blessed with from over in Kentucky, the ministry has now become a 10-chair clinic in the upstairs of Lighthouse Christian Center.  Darrin Thurston worked tirelessly with Pastor Tim as the previous “catch-all” storage area was transformed into a moderately modern dental clinic. 

/images/2012 Article Pics/Features/LHCC Dental Mid4.jpgA vision of this magnitude is a tremendous undertaking and becomes an all-consuming fever at points.  However, the vision of a clinic of this nature would never be fully realized without a the gracious gift of a strong team of dental professionals. 

Step by step, the vision of the dental clinic continued to expand as Dr. Bill Kane and his wife, Brenda, and Dr. Gary Riddle began to share their passion and love for others through their gifts and training.  And much like in the Scriptures as one begets another, the dental team began to grow with more dentists, more hygienists, more volunteers and more equipment.

“God has truly been a blessing to this ministry, and we give all the glory to Him for what we’ve been able to accomplish,” commented Kevin DeArman. 

You will quickly discover that if you are not being treated or working on the day of the dental clinic, you could be in the way.  The facilities are tight quarters as the crowd of over 200 individuals packed the Lighthouse facilities in need of dental work.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Features/LHCC Dental Mid1.jpgThe doors open early at Lighthouse Church on Dental Clinic Day, and the volunteers are ready to prepare breakfast and lunch for everyone.  The 5:00 AM arrival time is not uncommon as this dedicated team of cooks and helpers begins the process of cracking eggs, making gravy and biscuits and frying up the meat for the meal.

Happy smiles greet the patients as they arrive for the clinic.  Attendees go through a brief check-in process including an evaluation of needs and request for any prayer concerns. 

They sometimes say that “waiting is the hardest part”, but the wait is overshadowed by the sweet spirit of volunteers from throughout the community and Lighthouse Christian Center.  A group from the Gideon’s organization was on hand passing out New Testament Bibles, while others were simply available to fellowship and offer any assistance needed. 

Upstairs in the dental clinic, the care is churning and going strong as individuals are moved through the pre-services and then escorted to the clinic room upstairs.  A short wait later, the patients sits before a dental professional filled with joy, compassion and hope to deliver a smile back to the faces of those that attend.

/images/2012 Article Pics/Features/LHCC Dental Mid6.jpgThe vision has only begun at the Lighthouse Dental Clinic.  Many previous visitors comment that they have seen the facilities in the past but were not aware of the expansion to these new levels.  Things are changing rapidly with more plans in the wings.

“Currently, the primary focus is on extraction but we are working to literally put the smiles back on the faces of these people,” commented Darrin Thurston.  “There are methods of creating dentures quickly while individuals wait that we would like to make happen really soon.”

/images/2012 Article Pics/Features/LHCC Dental Mid2.jpgTo do that, the facilities will require an additional expansion at Lighthouse and Brother Tim has a plan. 

“We have already begun the process of an additional facility on the east side of our current building,” noted Pastor Russell.  “We are simply walking by faith knowing that if this ministry is to continue in that direction, God will provide a way for us to get there.”

There is a very special feeling that surrounds this sort of volunteerism and service to others.  It’s extremely contagious!  The experience alone of watching the passion of the dental professionals, the church members and community members that make this day possible speaks loud volumes to the scriptures that we are to “love one another”.    This is truly love put into action for the people of Southeast Missouri.

“The Image In The Mirror Is A … SMILE” might seem like an odd title for this article.  Consider the depth of that a smile reaches into the soul of a person.  Remember that God forgives all our sins, but many times, the tricky part is to forgive ourselves.  The mirror can sometimes be a subtle reminder of our past that Lighthouse Dental Clinic is transforming into smiles and hope for a better tomorrow.

A special thanks for the hospitality and kindness shown by the volunteers and staff to the ShowMe Times during our visit.  There are critical volunteers that have been omitted to this entire project that could and should be named in this article.  Thank you for all the time, love and effort your give to this great mission work.

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Last Updated on August 17th 2013 by Staff Writer

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The Moore Brothers of Dexter to Release CD
August 08th 2013 by Dee Loflin
The Moore Brothers of Dexter to Release CD

Written By Jill Temples

SMT Writer

Jonesboro, Arkansas- Dexter native Tim Moore admits that he doesn’t come from a family that is very musically inclined,but growing up he always wanted to play in the band.  Tim started playing the trumpet in fifth grade and has been heavily involved with music ever since. 

In October 2011 he founded a jazz/funk group named Caprice.  Caprice will hold a concert on August 17th to release their first album.  The concert will began at 7:30 p.m. and is being held at TheArts@311 located on 311 South Church Street Suite E in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Tim Moore, Brandon Moore, Matt Bounds, Alex Ditto, and Addison Boling are all members of the band and are residents from the surrounding area. Tim and Brandon Moore are brothers that have both recently graduated from Dexter High School.  Matt Bounds is from the Poplar Bluff area, Alex Ditto is from Hoxie, Arkansas, while Addison Boling comes from Jonesboro, Arkansas./images/CapriceAB.png

Tim claims the band first came together while all of the members except Brandon were attending Arkansas State University in 2011.  The band decided on the name Caprice because the term Caprice means a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action, which is a vivid description of jazz.  This was also one of Tim’s favorite pieces of music entitled Caprice no. 24 by Niccolo Paganini.

The CD has been a culmination of the past 2 ½ plus years the group has been together.  All of the songs are original tunes and were written by Tim with a majority of the songs written by Tim’s younger brother Brandon, a 2012 graduate of Dexter High School.


When asking Tim how he felt about playing in the band with his brother Brandon, Tim answered: “It is fun. Brandon is a great saxophone player so I wanted him to play with the band because he brings a lot to the table. He plays most every saxophone and he can play many different styles. It gives us more room to work with as a group and we can cover a larger spectrum musically. Also, since he is my brother I know him so well I can put him in a situation that best suits his skills, and he does the same for me. Being brothers definitely has helped the chemistry of the band progress faster. “

From Dusk til Dawn is the title of Caprice’s first album.  Larry Heyl is the producer of the album with Tim Moore being the co-producer.  Elizabeth Dryer completed all of the artwork for the album.


For anyone interested in purchasing a CD, they will be available on CD baby and iTunes for digital download. The cost of a CD will be $10.00. To purchase a CD email capricejazz5@gmail.com.  Live recordings are also available on the bandpage app to get a preview of the songs.

When asked about the future plans of the band after the CD release Tim commented: “The main motivation behind making the CD was to make a physical recollection of our hard work as a group over the past years. Brandon and I are going to be attending a different school in the fall so I don't know often we would get to play with the guys again. So we recorded a CD to preserve our time spent together and give our fans a part of that as well."

Join Caprice on Saturday, August 17th at TheArts@311 located on 311 South Church Street Suite E in Jonesboro, Arkansas to release their first album. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

Last Updated on August 08th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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