Local Schools
2024 DHS Homecoming Candidate Featuring Emma Pennington
September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin

The 2024 DHS Homecoming Coronation was held at Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, September 6th as the Dexter Bearcat Football Team took on the Sikeston Bulldogs defeating them 48-7.
Emma Pennington was nominated by the volleyball team and is a senior at Dexter High School. She is the daughter of Lindsay Holden and Bryan Pennington.
She is member of the track & field team and is the basketball cheer team captain as well as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCCLA, National Honor Society, Sr. Beta Club, and HOSA. Emma is also the fall Pep Club captain and Student Council Treasurer.
After graduation, she plans to attend a four year university and major in Special Education.
She is escorted by Chrisitiaan Wirz. He is a senior at Dexter High School and the son of Rick and Brandy Wirz.
He is on the varsity football team and the track & field team as well as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Future Farmers of America.
When asked to describe Emma, Christiaan said she is sweet, stunning, and eventful.
Last Updated on September 08th 2024 by Dee Loflin