Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield High School celebrated Lady Wildcats Basketball Senior Night on Thursday, February 10, 2022.
Abigail Conner is the daughter of Nathan and Brasley Conner and is a member of the varsity Lady Wildcats basketball team.
She is also a member of Pep Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, honor Choir, Student Council, FCS, Volleyball, and Cheer.
Her favorite high school memory was watching Mr. Upchurch play tetherball at FFA Camp the summer of her sophomore year. It was a sight to see she said.
Her future plans are to attend Three Rivers College - Poplar Bluff and pursue a career in nursing.
Photos by Shane Hull, Bloomfield High School student.

Dexter, MO - Dexter High School students have been accepted into the Southeast Missouri State University Student Art Exhibition.
"We are super proud of them," commented Stephanie Monroe, DHS art teacher.
The awarded ceremony will be Sunday, February 13, 2022. Their beautiful pieces can be viewed at the River Campus Museum.
The following students have be accepted into the Southeast Missouri State University Student Art Exhibition
-Rachel Lin- Mixed Media
-Emily Drews-Graphic Design
-Abigale Thompson-Graphic Design
-Kayleigh Bridges-Digital Art
-Caladan Parker, Abigale Thompson, Kayleigh Bridges, Emily Drews and Hannah Summer motion animation in Digital Art

Puxico, MO - Cole Barnfield, a junior at Puxico High School, was nominated by the faculty to represent PHS at the 81st Annual American Legion Boys State of Missouri.
When being considered for nomination to MO Boys State, one must hold top "qualities of leadership, character, and citizenship" amongst their peers.
While attending this convention, Cole will get to experience the operational and fundamental status of the American government for eight fun-filled days.
This year the conference will be held on June 11th - 13th in Warrensburg, Missouri.

Puxico, MO - Trevor Fortner, sophomore, was nominated to represent Puxico High School at the Sophomore Pilgrimage April 11th and 12th.
During that time he will be able to tour the Capitol, the Governor's Mansion, and several other Missouri landmarks in Jefferson City.
The General Federation of Women's Club sponsors the annual event.
Trevor exhibits strong citizenship, excellent leadership, excels in academics and is active in sports and various clubs offered at PHS.

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, Scott Kruse, T.S. Hill Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.
Thursday Feb 10 Winter Dance 6-8PM
Sunday Feb 13 Drama Dress Rehearsal-2-5PM
Monday Feb 14 8th Grade Tour of PB Technical School Bus 8:15AM
Tuesday Feb 15 Drama Presentation for SW/Central
Thursday Feb 17 Drama Presentation for MS
Drama Presentation for public 6PM HS Auditorium
Monday Feb 21 NO School
Tuesday Feb 22 PD Day - NO Students
Thursday Feb 24 Choir Concert - MS 6:00PM
Monday Feb 28 VBall vs. Bernie 5:30 1st Game of the Season at HOME