Dexter Choir students competed in the All-district Choir auditions on September 24, 2021.
Mrs. Jamie Sepulvado, DHS Choir Director is proud to announce that there were 24 students making the choir in grades 9th-12th.
9th/10th grade students pictured are:
First row left to right - Ty Carmode, Audrey Culp, Sophia James, Kati Carrillo, Kaylie Cook
Second row - Ryan Kaufman, Layton Shafer, Reanna Laden, Adeline Prance
Third row - Carson Williams, Kaden Lirely, Landon Jarrell, Corbin Williams, Luke Gentry
Photo provided by DHS Yearbook Staff.

Poplar Bluff, MO - An alumna returned to Poplar Bluff Schools, not long after she graduated at the top of her class, to speak with the Junior High design and modeling class about her experiences thus far studying engineering.
Valedictorian and student body president of the PBHS Class of 2019, Sophie Rowland, who served as guest speaker on Thursday, Sept. 29, is a junior at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla and works for Proterra, an electric vehicle technology manufacturer.
“All engineers have one objective, and it’s to solve problems,” Rowland told the class, which included exploring careers students for part of the school day. She broke down the different branches of engineering, noting that she works as a system engineer, “designing processes to be more efficient.”
Following a short presentation, Rowland led a group exercise that involved constructing a boat out of a 6-by-6 inch piece of aluminum foil using a single pair of scissors. The team with the structure that holds the greatest number of pennies without sinking in a tub of water won a treat.
Instructor Jodie Berry’s team “taco” led the challenge during third hour, with 111 pennies. Eighth grader Bryant Miller explained that their victorious strategy was to make the sides of the structure the most compact. “We kept packing [the tinfoil] in and packing it in,” he commented, speculating that if they doubled up on layering the bottom of the boat as well, the boat could hold even more coins.
When the class reconvened to analyze the experiment, Rowland revealed that the top team created a boat with the highest surface area to distribute the weight. During the Q&A portion of the lecture afterward, Rowland advocated for the engineering career field, comparing the salary range to that of a doctor, without the additional years of post-graduate schooling.
She will complete her engineering degree in just four years, and then take the principles and practice of engineering exam in order to be declared a professional. Part of the Missouri S&T program is to complete an engineering co-op, and Rowland has ambitiously landed apprenticeships at C.E. Norton Construction & Plumbing, Hunter Engineering Company and her most recent job.
Serving as project manager, helping to build battery-powered buses, Rowland shared how Poterra makes the only bus in the world fabricated entirely out of composite material so the lightweight, aerodynamic vehicle can travel further. She worked full time at the South Carolina operation over the summer, she said, when the fifth-generation bus was released.
“I wish I had something like this when I was in school – even at the high school level,” Rowland later observed of the new Project Lead the Way elective, which is one of three Gateway courses offered this year. She said she was just fortunate to connect with local engineers to gain some initial exposure in the field.
According to Berry, the PLTW design and modeling class will continue to expose the students to as many STEM-related careers—in science, technology, engineering and math—as possible. The next guest speaker lined up will be an orthotist.
Pictured: Sophie Rowland of the PBHS Class of 2019 shows PLTW design and modeling students a picture of an electric bus she helped build.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director,Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board of Education met on September 28, 2021 at 6 p.m. in a regularly scheduled meeting.
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members, with Mr. Jon Thompson being absent and Mr. Aaron Mathis arriving late. The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Public Comments: Ms. Sandra Barnes was present for comments. These comments were moved to executive session since she was discussing a personal situation.
Old Business:
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
A. The board was made aware of upcoming election dates and the scheduled usage of the BEC.
B. The board was presented with the MCE August policy update. The following policies were addressed:
Policy 0320-School Board Elections-Adoption is mandatory. The timeframe for the candidate to file is shortened. There is a prohibition of district funds for ballot elections. The district officials may legally issue press releases and personal approval related to ballot issues. Policy-0324-Filling Board Vacancies-Adoption is mandatory. The change here requires individuals appointed to fill a board vacancy to meet the same requirements as a person filing for elected board positions in terms of age, and current tax status. Policy-0430-Executive Sessions-No board action is required. The policy is reorganized in language. The change simply directs citizens to the specific categories of closed records.
Policy & Regulation-1450-Public Access to District Documents-No board action is required. The policy is reorganized in language. The statutory subsection for each category of closed records are assigned. Policy 2420-Recording of Meetings-Adoption is mandatory. This policy reflects legislative changes allowing parents and guardians to tape record meetings held under the IDEA and Section 504 including but not limited to the IEP meeting.
Policy 2710-Reporting Student Abuse-Adoption is mandatory. This legislative enactment necessitating this update provides that the status of a student as an unaccompanied youth is and of itself, not the basis for a report of abuse or neglect.
Policy & Form-2770-Seclusion & Restraint-Adoption is mandatory.
This policy reflects recent legislation that restricts the use of restraint and seclusion. This policy also reflects newly mandated training, notice, and reporting. This goes into effect on July 1, 2022. Policy-4120-Employment Procedures-Adoption is recommended. The only change in this policy is the change of name of identity of the registry for background checks.
Policy & Regulation-4320-Personnel Leave-Adoption is mandatory. This policy and regulation merely lists domestic/sexual violence victim leave as one of the several types of leave available to employees. The leave provisions for military service have also been changed to harmonize the differences in federal and state law.
Policy & Regulation 4322-Domestic/Sexual Violence Victim Leave-Adoption is mandatory-New legislation requires districts to provide unpaid leave for employees who become victims of domestic/sexual violence. It also provides unpaid leave for absence due to domestic/sexual violence suffered by employees’ family or household members.
Policy 4867-Lactation Accommodation-Adoption is mandatory. This policy is necessitated by recent legislation. Districts must provide specific facilities and the time for lactating employees and students to use the lactation rooms. The policy is not effective until July 1, 2022, but MCE recommends preparation now to plan for and identify the required facilities.
C. The board approved the paper bid for Osbourne. The cost for 840 cases is $24,780.
D. The board approved the local special education compliance plan.
Discussion Items:
The following items were discussed with the board:
A. Building board reports were shared for Southwest Elementary, Central Elementary, T.S. Hill Middle School, and Dexter High School.
B. The monthly nursing report was shared with the board.
C. The superintendent’s report was shared with the board and can be found below:
Superintendent Report - September 2021
Current Enrollment: 2069
District ADA: 95.59%
Since school began our numbers of students/staff placed in quarantine have remained consistent. The lowest number we’ve had quarantined has been 39 and the highest number has been 61. The daily average has been 52. Schools are consistently implementing our mitigating measures and adhering to guidance from the Stoddard County Health Department/DHSS/and CDC.
September Financial Payments:
Basic Formula:
The payment this month was based on the current data for FY 21-22, 20-21, and 19-20 WADA. September’s payment was: $569,026.00.
Classroom Trust Fund:
Payment was calculated using the school year 2020-21 ADA. Our payment was: $74,060.07.
Proposition C:
Payment was based on FY 2020-21 WADA. Due to technical difficulties DESE was unable to implement the necessary changes to comply with 163.021 RSMo (whenever there has existed within the district an infectious disease, epidemic, plague or similar condition whereby the school attendance is substantially reduced for an extended period in any school year, the appropriation of school funds and all other distribution of school moneys shall be made on the basis of the school year next preceding the year in which such condition existed), but they are planning to implement those changes in the upcoming months. Once implemented all payments will be adjusted to ensure the LEA is paid the correct year-to-date amount. Our September payment was: $214,154.35.
The September payment was based on the June 2021 transportation data and the fiscal year 20-21 transportation appropriation. The payment was $11,508.00
MARE Refresher board training video for 2021-2022 was sent out in an email. The video will also be shown at 4:30 p.m. in the boardroom prior to the meeting. Remember this training is an annual requirement.
MARE has the following trainings available for New board members (Jon Thompson & Aaron Mathis):
Lake Ozark, MO – The Lodge of the Four Seasons (Conference)
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 (12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m.)
Thursday, October 21, 2021 (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
Lake Ozark, MO - The Lodge of the Four Seasons (Deadline to register - November 19th!)
Friday, December 10, 2021 (12:00 noon-6:00 p.m.)
Saturday, December 11, 2021 (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
The district will take care of your lodging accommodations.
Food Service:
DESE is providing meals free of charge for the students through the SSO program. This includes both breakfast and lunch. Chartwells and our food service staff continue to do an excellent job providing healthy and delicious meals for students and staff members.
Missouri Assessment Program:
DESE released preliminary statewide MAP data earlier this month. District and building level data will be shared publicly later this fall. Because the 20-21 MAP tests were taken under unprecedented circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Board of Education voted in December to waive the results for state and federal accountability purposes. DESE cautions districts about making blanket comparisons to previous years’ scores.
Statewide Participation Rate: Exceeded 90%
Mode of instruction for students who participated:
Onsite: 51%
Virtual: 10%
Distanced: 8%
Hybrid: 31%
Statewide advanced and proficient performance levels:
ELA: 45%
Math: 35%
Science: 37%
On August 27th, a MO School Board Member, Mary Schrag visited the district. We had the opportunity to talk regarding several educational topics and she took a tour of our beautiful facilities.
Bearcat Badging:
Since starting the Bearcat Badging system of professional development, staff members have earned 723 badges. Employees have earned badges for required training from our insurance company, Google badges, badges for assessment tools, educational applications, etc. Thank you to Mr. Boles, Mrs. Chamberlain, and the PDC committee for creating this program, promoting it amongst our staff, and working hard for it to have a successful start this school year.
I’d like to recognize our two School Resource Officers, Officer Dwain Forshee and Officer Jacob Garcia. These two gentlemen are doing a wonderful job in our schools. They are working to support and facilitate the educational process within the school by providing a safe and secure environment through building and establishing meaningful relationships with students and staff members. They have diverse roles such as mentoring, creating partnerships, building relationships, and ensuring school safety. We are so appreciative of all they do on the Dexter campus.
In Closed Session:
The board approved the hiring of the following substitute teachers for the
21-22 school year:
Lauren Baugh
Lauren Brown
Shawn Cook
Alexis May
Kathy Sturgess
Toni Wheetley
Delaney Simmons
2. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 21-22 school year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification:
James Deberry-Head Track Coach.
Lee Mooy-Maintenance/Bus Driving
3. The board approved the following resignations/retirements for the 2021-2022 school year:
Andrew Teel - Paraprofessional DHS.
Ben Beecher - Bus Driver/Maintenance.
Terry Williams - Bus Driver.
Summer McGowan - Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Barb Long - Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
Belinda Delay - Retirement at the conclusion of the 21-22 school year.
James Sneed - Retirement on June 30, 2022.
4. The following items were discussed with the board:
Smart sensors
Advertising for bus drivers
Legal Update
Advertising for paraprofessionals
School based counselor and/or therapist
Boys & Girls Club
Items at the Conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time

Dexter High School - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Dexter High School Asst. Principal Melissa Hahn for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com
October 4th - October 10th, 2021
Monday 10-4-21
JV/V Volleyball at Puxico, 6:00 pm, bus 5:00
JV Football vs. Portageville at home, 5:30 pm
Varsity Girls Tennis at Team District Tournament, TBD
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Tuesday 10-5-21
JV/V Volleyball at Doniphan, 5:30 pm, bus4:00
Band at Sikeston Marching Festival, bus 10:30 am
Varsity Girls Tennis at Team District Tournament, TBD
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Wednesday 10-6-21
FFA at Semo Field Day, bus 7:45 am
FAFSA Night, 5:00 pm, DHS Cafeteria
Varsity Girls Tennis at Team District Tournament, TBD
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Thursday 10-7-21
JV/V Volleyball vs. Poplar Bluff at home, 5:30 pm - HITS FOR HOPE
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Friday 10-8-21
HOSA/Red Cross Blood Drive, 8:30 am-2:30 pm, BEC Lobby
Varsity Football at Kennett, 7:00 pm, bus 4:00 pm
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Saturday 10-9-21
Cross Country at SCAA Conference Meet / Bloomfield, bus 7:45 am
Band at SEMMEA Marching Festival / Sikeston, bus 7:00 am
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Sunday 10-10-21
Fall Choir Concert at 3:00 pm in Auditorium
FBLA - Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.
Monday Oct 4 GBB vs. NMCC 5:30
Tuesday Oct 5 GBB vs. Doniphan 5:30
Thursday Oct 7 GBB vs. Holcomb 5:30
FB vs. Scott City 5:00
Saturday Oct 9 Stoddard County CC Meet TBA
Monday Oct 11 GBB vs. Woodland 6:00/4:15 Bus
Tuesday Oct 12 Middle School Choir Concert 6:00
Thursday Oct 14 CC-SEMO Conference Meet 5:00
GBB vs. NVille 5:30
Talent Search-6-7-8th Hours
Friday Oct 15 Last Day of 1st Quarter
Saturday Oct 16 CC @ Farmington 12:00/8:45 Bus
Monday Oct 18 GBB vs. Jackson 5:30
Tuesday Oct 19 GBB @ Bluff 5:00/3:45 Bus
Thursday Oct 21 PD Day-NO Students
Friday Oct 22 NO School
Saturday Oct 23 CC @ HOME 11:00
Monday Oct 25 GBB vs. Sikeston 5:30
Tuesday Oct 26 GBB @ Cape 4:30/3:00 Bus
Thursday Oct 28 BB @ Bernie 6:00