Dexter High School held their annual awards assembly on Tuesday, May 11th at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Dexter High School ELA Award was presented by teacher, Rilee Jones.
The 2021 ELA Award went to Layne Medler.

Dexter High School held their annual awards assembly on Tuesday, May 11th at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Dexter High School Choir Award was presented by teacher, Jamie Sepulvado.
The 2021 Choir Award went to Mattilyn Williams.

Dexter High School held their annual awards assembly on Tuesday, May 11th at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Dexter High School CCE Award was presented by teacher, Shelly Culp.
The 2021 CCE Award went to Alanie Lacy.

Dexter High School held their annual awards assembly on Tuesday, May 11th at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Dexter High School Business Award was presented by teacher, Sharon Guy.
The 2021 Business Award went to Keller Hatton.

Dexter High School held their annual awards assembly on Tuesday, May 11th at the Bearcat Event Center.
The Dexter High School Boys Boys Weightlifting Award was presented by teacher, Aaron Pixley.
The 2021 Boys Weightlifting Award went to Tristan Bryant.