Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met for a regular meeting on March 23, 2001 at 6 p.m. The Regular Board Meeting Notes from Superintendent Amy James are below.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members. Six members of the board were present, with Mr. Morse being absent. The board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
5. Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
6. Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
7. New Business:
A. The board approved the purchase of a 3rd bus from Midwest Transit Equipment at the cost of $99,980.
B. The board approved the 2021-2022-Dexter High School course scheduling handbook.
8. Discussion Items:
The following items were discussed with the board:
A. 2021 Municipal Election Date: April 6th, the BEC will be used as a polling place.
B. Principal’s Reports
C. Nurse’s Report
D. Superintendent’s Report
E. Next Regular Board Meeting is April 20, 2021.
In Closed Session:
The board approved the following substitutes for the 20-21 school year:
Whitney Grubbs
Ashlee Mathias