Bernie, MO - Bernie Elementary will "Countdown to Christmas" with a dress-up week December 14th - 18th.
Monday, December 14th - Christmas Head to Toe Day - Wear hats and socks!! Get into the Christmas spirit.
Tuesday, December 15th - Christmas Sweater Day - Wear ugly or pretty sweaters!
Wednesday, December 16th - Quarantine Christmas Day - Sweats or PJs - Come comfy!
Thursday, December 17th - Fleece and Flannel Day - Soft and cozy!
Friday, December 18th - Christmas Pajama Day - Wear your favorite PJs!

Poplar Bluff High School students recently learned about STEM opportunities available through the U.S. Army during a special visit from the Mobile Exhibit Company.
JROTC cadets as well as other classes were led through situation, mission, and the research and development rooms of the trailer, called ‘Adventure Semi 7,’ as they were informed about the Army’s role in medical innovations and navigation technology.
Examples of such technologies originally developed for or by the armed forces used by civilians today “for the betterment of society,” according to recruiters, include tissue regeneration, yellow fever vaccination and GPS for services like Google Maps.
“One constant in the Army, and military across the board for that matter, is technological advancements,” stated Maj. Greg Crites, PBHS senior Army instructor. “We’ve been on the forefront over the last 25 plus years, dating back to Desert Shield/Desert Storm in the 1990s really.”
Students learned about a robot that will be capable of leaping known as SARAH, or search and rescue autonomous hardware, with a hover drone attached to it so soldiers can avoid entering certain hazardous situations. Finally the high schoolers had a chance to complete a simulated mission utilizing components of science, technology, engineering and math.
The U.S. Army Mission Support Battalion typically visits larger urban population centers, but since some schools are learning virtually because of the pandemic, PBHS was able to sign up, according to organizers.
Pictured: Students play a video game navigating SARAH through a simulated disaster on Tuesday, Nov. 24, in the JROTC wing of PBHS.
Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield Wildcats are ready for the holiday spirit!! Each day beginning Monday, December 14th - Friday, December 18th they will host dress up days. If you have a business in Bloomfield and want to participate have your employees join in on the fun!! Take a photo and send to the ShowMe Times and I will glad to get it posted! It's time for the Christmas Cheer!!!
Monday, December 14th - Reindeer vs Elf - Dress up like a reindeer or elf
Tuesday, December 15th - Favorite Christmas Character - Dress up as your favorite Christmas character
Wednesday, December 16th - Christmas PJ's - Dress up in your festive Christmas jammies!
Thursday, December 17th - Holiday Sparkle - Dress up in holiday glitter, sparkles, & bling!
Friday, December 18th - Ugly Christmas Sweater - Dress up in your most "festive" holiday sweater!

Poplar Bluff Junior High generated 9,025 canned goods last month for St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, helping to sustain the nonprofit for the entire year, volunteers say.
While the food drive predates the school’s house system, community service projects have become more competitive under the recent structure, according to Principal Candace Warren, who made note that each student brought in an average of 13 non-perishables.
Named after the legendary Three Rivers College Raiders Basketball coach Gene Bess, returning victor House Bess brought in the most cans with 3,347, followed by 3,090 items raised by House Giambelluca, in honor of Poplar Bluff Sports Hall of Fame founder Sam Giambelluca.
Asked if the faculty members have been working to outdo one another, House Bess representative Aaron Duncan replied: “They’ve gotten competitive. We’ve been busy winning.” The key to success, explained the social studies teacher, is a high participation rate, with 72 percent of his students contributing, or 83 out of 115
“I always tell them that we win with humility and we lose with integrity, because the cause is bigger here,” said Duncan, in all seriousness. “No one’s losing anything, because [regardless], we’re gonna feed someone who needs, say, vegetables.”
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry distributes 12,000 non-perishable food items to Butler County residents in need each year, according to volunteer Merlin DeWitt. The school’s friendly competition has led to the operation’s largest single donation “by far,” he commented.
Last year, Junior High donated 6,677 non-perishables and in 2018 – 5,700. The top two houses of six will receive pizza parties, and the total points earned go toward an end-of-the-semester field trip for the overall winner
The canned food drive is organized by the PBJHS social studies department, under the lead of Melinda Moncier, who is a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, which oversees the food pantry. Located on Broadway Street, St. Vincent de Paul also runs a thrift store.
Eighth grader David Williams joins his schoolmates in loading up canned goods for St. Vincent de Paul on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at PBJHS.
(Left to right) PBJHS teacher Kathy Pattillo, Principal Candace Warren, teacher Melinda Moncier, St. Vincent volunteer Merlin DeWitt, and teachers Lyndsee Moon, Emily Padilla, Aaron Duncan and Josh Wesemann pose beside the trailer.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Bernie R-XIII School District - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future! If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com
Monday, December 7
HS Basketball-Bernie JV Tournament - 4:00 pm
Scholar Bowl home vs Bell City 6 pm
Tuesday, December 8
HS Basketball at Bernie against Clarkton - 6:00
Thursday, December 10
Bernie Science Fair 6 p.m.
MoDot Bridge Competition
Saturday, December 12
Band @ New Madrid parade 5 pm