Local Schools

Bernie R-XIII School District Weekly Activities December 7th - 13th
December 07th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Bernie R-XIII School District Weekly Activities December 7th - 13th

Bernie R-XIII School District - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities.  The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future! If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com


Monday, December 7 

HS Basketball-Bernie JV Tournament - 4:00 pm

Scholar Bowl home vs Bell City 6 pm

Tuesday, December 8

HS Basketball at Bernie against Clarkton - 6:00

Thursday, December 10

Bernie Science Fair 6 p.m.

MoDot Bridge Competition

Saturday, December 12

Band @ New Madrid parade 5 pm

Last Updated on December 07th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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