Dexter High School - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Dexter High School principal, Alana Dowdy, and DHS Asst. Principal Melissa Hahn for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com
Monday 10-26-2020
FCCLA Fundraiser
Class 3 - District 1 Volleyball Tournament at BEC
Dexter vs. Kennett at 6:00 pm
Tuesday 10-27-2020
FCCLA Fundraiser
Class 3 - District 1 Volleyball Tournament at BEC
Championship Match at 6:00 pm
Wednesday 10-28-2020
FCCLA Fundraiser
Thursday 10-29-2020
FCCLA Fundraiser
Flick on the Field hosted by STUCO, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday 10-30-2020
FCCLA Fundraiser
Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center - Not in Session
Varsity Football - District One Round One, Away TBD
Saturday 10-31-2020
District Cross Country Meet at Arcadia Valley, bus 8:30 am
Sunday 11-01-2020
No Scheduled Activities
* Tuesday, November 3rd - AMI Day / General Election

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met on October 20, 2020. Below are the notes from that meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge:
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members as present, and then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
Old Business:
There was no old business during this meeting.
New Business:
A. The board approved the 19-20 audit presented by Patrick Kintner.
B. The board approved the 20-21 budget amendments for the month of October.
C. The board approved bus routes for the 20-21 school year presented by Gavin Miller.
D. The board approved the 20-21 assessment plan presented by Laura Stone.
E. The board approved the 19-20 A+ program report presented by Laura Stone.
F. The board approved the local compliance plan for special education presented by Jessica Lambert.
G. The board approved change order #3 for the remaining construction projects. This included window tinting for the high school and plaques to be placed in the new buildings.
H. The board approved changes to the 20-21 school calendar. Three full days will be changed to three-½ days of student attendance. This will be used for collaborative PD and virtual instructional planning for teachers. The dates of these early release days are: 1/29, 3/11, 4/1.

Poplar Bluff, MO - Free dinner meals are being served either to go or on-site after school beginning today, in a district-led food service effort to reach more students.
Poplar Bluff’s food service director, Dixie Harden of Chartwells, has been making arrangements with principals since September in order for her staff to accommodate the specific needs of each building.
Early Childhood, Eugene Field, Lake Road, Oak Grove and Junior High students will receive bagged meals to go, while students participating in after-school activities such as clubs, sports or latch-key at Kindergarten, O’Neal, Middle School and High School will have an option to eat their meals on-site.
“Meal participation rates have been down tremendously, and this is a way to meet a need for both our students and the community,” stated Dr. Amy Jackson, R-I assistant superintendent of business
The district’s participation rate has been impacted by students quarantined due to contact tracing. In addition, about 15 percent of the population had enrolled in the Poplar Bluff Virtual Academy for the first quarter. The virtual learners have also been given the option to pick up meals at one of the district’s three curbside sites: O’Neal, Middle School or the High School.
The United States Department of Agriculture has issued a series of waivers under the federal nutrition assistance program, and recently announced that free meals for students, grades preK-12, will be extended through the end of the school year to help combat hunger during the public health emergency.
“There are a lot of people still struggling, I mean really struggling, and I don’t want our kids to go hungry, basically,” Harden explained. “Amy’s helped and Dr. Scott Dill," superintendent, "is always on board, when it comes to feeding kids; it's just imperative that we do."
For more information about dinner services, contact the individual school building, or call Chartwells at 573-785-0486.
Pictured: O’Neal Elementary students participating in Boys and Girls Club or latch-key line up for dinner when the after-school meal service was first introduced at select sites one year ago.
Photo and article by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Dexter, MO - The 2020 Miss DHS was announced on Thursday, October 22nd. Due to COVID-19 each candidate was presented and escorted in front of their parents and the high school students at Charles Bland Stadium.
MeKenzie Yount was crowned 2020 Miss DHS.
2020 second alternate is Mikayla Dodson.
2020 first alternate is Chloe Thurmon.
Pictured from left to right: Chloe thurmon, MeKenzie Yount, and Mikayla Dodson.

Dexter, MO - The 2020 Miss DHS was announced on Thursday, October 22nd. Due to COVID-19 each candidate was presented and escorted in front of their parents and the high school students at Charles Bland Stadium.
Crowning Miss DHS 2020 is Delaney Lemmon. She is Miss DHS 2019.
Delaney is the daughter of Shannon Lemmon and JJ Lemmon.
She is a freshman at Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau where she is majoring in elementary education.
Delaney is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, the Red Cross Club, and the Christian Outreach Organization.
Her future plans are to become a second grade teacher.
Her escort is Seth Malloy. He is the son of Bucky and Deanna Malloy.
He describes Delaney as faithful, beautiful, and selfless.