Bloomfield R-14 School District Closure Communication
March 16, 2020
Dear Families and Staff:
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting unique challenges to the world community. Although our area counties have no known COVID-19 cases, we have made the decision—with the recommendations of local health authorities—to close our schools to safeguard the health and wellness of our students and staff, decrease the burden on the healthcare system, and protect the most vulnerable in our community.
Bloomfield R-14 School District will be closed beginning this Wednesday, March 18, 2020. We are in uncharted territory while planning for the spread of COVID-19. It is difficult to predict where we will be in two days, much less two weeks from now. With that being said, we tentatively plan on welcoming students back on April 6, 2020. We appreciate your understanding and will continue to monitor the ever-changing situation. If that date changes, we will communicate all updates with our families.
Our decision was made after consultation with local health officials about the need to practice social distancing and to limit gatherings of large groups in order to decrease the risk to our most vulnerable populations as well as reduce the burden on the healthcare system. Our decision aligns with similar actions being taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by our neighboring school districts.
Although we know that this will create a hardship for many of us, we are now at the point where the closure of our schools is the best decision to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our students, families, and employees healthy. During the break, we will be performing cleaning and disinfecting above and beyond our established practices at all schools and district offices.
At this time, all athletics and activities will be halted beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020. We will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, the school district will run a pick up/to go breakfast and lunch bags which will be free to all students. We are currently working on the details such as time and location and will communicate that information to you by the end of this week.
We know that you have many questions, and we will do our best to address your concerns. We are working on how to address questions and concerns and will continue to keep you informed. We appreciate your patience and support as we move forward together.
Toni Hill
Superintendent of Schools