Dexter, Missouri - There will be a Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair for all ages from preschool to adult in the Southwest Gym on Tuesday, June 5th and Wednesday June 6th.
On Tuesday the hours are from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Join them in the fun with a Harry Potter Anniversary theme and pick up some great books at great prices.
All proceeds will support the Dexter PTO and all of Dexter School Libraries.
Don't miss out!!!

Dexter, Missouri - A Teachers Retirement Tea was hosted in the Bearcat Event Center in Dexter for retiring staff.
Dr. Michele Williams came to Dexter in 2015 to fill the position of Curriculum Director at the administration level.
She retires with 29 years in education, three at Sikeston, nine at Scott City and 14 as principal at Chaffee Elementary.
She earned her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Eduction from Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau in 1989 with a minor in Math.
She obtained her Masters in Administration in 1998 and her Specialist Degree in 2004. She received her Doctorate in 2014.
Congratulations Dr. Williams!

Dexter, Missouri - A Teachers Retirement Tea was hosted in the Bearcat Event Center in Dexter for retiring staff.
Tania Reiker graduated from Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau.
She earned her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education/Exceptional Child in 1984 and her Masters in Education from Southwest Baptist.
She has spend 20 of her 25 years teaching at Dexter.
Congratulations Mrs. Reiker!

Dexter, Missouri - A Teachers Retirement Tea was hosted in the Bearcat Event Center in Dexter for retiring staff.
Teresa Kapelski graduated from Southeast Missouri State University with a BS in Education, majoring in Spanish with a minor in French.
She has taught at Dexter High School since 1992. Twenty-six of her twenty-seven years teaching has been in a classroom at Dexter.
Congratulations Mrs. Kapelski!

Dexter, Missouri - Marianne Bruce graduated from Southwest Baptist University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in biology and then earned her Masters in Education from Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau.
She taught high school science at Portageville, Risco and Richland before coming to Dexter in 2013. She is retiring with over 30 years of classroom experience.
Congratulations Mrs. Bruce on your retirement!