Local Schools
Bloomfield School Board Meeting Minutes - April 2018
April 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

The Bloomfield School board met for the regular April board meeting. Several 2nd grade students presented their inventor projects to the board.
The board secretary, Vince Lockhart, swore in the new elected/re-elected board members Scott Gibbs and Brad Warner.
John Newell served 9 years prior to his retirement off the board.
The board then elected officers: President Louise Causey, Vice President Trevor Pulley, Secretary Vince Lockhart, and Treasurer Scott Gibbs.
The board approved:
1. to solicit bids for the district auditor;
2. solicit RFPs for Construction Manangement Agency;
3. a resolution of intent of reimbursement.
In executive session, the board approved:
1. Thomas Zych as substitute bending background check and proper paperwork
2. Resignation of Marcia Eggimann at the end of the 17-18 school year
3. Resignation of Belissa Durham effective Nov 1, 2018
4. Daniel McCoy as HS Counselor for 18-19 school year
5. Kathy Faries as HS English Teacher for 18-19 school year
6. Bethany Chrisian as Elementary Teacher for 18-19 school year
7. Charity Busby as Elemetary Teacher for 18-19 school year
8. Classified staff fo 18-19 school year - list attached
9. Some Extra- Duty assignments for 18-19 school year
2017-18 Stipend
Board of Education
Secretary Belissa Durham
Activities Director Brandon Crook
Tournament Director Jason Karnes
HS Boys Head Coach Brandon Crook
HS Boys Asst Coach Jon Simpher
HS Girls Head Coach Louis Bell
HS Girls Asst Coach Natalie Manes
MS Boys Head Coach Travis Westbrook
MS Boys Asst Coach Brandon Crook
MS Girls Head Coach Louis Bell
MS Girls Asst Coach Sarah Moore
ES Boys Head Coach Travis Westbrook
ES Girls Head Coach Sarah Moore
HS Head Coach Haley Silman
HS Asst Coach Che Jones
MS Head Coach Che Jones
MS Asst Coach Amy Battles
ES Head Coach Julie Dodd
HS Head Coach Jon Simpher
HS Asst Coach Matt Foster
MS Head Coach Matthew Kohm
MS Asst. Coach Jon Simpher
HS Fall Head Jon Simpher
HS Fall Asst. Matt Foster
HS Head Coach Charlotte Phillips
HS Asst Coach Sabrina Skaggs
HS Coach Travis Westbrook
Cross Country
Head Coach (MS/HS/Co-Ed) Matthew Kohm
Assistant Coach Brent Shipman
HS Head Coach Che Jones
MS Head Coach Charlotte Phillips
Beta Club
HS Lead Sponsor Sara Holloway
HS Asst Sponsor Lori Vaughn
MS Lead Sponsor Erica Berry
MS Asst. Sponsor Heather White
Scholastic Meet
MS Declamation Debbie Shafer
MS General Academics Brandi Massey
MS Math Kara Thompson
MS Science Sabra Mayberry
MS Spelling Brandi Massey
MS English Erica Berry
MS History Debbie Shafer
ES Science Charlotte Phillips
ES Social Studies April Cox
ES Spelling April Cox
ES Math Ashley Schurenberg
ES English Heather Vaughn
HS Quiz Bowl John Hester/Lisa Pulley
HS Speech & Debate Brent Shipman
Student Council
HS Sponsor Kerri Lanpher
MS Sponsor Kara Thompson
National History Day
Middle School Natalie Manes
High School Matthew Kohm
FBLA Sponsor - Lead Haley Silman
FCCLA Sponsor Penny Lipe
FFA Advisor Chad Upchurch
Prom Coordinator Heather Mayo
Yearbook Coordinator Haley Silman
Vocal Music Coordinator Terrie Rose
Instrumental Music Coord. Suzanne Helle
Title I Coordinator Cheryl Mayo
After School Tutoring Various Staff $25/hr
Last Updated on April 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin