Local Schools

3D Projector Brings Lessons to Life
September 08th 2017 by Dee Loflin
3D Projector Brings Lessons to Life
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Observing blood travel through a beating heart, dissecting a diamondback rattlesnake and assembling an automobile engine are all possibilities in a 3D learning environment that is being simulated for students through new technology.

A 3DAV rover, valued at over $14,000, was delivered this month to the Poplar Bluff Middle after a string of grants and donations were secured by the STEM department, which stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

“If kids didn’t have to come to your classroom, would they?” This is a driving question STEM teacher Cody Young often asks himself. While it is difficult to take a student body of 1,200 on a field trip, he noted, virtual reality has made these experiences possible.

The rover is a portable 3D projector and theater system built inside a wheeled AV cart, according to the website of Vizitech USA, which was founded by a retired brigadier general for the U.S. Army before he expanded the business to education. The holoprojected images are transmitted into the classroom through active glasses students are supplied 

At the end of last school year, Young landed a 50/50 grant through the Georgia-based company’s nonprofit foundation, Tek4Teachers. His former colleague Keri Jameson, now an instructional coach at Junior High, also wrote a successful grant for $1,500 through the Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation. The remaining funds came from a business donation by Whitworth’s Gift Chest Jewelers, the Parent Teacher Organization, and individual solicitations collected by the Student Council.

“Mr. Young has done a great job in bringing together community and school to show the importance and value of what the rover can do and how it will benefit our students,” said Dr. Brad Owings, Middle School principal. “This piece of equipment, along with the software, allows students opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t have.”

While the technology complements the 3D printer, Bloxel video game builders and Sphero robotic toys that are utilized to teach STEM concepts, Young says the mobility of the cart will allow the unit to be checked out to all Middle School classrooms. The rover comes with over 3,000 lessons broken down by grade level strand, according to the instructor, who believes it will help improve MAP test scores.

“This is how kids learn,” Young stated. “It brings lessons to life in a way books can’t, and increases their understanding about topics they’re learning.”

Pictured: Students (from left) James Gambill, Braden Belknap, Bryce Millner, Molly Maurer, Ian Pierce and Ava Kingree, and STEM teacher Cody Young stand behind the rover, sporting special 3D glasses.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on September 08th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Honor Guard Teaches Flag Etiquette
September 07th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Honor Guard Teaches Flag Etiquette

Bloomfield, Missouri - A big thank you goes out to our fourth grade boys, the Stoddard County Honor Guard,  and Mrs. Skaggs.

Two members of the Honor Guard, Brad Williams (Army Veteran) and Mike Williams (Air Force Veteran) trained volunteers from fourth grade on flag etiquette and protocol.  

These boys are responsible for raising and retiring the United States flag and Missouri flag every day. 

Photo by Heather Mayo

Last Updated on September 07th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Bernie Positive Office Referrals Pre-School and Kindergarten
September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Positive Office Referrals Pre-School and Kindergarten

Bernie, Missouri - Kellie Owens, Bernie R-12 School District has announced the students who received Positive Office Referrals for week August 28, 2017

Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.

Kamden Hartline is in Mrs. Beaird’s class. Kamden was referred by Mrs. Garner.  Mrs. Garner referred Kamden for using great manners and holding the door open.

Paisley Roberts is a Kindergarten student in Mrs. Mayberry’s class.

Mrs. Bennett referred Paisley for being kind to another student during library.

Kasen Blevins is a Kindergarten student in Mrs. Mayberry’s class. Mrs. Williams referred Kasen for being helpful and kind to a student and trying to make him feel better.

Maddox Williams is a preschool student in Mrs. Dowdy’s class. Mrs. Dowdy referred Maddox for being responsible and pushing in everyone’s chair without being asked.

Last Updated on September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Rotary Club Awards Scholarship to Poplar Bluff Resident
September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Rotary Club Awards Scholarship to Poplar Bluff Resident
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Justin Darnell of Poplar Bluff, a Three Rivers College student, was awarded a $1,000 Rotary Club of Poplar Bluff scholarship for the fall semester, administered by the Three Rivers Endowment Trust.

Pictured are, from left, Club President Rozetta Little; Steven Lewis, a club member who is an instructor at Three Rivers College; Darnell; and Michelle Reynolds, director of development at Three Rivers College.

Last Updated on September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Bernie Positive Office Referrals for Week September 6, 2017
September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Positive Office Referrals for Week September 6, 2017

Bernie, Missouri - Kellie Owens, Bernie R-12 School District has announced the students who received Positive Office Referrals for week August 28, 2017

Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.

Draven Beasley is a 5th grader in Mrs. Collier’s class. Draven had two referrals from Mrs. Bennett, Librian, and by Ms. Stone, first grade teacher. They both referred Draven for his great manners.

Victoria Ferguson is a 6th grader in Mrs. Noe’s class. Mrs. Noe referred Victora for always helping everyone, being very responsible, and having a great attitude.

Chloe Neauhaus is also a 6th grader referred by Mrs. Noe. Chloe is always helpful and responsible and has a great attitude. Maisie Stevens is a 6th grader in Mrs. Noe’s class. Mrs. Noe says, “Macie always works hard, takes her time, helps anyone, and is positive.”

Ember Horner is a 2nd grader in Mrs. Dockins’ class. Mrs. Dockins referred Ember for using great manners, working hard, and having a positive attitude. Ember always works so hard in class.

Aniyah Winkler is a 1st grader in Ms. Stone’s class. Ms. Stone referred Aniyah for being responsible in class and always working hard.

Creed Arnold is a 3rd grader in Ms. Snider’s class. Ms. Snider says that Creed always works hard, is always helpful and kind to his classmates, and always follows directions and uses great manners!

Last Updated on September 06th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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