Dexter, Missouri - Amy James, Director of Special Services, Director of Federal Programs, District Compliance Officer submitted the Regular Board Meeting Minutes from the board meeting held on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge: The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with all members being present, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was approved.
Public Comments: CTA presented updates of school happenings
across the campus.
Old Business:
A. No old business was discussed.
New Business:
A. The board rescinded MSBA Policy GB-R1-previously policy GCE-R.
B. The board approved 12 semester graduates, pending completion of
graduation requirements.
The board approved the bleacher inspection from Heartland
Seating Inc. for $1400.
The board approved the renewal of the umbrella liability insurance coverage from MUSIC for $8404.
8. Discussion Items:
Dr. Williams discussed the district’s Annual Performance Report (APR).
The nurse’s report was submitted by high school nurse Linda Milam and reviewed.
Administrator’s from all buildings were present to give a report on the happenings in their building.
The next scheduled board meeting was set for December 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
In Closed Session:
The board approved the following additions to the Substitute Teacher List: Joshua Link, Jennifer Slavings, Jansen Williams, Billie Stratton-Nurse.
The board accepted a resignation letter from Bus Driver, Regina Dowdy.
The board accepted a resignation letter from Southwest Paraprofessional, Tracy Botsch.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Counselor, Jennifer Miller.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Counselor, Judy Patterson.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Math Teacher, Linda Hill.
The board accepted a retirement letter from High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, Derek Urhahn.
The board employed Bus Driver, Brad Hann.
The board discussed the completion of an advanced degree and approved a pay increase for the payroll/insurance clerk. This increase is due to obtaining a Masters in Business Administration.
The board voted to approve salary indexes equivalent to their positions for the remainder of their 2016-2017 contract for; Gavin Miller, Nancy Langley, and Amy James.

Dexter, Missouri - The Southeast Missouri District 11 High School All-District Jazz Band auditions were held on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at Jackson High School.
The Dexter high school Jazz Cats are under the direction of Scott Rybolt.
2016 All-District Jazz Band:
Zarah Olsen - Alternate Alto Sax
Shelby Smith - Tenor 2 Sax
Gracie Bess - Alternate Tenor Sax
Layla Brown - Trumpet 3
Olivia Collins - Trombone 3
Dason Milam - Bass Trombone
Alex Fitzpatrick - Alternate Trombone
Sean Rybolt - Alternate Bass Guitar
Matt Chester - Drum Set

Dexter, Missouri - High School All-District Band auditions were held on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at Jackson High School.
The Dexter high school band is under the direction of Scott Rybolt.
The students will perform on Saturday, November 19, 2016 at a concert in Cape Girardeau. They will spend the day learning new songs and working with clinicians.
2016 High School Concert Band All-District:
Sarah Smith - 9th Flute
Abby Mangum - 2nd Oboe
Jillian Avery - 4th Bassoon
Audrey Lutmer - Alternate Bassoon
Victoria Merritt - 14th Clarinet
Amber Scott - Alternate Clarinet
Johnna Hinklin - 4th Bass Clarinet
Emily Johns - 1st French Horn
Sean Rybolt - Alternate Percussion Option 2

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Choral Department proudly presents, "The Wizard of Oz" beginning Thursday, November 17, 2016.
Performance dates are Thursday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the Dexter High School auditorium; Friday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, November 19th at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Prices are $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for students and children 4 years of age and younger are free.
Special pricing for Saturday afternoon is $3.00 for adults, $1.00 for students and children 4 years and younger are free.
They would love for you to come and see the show! These awesome group of kids have worked very hard on this production. Come out and watch the magic of this classical performance come to life!

Dexter, Missouri - Each year several hundred children dress up as their favorite Halloween character and come out to the Dexter High School Trunk or Treat event. They are always excited to see the different costumes and scenes that the high school students create.
The first place winners were The Indians who designed a complete wilderness setting with tipi, furs and of course beautiful young Indian ladies passing out candy!
Malia Cook, Rae-Ann Riddle, Brooke Hessling, Kelby Hill, Anna Bishop, Hallie Keathley , and Macy Roper won a total of $30.
Second place went to the M&Ms team. Madilyn Hampton, Colby Christian, Sydney Patrick and Kirsten Bess won $25.
Third place went to the Minions team. Addie Kruse, Morgan Aldridge, Rhylan Hillis, and Bailey Williams won $20.
The elementary candy drive winner was Southwest Elementary classroom of LeeAnn Nelson who were awarded a pizza party.
Central Elementary candy drive winner was the classroom of Mrs. Nicole Guethle who were also awarded a pizza party and Honorable Mention went to the classroom of Mrs. Kara Lummukka who enjoyed an ice cream party.