Local Schools

Southwest 2nd Grade 3Rs Flag Winners
November 10th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Southwest 2nd Grade 3Rs Flag Winners

Dexter, Missouri - Second graders earn the Southwest Elementary Positive Behavioral Support Reward Flag.

School Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) award is presented at the start of each month at Southwest Elementary.  One classroom in each grade is recognized for exhibiting the high character with regard to observing the school's 3R's.

The 3R's stand for being Respectful, Ready to Learn and Responsible.  The class with the highest attendance average, combined with the fewest disciplinary measures and general good character are awarded a 3R red flag to be posted in their classroom for the next month.  The students are also awarded "superhero" capes to wear and parade around the gym before returning to class.

2nd Grade September 3R's winners are front row from left to right: Liberty Saylors, Lily Moffitt, Mollie McFarlen, Abigail Parks, and Madison Vintinner.

Second row from L to R:  Jonathan Smith, Jacob Churchill, Jackson Duncan, Shelby Francis, Sean Honeycutt, and Peyton Ballance.

Third row from L to R:  Madison Payne, Kylie McBroom, Daysie Hartline, Titus Inman, Danyl Conn, Lorelei Guethle, and Lucy Pyle.

Last Updated on November 10th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Kindergarten Students Earn 3R's Flag for September
November 10th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Kindergarten Students Earn 3R's Flag for September

Dexter, Missouri - The Kindergarten classroom of April Berry earned the Southwest Elementary Positive Behavioral Support Reward Flag.

School Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) award is presented at the start of each month at Southwest Elementary.  One classroom in each grade is recognized for exhibiting the high character with regard to observing the school's 3R's.

The 3R's stand for being Respectful, Ready to Learn and Responsible.  The class with the highest attendance average, combined with the fewest disciplinary measures and general good character are awarded a 3R red flag to be posted in their classroom for the next month.  The students are also awarded "superhero" capes to wear and parade around the gym before returning to class.

Shown in the photo are back row from left to right: Seth Clubb, Dominick Horner, Zachary Jackson, Carter Claussen, Reagan Burleson, Maddilyn Coggins, Jayden Trent, Kohen Batchelor, and teacher April Berry.

Middle Row L to R: Mila Clark, Kelsey Redden, Addison Mann, Kennedy Essner, Victoria Houchins, Kamden Hottinger, and Hayden Wilson.

Front Row L to R: Ethan Harris, Paelynn Fraley, Priscilla Palmer, Hailee Foster, Miles Schmid, and Eli Gott.

Last Updated on November 10th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Southwest Elementary Holding Mock Election Today
November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Southwest Elementary Holding Mock Election Today

Dexter, Missouri - They not be old enough to vote in the U.S. Election, but the students at Southwest Elementary are holding their own mock election today.  We will have to wait and see who wins their election.

Shown in the photo: Ayden Caldwell, Sidney Booker, Raegan Shipman, Gavin Drake, and John Parker Tarbutton

Last Updated on November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield Schools to Hold Veterans Day Ceremony
November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Schools to Hold Veterans Day Ceremony

Bloomfield, Missouri - Friday, November 11, 2016 is Veterans Day.  A day to celebrate and honor military veterans. It was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 from Armistice Day which marked the anniversary of World War I which was formerly ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

On Friday, the Bloomfield School District will have a Veterans Day Ceremony at 9:00 a.m. in the high school gym. 

The event is open to the public and they also want to invite any veteran or current member of our military to join them as they honor those who have served our country or are still serving our country.

Parking for guests will be on the south end of the high school gym and in the high school gym parking lot.

Last Updated on November 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dr. Langley Hired as Interim DMS Asst. Principal
November 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dr. Langley Hired as Interim DMS Asst. Principal

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter R-XI School Board met this morning and voted to hire Dr. Nancy Langley as interim Middle School Assistant Principal for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year. 

This will take effect on Monday, November 7th.

Dr. Langley is currently the T.S. Hill Middle School counselor.  The position opened when Gavin Miller excepted the Assistant Superintendent's position effective Monday,, November 7, 2016.

Mrs. Amy James will continue as Dexter Schools acting superintendent.  Mitch Wood, Dexter R-XI School Superintendent was placed on paid administrative leave in October.

Last Updated on November 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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