Local Schools

Trashbags! Get Your Trashbags! On Sale NOW!!
September 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Trashbags!  Get Your Trashbags!  On Sale NOW!!

Dexter, Missouri - The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has teamed up with T.S. Hill Middle School this year to host their Annual TRASHBAG “FUN”draiser! 

Each year the Dexter Public Schools sell trashbags as a fundraiser.  It's the Middle School's turn this year and the students are selling bags left and right.  All proceeds benefit Southwest Elementary, Central Elementary, T.S. Hill Middle School and the Dexter High School.  Let's help these students BREAK A RECORD!!!

Contact the a middle school student or call (573) 614-1010 to order the following sizes and colors: EACH Roll is $10

Bags are heavy duty and come in four awesome colors!  You will have the best dressed garbage in town plus use them to color coordinate your home or yard clippings!

White - 15 gallon (65 bags per roll)

Yellow - 39 gallon (25 bags per roll)

Pink - 39 gallon (perfect for October Breast Cancer Month or save until you have your local Relay for Life event) (25 per roll)

Blue - 55 gallon (16 per roll)

Make checks payable to T.S. Hill Middle School.  Deadline is September 15, 2016.

Shown in the photo are from left to right: Andie Kruse, Ryan Collier, Shelby Bishop, and Maddox Mille.  Photo submitted by Suzanne Collier.

Last Updated on September 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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