Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie R-XIII School District has the following items for bid on an individual basis:
*Wood from stage bleachers (94 boards total)
Entire lot of 18 foot boards w/ following dimensions:
-48 count: 9 x 1
-20 count: 8.5 x 1
-26 count 7 x 1
*Hardware from bleachers
-approximately 75 lbs of nuts, bolts, and washers
*10 metal rolling frames w/ casters
Interested persons may submit a bid to the Bernie Administration Office during normal business hours.
Bid deadline is Friday, September 9 at 12:00 pm.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope with name of item on the front of the envelope.
Separate envelopes need to be used when placing a bid on more than one item.
Anyone wishing to view the items may do so by calling and setting up a time with the Bernie R-XIII Administration Office.
The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
All bids will be opened September 9 at 12:00 pm.
Awardees must pay for item on or before September 16, 2016 and remove item from campus on or before October 1, 2016.

Bernie, Missouri - It's that time of the year as everyone is preparing for back to school events, purchasing school supplies, and enrolling their child for the 2016-2017 school season.
Kindergarten orientation will be held on Monday, August 15th at 6:30 pm in the teachers’ classrooms.
Preschool orientation will be held on August 16th at 3 pm.
Elementary Open House will be held on August 16th at 6 pm in the high school gym.
New student enrollment for the Bernie School District will be held Friday, August 5th. This enrollment day is for those students kindergarten through 12th grade that were not attending Bernie Schools in the Spring of 2016.
Enrollment is from 10 am - 6 pm in the High School Media Center. You must bring shot records, birth certificate, social security card, and proof of residency.
Returning student enrollment for the Bernie High School will be held on Wednesday, August 10th. This enrollment day is for returning Bernie students entering grades 7th – 12th. Enrollment will be held from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the High School Media Center.
Students will update their demographic information and then receive locker assignments and class schedules.
First day of school will be August 18th.

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie School Board met on Monday, July 11th for their regularly scheduled meeting of the month.
During the regular session the Tax Rate Hearing was set for 7:00 p.m. on August 8th. Program evaluations on Board Policy and Strategic Planning were approved and a review of the 2016 annual Secretary of the Board report was approved.
In Executing Session, the board approved the following:
Cindy Williams - ECSE Aid and High School Librarian
Pam Foster - Assistant Volleyball Coach
Christy Griffin and Pam Foster - Varsity and Jr. Varsity Scholar Bowl Coaches
Amber Eaton - Jr. High Cheer Coach
Rachel Tilmon - 5th and 6th grade Science teacher

Bloomfield, Missouri - Caroline Robison, a senior at Bloomfield High School, was among 112 students selected for participation in the University of Missouri School of Medicines High School Mini Medical School (HSMMS).
Robison is the 17-year old daughter of Bill and Tracy Robison of Bloomfield.
The program, now in its 18th year, is designed to give high school seniors who are already interested in medical careers a one-week preview of medical school. Students will attend one of two summer session from June 19th to June 23rd or from June 26th to June 30th.
During the session, Caroline participated in a medical-school style curriculum, which included problem-based learning, a method of teaching that that combines independent learning in small groups with patient care cases. Student also participated in sessions with clinical and research specialists; gained hands-on experience in anatomy, microbiology and clinical skills; interacted with medical school students, faculty and staff; and attended seminars on college and medical school life.
"We learned different techniques for stitching wounds and spent time in the anatomy lab where we explored actual muscles, bones, and tissues," commented Robison. "The simulation lab was a great experience! I delivered a (model) baby, intubated a mannequin, and practiced laparoscopic surgery on a simulator."
Caroline is exploring various healthcare careers this summer, including medicine and pharmacy. She will be a student at Ole Miss for one month to participate in the pre-pharmacy track of their Summer College for High School Students. She will move in Monday, July 4th and take seven credit hours as well as test the waters away from home. She will apply to multiple schools to explore opportunities in medicine or pharmacy.
This girl is going to go far and we wish her the best of luck during her senior year at Bloomfield High School!
For more information about HSMMS, contact Alex Horn, Program Coordinator for the MU Office of Medical Education, at (573) 882-9219.

Bernie, Missouri - The third and fourth grade teachers at Bernie are wanting to purchase the AlphaBetter desks for their classrooms. These desks are standing desks with a fidget bar that can be moved back and forth with your foot allowing for movement that does not interrupt the learning environment. The students may also sit on a stool and still use the fidget bar.
They are about $400 for the stool and desk. They have received some grant money, donations, and the school with be purchasing some for the upcoming school year. Their goal is to have 25 desks for each third and fourth grade classroom for the upcoming school year. They are about 35 desks away from our goal. If anyone or any business is interested in helping us purchase these desks please contact Casey Arnold at 421-5752 or Bernie Elementary.
Letter from the teachers below:
"Educating children in today’s society comes with many challenges. Teaching in a low income, rural school district with 65% percent of the population on free and reduced lunches makes educating children even more challenging.
Our unique student population with 65% of the population on free and reduced lunch and 16% of students in third and fourth grade diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder creates a learning environment with many obstacles to overcome. Our goal as educators is to find ways to help our students overcome such challenges in order to be productive in the learning environment and reach their full potential.
Trending in both the workplace and the educational setting in recent years are standing desks. All over the nation, sitting desks are being replaced with standing desks. Research has shown these standing desks increase performance in the classroom, reduce problematic behavior, increase focus and attention, and create fully engaged learners. These desks allow students to utilize the fidget bar and have the ability to move their bodies rather than sitting still without disrupting the learning environment or other students’ concentration. These desks also bring the added bonus of burning calories throughout the day to help fight against childhood obesity and improve posture.
We have researched these desks and found the AlphaBetter brand desks seem to be a great fit in meeting the needs of our students. However, these desks are very expensive and with budget cuts and lack of funding, we are unable to purchase them for our third and fourth grade classrooms. The standing desk and stool combination are around $400 each. We need approximately 100 for our third and fourth grade classrooms.
Our goal would be to start the 2016-2017 school year with these standing desks in place for our third and fourth grade students to give them the best opportunity to learn. These particular desks are standing desks with a fidget bar that can be moved back and forth with your foot allowing for movement that does not interrupt the learning environment.
These desks also come with a stool so that a student has the opportunity to sit as well and still utilize the fidget bar. We feel these desks will not only enhance learning but serve as a solution for many problems both teachers and students face daily. It is extremely difficult for students to sit still for the duration of the school day. They often turn to talking to classmates, asking to go to the bathroom, getting up to sharpen pencils, tapping pencils on their desk, playing with objects, or a many other problematic behaviors that lead to a disruption in not only the student’s learning but to the students around them. Being able to stand, sit or use a fidget bar while learning will help the student stay engaged in the learning process. It allows them to exert their excess energy as well as stimulate their minds and bodies when losing focus without any disruption to the learning environment.
We are reaching out to you and asking for your assistance in purchasing these AlphaBetter desks for our third and fourth grade students. We believe they will be a valuable asset to our students and help them become fully engaged learners, reaching their full potential. We appreciate any and all assistance you can provide to us and will be extremely grateful for this opportunity to enhance learning for our students."
Casey Arnold, Third grade teacher
Nicole Garner, Third grade teacher
Haley Baker, Fourth grade teacher
Edna Smith, Fourth grade teacher