Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary School in Dexter has released the 2016-2017 1st Grade School Supply List.
Dexter Public School students will head back to school on Thursday, August 11th with a full day of classes with the Kindergarten Class starting on Friday, August 12th. Back-to-School Registration Day will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.
Southwest Elementary School Suggested Supply List 2016-2017 - First Grade
1 package of No. 2 lead pencils
2 large dry erase markers (black)
1 package of pencil top erasers OR pink eraser
1 pair of scissors (Fiskars sharp point not plastic)
2 pack or larger of glue sticks
1 box of wet wipes
2 boxes of 24 colors (Preferably Crayola Brand)
1 backpack
2 highlighters
1 art box
2 or more large boxes of tissues
Registration packets were mailed last week to current students. If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.
Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day. Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.
Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well. Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records. If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.
Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day. Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary School in Dexter has released the 2016-2017 Kindergarten School Supply List.
Dexter Public School students will head back to school on Thursday, August 11th with a full day of classes with the Kindergarten Class starting on Friday, August 12th. Back-to-School Registration Day will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.
Southwest Elementary School Suggested Supply List 2016-2017 - Kindergarten
1 school box (plastic)
2 boxes of 24 crayons
1 pair Fiskars Scissors (Blunt point not plastic)
2 large box of tissues
4 glue sticks (any size)
1 package wet wipes
Boys-box sandwich Ziplock bags
Girls-box gallon Ziplock bags
1 box colored pencils
2 white glue (medium with orange lid- no gel)
1 backpack
1 package of No. 2 pencils
1 block pink eraser
1 container of Germ-X
2 dry erase markers
Registration packets were mailed last week to current students. If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.
Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day. Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.
Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well. Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records. If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.
Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day. Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.

Dexter, Missouri - Have you noticed the new marquee on the corner of Grant Street and One Mile Road next to Southwest Elementary School? The sign was recently installed and will be up and running soon.
This marquee was included with the purchase of the new Football Scoreboard which was made possible from the following sponsors: Gill Group, Bank of Advance, Faurecia, First Midwest Bank, SoutheastHEALTH of Stoddard County, Young Real Estate LLC, Legacy, One Mile Smile, State Farm Insurance, Chris Brannan, Williams Moving Company, Dexter Family Eye Care and On The Go.
The LED marquee will be used to broadcast district wide information to the public to hopefully have more involvement in school functions and activities.
"I feel we do an excellent job of broadcasting what is going on in our schools but this will be another avenue of communication and also serve as a reminder to the numerous parents and community members who travel this intersection daily," according to Mitch Wood, Dexter Public School Superintendent.

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Poplar Bluff High School senior Grace Hudson has been awarded the $1,300 Mary Lynn Wolpers Scholarship to pursue a global business degree with a concentration in social entrepreneurship. She has applied to the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Hudson has taken advanced courses throughout her entire high school career and has participated in the dual credit program through Three Rivers College.
A total of $12,000 has been awarded through the Wolpers Scholarship since its inception in 2007.
Shown in the photo: Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation vice president Emily Hogg presents Grace Hudson with the Wolpers Scholarship last week at Senior High.
Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Public School students will head back to school on Thursday, August 11th with a full day of classes with the Kindergarten Class starting on Friday, August 12th. Back-to-School Registration Day will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.
Registration packets were mailed last week to current students. If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.
Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day. Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.
Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well. Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records. If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.
Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day. Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.
There will be plenty of Dexter School staff available to help with meal applications, scheduling, bus transportation, sports information, calendar of events, and health records.