Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Kiwanis Club awards two scholarships each year to a Dexter High School seniors. The recipients for the Class of 2016 were Erin Lauters and Randall Allen. Each received a $1,000 scholarship.
Erin plans to attend Arkansas State University and will be majoring in music education. She is the daughter of Ron Lauters. Erin is involved in band, cadet teaching, and a variety of other activities.
Randall will be attending William's Baptist University in Walnut Ridge AR. He is majoring in ministry. Randall is a cadet teacher, DECA Club member. His parents are Sherry and Randall Allen.
Shown in the photo are Dexter Kiwanis Club members Pam Trammell and Tim Aslin presenting scholarships to Erin Lauters and Randall Allen.

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Kira Grimes, Savanah Mayabb, Judd Robinson, and Ty King with the Positive Office Referral certificate.
This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.
Savanah Mayabb is in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Ridings. "Savanah always does what is expected and is willing to help whenever asked!"
Kira Grimes is also in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Ridings. "Kira is always so helpful and caring with all students."
Judd Robinson is also in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Ridings. "Judd cares about every friend in the class and will do anything to help!"
Ty King is a second grade student at Southwest Elementary. Mrs. Banken, art teacher, referred Ty. "He is always so excited to come to art class. He follows directions and does his BEST!?
Shown in the photo are back row from left to right Savanah Mayabb and Kira Grimes. Front row Judd Robinson and Ty King.
Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Jacob Feece, Aslyn Lemons, Aulani Clark, Taylor Boner, and Cadence Buenaventura with the Positive Office Referral certificate.
This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.
Jacob Feece is a kindergarten student in the classroom of Mrs. Pope. "Jacob is a hard worker and is always helping others."
Aslyn Lemons is also a kindergarten student in the classroom of Mrs. Pope. "Aslyn works hard everyday and she is kind to everyone."
Aulani Clark is also a kindergarten student in the classroom of Mrs. Pope. "Aulani always has a positive outlook and she works hard. She is kind to everyone."
Taylor Boner is a second grade student in the classroom of Mrs. Mick. "Taylor has a great attitude toward learning. I am very proud of her hard work and the progress she has made this year."
Cadence Buenaventura is also a second grade student in the classroom of Mrs. Mick. "Cadence is a very respectful student. She give her best effort at everything she does."
Shown in the photo are back row from left to right: Jacob Feece, Aslyn Lemons, and Aulani Clark. Front row Taylor Boner and Cadence Buenaventura.

Dexter, Missouri - Graduating senior, Tyler Kent Stevenson, received The James L. and Nellie M. Westlake Scholarship.
The Westlake Foundation was established in 1981 pursuant to the provisions of the wills of James L. and Nellie M. Westlake for the purpose of assisting Missouri residents in pursuing a college education.
Applicants to the James L. and Nellie M. Westlake Scholarship Program must -
• Be Missouri residents.
• Be graduating seniors at Missouri high schools who plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study for the entire upcoming academic year at an accredited four-year college or university,
• Have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0
Scholarship awards will cover up to the cost of tuition. For freshmen, awards may be renewed for up to three additional years or until a bachelor's degree is earned, whichever occurs first. Renewal is contingent upon full-time study, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher on a 4.0 scale for college freshmen, and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale for college sophomores and juniors.
Tyler received a $11,700 per year renewable scholarship from the foundation. Tyler plans to pursue an engineering degree at Harding University in Searcy, AR.
Tyler is the son of Kay Stevenson of Dexter and Keith Stevenson of Theodosia, MO.

Advance, Missouri - Jordan Nicole Eaton, a graduating senior at Advance High School has been awarded a $2,000 MFA Foundation Scholarship.
The scholarship was awarded at the school's recent graduation ceremonies.
Eaton is the daughter of Bradley Eaton. She plans to attend Three Rivers Community in Poplar Bluff, Missouri.
The scholarship was sponsored by SEMO MFA Agri Services in Advance. It is one of approximately 340 scholarships presented this year by MFA Incorporated, MFA Oil Company, and their affiliates.