Local Schools

Third Grade Students Earn Perfect Attendance
May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Third Grade Students Earn Perfect Attendance

Dexter, Missouri - Central Elementary held their third, fourth, and fifth grade Awards Ceremony on the last day of school, Thursday, May 19, 2016.

The following third grade students earned Perfect Attendance for the 2015-2016 school year and were given a certificate for their achievement!

Evan Avery, Elizabeth Bolin, Lexie Chamberlain, Kaylynn Haws, Kayley McCoy, Ben Dowdy, Parker King, Owen Miller, Laney Edwards, Thomas Lee, Kate Nichols, Hunter Hare, and Avery Riley.

Congratulations!  We will see you next year in 4th grade!

Photo by Jessica Loflin, ShowMe Times reporter/photographer

Last Updated on May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes - May 17, 2016
May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes - May 17, 2016

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public School Board along with superintendent Mitch Wood met for the a regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.   The board accepted a letter of retirement from Asst. Superintendent, Corey Mouser effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.  The board approved the following zero hour teaching assignments as presented by High School Principal, Dan Pollock for 2016-2017 school year: Psychology/Sociology and Library.   

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President began the meeting,  ascertained the attendance status of all Board members, and led in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. Board member’s Jim Reiker and Mark Nea were absent.  Mr. Nea arrived later in the evening.  

Consent Agenda   The Consent Agenda was approved.

Public Comments

CTA presented updates of school happenings throughout the campus.

New Business

The board approved Grades K-2 standard-based report card as presented by Curriculum Director, Dr. Williams.  

The board approved teacher summative evaluation as presented by Curriculum Director, Dr. Williams.
The board approved the following zero hour teaching assignments as presented by High School Principal, Dan Pollock for 2016-2017 school year: Psychology/Sociology and Library.   

The board approved MSBA Policy GCBDA.
This policy will change the total days of leave from 12 to 11 but staff will no longer be required to state whether it’s sick or personal leave.  
The board approved a phone bid from Legrands/Hy-Tek LLC.  
This is part of the technology plan that is in place.  The current outdated system has no voice mail and no conference call capabilities.  The new system will deliver voice mail to email which will help communication lines between school, community, and parents.  

The board approved a new district reimbursement form.
This form will allow staff to get reimbursed before they leave for meetings and set an allowance for meal reimbursement.

The board approved a general fund transfer to zero out special fund balance.

Nurse’s Report – The May nurse report was presented.

The June board meeting was set for Thursday, June 30, 2016 @ 6:00 pm

Principals gave a report on happenings in their buildings.

In Executive Session
The board approved additions to substitute teacher List:
Michael Bleem and Paige Patterson
The board approved the following Transfers for 2016-17:
Lori Garrison from Middle School to SW Kindergarten.

The board approved the 2016 Summer School staffing as presented by Mrs. Angie Duncan.

The board approved the investigative report for the Division of Family Services as presented by Special Services Director, Mrs. Amy James.

The board accepted a letter of retirement from Asst. Superintendent, Corey Mouser effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

Last Updated on May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers College Students Honored
May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers College Students Honored

Dexter, Missouri - Three Rivers College recognized over 50 of its highest-performing students at its Annual Student Excellence Awards ceremony on May 13. Winners were chosen to represent each academic department and career education program, the Three Rivers external locations, honor society students, and major student organizations.  MacKenzie Young, Alexa Ash, and Stephani Fulford are from Dexter.

“The Student Excellence Awards are a celebration not only of academic success but of the hard work and commitment of our student body,” said Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College. “The success they’ve achieved is not only an indication of natural ability and talent, but their dedication to putting in the time and doing the work that makes them the standouts of Three Rivers.”

To be eligible to receive an Academic Excellence Award, a student must have completed at least 15 credit hours and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Winners from academic and career programs are chosen by that program’s leadership based upon recommendations from individual faculty members. The leadership of each organization selects student organization, external location, and honor society award recipients.

Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

Shown in the photo above are from left to right: MacKenzie Young, Alexa Ash, and Stephani Fulford from Dexter, Missouri.

Last Updated on May 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Nearly 400 Graduate from Kindergarten Center
May 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Nearly 400 Graduate from Kindergarten Center
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - About 400 students received their certificates of completion during the annual “celebrations” held last week at the Poplar Bluff Kindergarten Center.

Kindergartners demonstrated to their families what they have learned including the alphabet, numbers to 100 and colors in a musical performance led by teacher Fawn Luecke. This year’s theme was: “Through the looking glass into… first grade.”

Shown in the photo are students in the classes of Rebecca Burgin, Tonya Hill and Jannette Walk sing the “Goodbye Song” by The Learning Station.


Last Updated on May 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Tyler Heil Receives Jamie D. Sifford Memorial Scholarship
May 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Tyler Heil Receives Jamie D. Sifford Memorial Scholarship

Dexter, Missouri - Tyler Heil was awarded the first ever Jamie D. Sifford Memorial Scholarship sponsored by Biovante located in Bernie, Missouri.

Jamie Sifford, a well known farmer from the community suffered a fatal accident in April of 2016.  "I have known Jamie for about four years," commented Chris Masters, President of Biovante.  "We worked together on his farm and has always been a student of products and new technology.  I was kind of a new kid on the block for our company, Biovante, and he gave me a shot to use some of our products."

"He understood why we do what we do and this year he had set up on his corn, he had set up some plots and we were going to evaluate them throughout the season to emergency all the way until harvest time," continued Masters. "I just felt that with the situation that as much as a passion he had for farming if we could facilitate something to another student to help keep that passion alive and keep it going would be a great honor for him."

Tyler is a senior at Dexter High School and is the son of Dan and Connie Heil.  He has played football his freshman and sophomore years, Cross Country his junior year, Baseball and Basketball all four years of high school.  Tyler is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Farmers of America, and Student Council.

His future plans are to attend Missouri State University and Study Agri-Business.

"Tyler was one of four applicants that we received and we narrowed it down to two," stated Masters.  "One major criteria was GPA and with Tyler's history of being involved with different groups, not that basketball was part of it, but he was heavily involved in the program and that was a passion for Tyler as much as it was for Jamie.  I think there were some similarities between this applicant and Jamie, but overall his history of being in school, education, and GPA along with his primary studies going into Agri-Business.

This scholarship will be part of Jamie's legacy. "As long as I am alive and Biovante is alive we are going to have Dexter Schools who are interested in agriculture receive a scholarship for many years to come and we will do this every single year," stated Masters.

Shown in the photo are from left to right: Chris Masters, Meagan Masters, J.D. Sifford (father of Jamie), Tyler Heil, Dan Heil, and Connie Heil.

Last Updated on May 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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