Local Schools
2016 Winter Homecoming Queen Candidate - Allison Sneed
February 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Bearcats held their annual Winter Homecoming Queen Coronation on Friday evening. Ten candidates walked across the court hoping to become the 2016 Winter Homecoming Queen.
Allison Sneed is the 16-year old sophomore and daughter of James and Gina Sneed.
She is a member of the Future Farmers of America, Student Council, and is the State Girl for the DHS Wrestling Team.
Her future plans are undecided at this time, but she is thinking either a major in education or nursing.
Allison was nominated by the Wrestling Team.
Her escort was Storm Massey.
He is the 17-year old senior and son of Allen and Kim Massey.
Storm is a member of Future Farmers of America and the Varsity Wrestling Team.
Last Updated on February 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin