Local Schools

Richland Elementary Releases Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter
January 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Richland Elementary Releases Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter  ShowMe Times

Essex, Missouri - Richland Elementary School has released its list of honor roll students for the second quarter of the 2015-16 school year.  The list follows:

First Grade - George Anderson, Gabriel Beard, Payton Bell, Katlynn Blankenship, Abigail Higgins, Marlei Jones, Ariel Lewis, Baylie Pinkley, Ava Porter, Alissah Pulliam, Jude Rice, Daisy Sherfield, La’Jayvion White

Second Grade - Deborah Anderson, Olyvia Anderson, Joshua Barnes, Nevaeh Bennett, Mary Beth Bolin, Gunner Bugg, Hayden Conner, Allie Corlew, Carter Eaton, Bella Elledge, Emma Fortenberry, Tyler Fortenberry, Cole Lang, Kolten Lawrence, Joshua Merriman, Dayton Owens, Jasmine Qualls, Kamryn Rice, Emma Roberts, Sidney Stoker, Gary Tilley, Veronica Touchette, Marrissa VanVacter, Kaylee Vaughn

Third Grade - Blake Anderson, Bryce Brown, Joshua Chafin, DaShawn Clark, MaKayla Finch, Tucker Hughes, Alyssa Thompson, Amari Tilley, Eric Williams

Fourth Grade - Aaron Barber, Waylan Barnes, Shelby Boyle, Lila Corlew, Austin Cross, Arianna Heitman, Elijah Higgins, Gracie Jones, McKenleigh Kemp, Pachince Kemp-Townsend, MaKenna Lykins, Tucker Miller, Alex Porter, Ben Stoker, Christopher Tyra, Ashland Wheeler, Joe Wyman

Fifth Grade - Elizabeth Arnold, Ciara Barber, Katelyn Black, Sharian Blankenship, Lennon Cook, Constance Deason, Hunter Deason, Logan Head, Damon Ivy, Cody Knox, Dalton Miller, Trenton Mitchell, Noah Moyers, Lily Parker, Sophie Pearce, Tia Stafford, Rylee Taylor, Courtney Walley, Susan Wells

Sixth Grade - Alesia Eaton, Matthew Finch, Bailee Hux, Bella Jones, Alexia Kemp, Alexas Leeper, Carliegh Martin, Dacie Ritch, Makaila Stafford, Abbigale Wheeler                  

Last Updated on January 25th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, January 19, 2016
January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dexter, Missouri - The Board of Education held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2016.  Below are the minutes, resignations, and new hires for Dexter Public Schools.

In Old Business they approved the 2016-2017 School Calendar as presented.  They approved the addition of National Honor Society to replace the existing Dexter Honor Society in the high school beginning with the 2016-2017 school year and they approved the addition of Beta Club in the high school for the 2016-2017 school year.

In New Business they approved Mrs. Amy James as a Wellness Coordinator and approved the Professional Development Plan.

Under Discussion Items:

A. School Board Recognition Week is January 24-30. Board members received a certificate of appreciation from Missouri School Board Association.

B. Nurse’s Report - High school nurse Linda Milam provided an informational report.

C. Mr. Wood gave a Budget Update – Mr. Wood stated this year’s expenditures are running slightly lower than budgeted and the revenue is in line with this year’s budget.  Mr. Wood stated the district is now receiving monies on ADA from 2013-14 school year of 2059 students but next year that will drop to approximately 2020 ADA due to the fact you can only use two previous years of data for state aid.  This will be a decrease of 39 students which equates to $245,000 less monies for the district if fully funded.  The district is taking a hard look at job openings created by staff retiring or resigning and making sure they can’t be absorbed before filling the vacancy.  He explained he’ll have different plans over the next few months for the board to look at on possible ways to lower expenditures or increase the revenue.  He ended by saying “We’re not at the point of panic, but if we continue down this road with no changes it’s not a good path to be on.” 

    D.   Facility Update – According to long term planning the building A

and C roofs on Southwest Elementary are scheduled to be replaced.  A Request for Proposal will be put out for the job and the   board will decide if they want to accept the bid.  Mr. Wood stated the roofs aren’t leaking but this is a preventive measure on roofs that are 25 years old.

The Football Portico has been completed and looks very nice.   At this time we have (10) Level 1 sponsors (9) Level 2 sponsors (6) Level 3 sponsors and (14) Level 4 sponsors for a total of $30,450 pledged.  We’re hopeful to get the pavers / stones that are bought before summer put into place before the first football game next season. 

Not a lot is happening at the Park with the baseball field, weather is going to determine what gets done for this season.  We have concrete and block people on standby to get the dug outs built and ground crew to shape up dirt when/if weather permits. 

Also, there is a meeting to discuss the possibility of a new HS football scoreboard that will be self-funded by businesses in town if they choose to do so.  This will be a 7 year commitment for advertisement.  This meeting will take place next Tuesday the 26th @ 4:30 in the Auditorium.

E.  Mr. Mouser gave an update on the ABBCO custodial services that was contracted by the district in December.  For the first time in a while we’re fully staffed, it’s like most new services, we’re seeing some things that need changed and at this time ABBCO is doing a good job of doing what’s been asked of them.    

F.    Chamber of Commerce Event – Saturday, January 30 @ 6:00 pm. This is held at the Elks Lodge. The social hour is from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  The district will have an Educator of the Year recipient at this event. 

G.   Board Elections – The last day to sign up for Board member election was January 19.  We had four signed up for two spots available, incumbents Nancy Mayer, Herman Morse and candidates Ron Glaus and Cindy Bowman. 

H.   Policy IKF- The Board discussed last meeting changing Policy IKF to allow substitution of up to four credits earned from a district-approved agriculture or career and technical education courses for credit in the core subject areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies.  MSBA will include this in their February updates.  The administration and counselors are aware that we will have this in place for the 2016-17 school year.  

I.     Building Administrators gave a report on happenings in their building.

In closed session:

Approved 6 Additions to the Substitute Teacher List:

         Sarah Balance         Brittany Becker         Emily Cook

         Willa Fees                  Kristy Howell         Sarah Slavings

Accepted resignation from Central Elementary Title 1 Teacher Saren Demaree effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

Accept resignation from HS Teacher / Foot Ball Coach Justin Peden effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

Approved District Transfer Request for the 2016-17 school year.

MS Reading teacher Jeannie Cato to MS English teacher.

MS Music / Art teacher Melissa Whitaker to Central Elementary Music.

Central Elementary Music teacher Delisa Sitze to MS Music teacher.

Approve Employment for the 2016-17 school year.

               Hannah Stickles MS Social Studies.

               Bittney Watkins MS FACS.

               Approved Employment - Extended the current three year contract through the year 2018-19 for Superintendent Mitchell D. Wood.

Last Updated on January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Third Grade Students Top Contributors of Coat Drive
January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Third Grade Students Top Contributors of Coat Drive

Dexter, Missouri -Students collected nearly 200 coats from their annual holiday Coat Drive at Central Elementary School.  

The coats were donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.  

Top classrooms who collected the most coats in each grade were rewarded with a pizza party. The annual coat drive has been project at Central Elementary School for many years.  The coats are distributed to children and adults in need throughout Stoddard County.

The classroom of Cassie Templemire collected the most coats for third grade.  She is pictured with Kim Slavings, Gospel Mission Director and her students who worked so hard to bring in coats.  

Ms. Templemire's classroom students are: Claira Bailey, Luke Bishop, Elizabeth Bolin, Brooklyn Boyer, Madison Carey, Beau Carrier, Kati Carrillo, Joshua Farver, Christiaan Haasbroek, Hunter Hare, Marlie Hatton, Conor Broughton Henderson, Makayla Hook, Kenady Krapf, Katelyn Nichols, Carly Patterson, Avery Riley, Ahna Robinson, Korbin Williams, and Ryleigh Wilson.

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.

Last Updated on January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Fourth Grade Classroom Earns Top Honors in Coat Drive
January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Fourth Grade Classroom Earns Top Honors in Coat Drive

Dexter, Missouri - Students collected nearly 200 coats from their annual holiday Coat Drive at Central Elementary School.  

The coats were donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.  

Top classrooms who collected the most coats in each grade were rewarded with a pizza party. The annual coat drive has been project at Central Elementary School for many years.  The coats are distributed to children and adults in need throughout Stoddard County.

The classroom of Casey Williams collected the most coats for fourth grade.  She is pictured with Kim Slavings, Gospel Mission Director and her students who worked so hard to bring in coats.  

Ms. Williams' students are Connor Bias, Tyson Carmode, Dustin Carter, Aurelia Colbert, Holden Duer, Marie Fees, Kaleb Freeman, Matthew Gardner, Nathan Harris, Alexander Henderson, Dalton Noble, Jagaer Pixley, Kelbey Rodgers, Larissa Stanley, Sophia Stevens, Le Roy Watson, Carson Williams, Bree Winchester, Troy Wiseman, Emma Kate Worley, and Ethan Zabelin.

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times manager/editor.

Last Updated on January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Lintz Classroom Wins 5th Grade Coat Drive at Central Elementary
January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin
Lintz Classroom Wins 5th Grade Coat Drive at Central Elementary

Dexter, Missouri - Students collected nearly 200 coats from their annual holiday Coat Drive at Central Elementary School.  

The coats were donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.  

Top classrooms who collected the most coats in each grade were rewarded with a pizza party. The annual coat drive has been project at Central Elementary School for many years.  The coats are distributed to children and adults in need throughout Stoddard County.

The classroom of Shelby Lintz collected the most coats for fifth grade.  She is pictured with Kim Slavings, Gospel Mission Director and her students who worked so hard to bring in coats.  

Ms. Shelby Lintz's students are: Peyton Boles, Brooklyn Brown, Tristan Byrant, Drew Chamberlain, Ellen Dowdy, Gabrielle Dunivan, Makayla Fritch, Allyssa Gross, Alyson Hamlett, Jayci Holcomb, Logan Jones, Logan Josupait, Kaeden Kennedy, Truman Krapf, Alliye Lee, Austin Malloy, Morgan Ryan, Molly Simmons, and Matthew Christopher Stone.

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times manager/editor.

Last Updated on January 21st 2016 by Dee Loflin

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