Local Schools
Record Year for Stuff A Bus Food Drive
December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin

On Monday, high school students, directed by school counselor, Judy Patterson, delivered the goods to the Stoddard County Mission. Other recipients this year included the Dexter Elks and First Baptist Church for distribution to families in need this holiday season.
Central School turned in 6,042 cans, the largest contribution of the four Dexter campuses. T.S. Hill Middle School collected 4,851 and at the high school level, 3,600 items were turned in and at Southwest, 3,196.
OPAA Food Service delivered cookies to the winning school, and Williams Moving Company once again supplied the use of their truck to deliver the goods.
Pictured with Patterson are (front) Nick Renfoe, Storm Massey, Brandon Laird and Cody McFaddin. In the truck are Nate Weathers, Kyle Ward and Cale Williams from Williams Moving Company.
Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to those who donated the much needed food for the Mission.
Last Updated on December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Annual Coat Drive Underway at Central Elementary School
December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin

The coats will be donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission at the holiday break. Many more coats are needed this holiday season, and local residents are reminded to look in their closets and consider donating any coats — from infant to adult sizes — to this cause.
Coats may be dropped off at Central School or taken directly to the mission.
Shown with a few coats collected are third graders (seated) Brooklyn Mouton and Cale Whittington and standing, Hunter Farmer and Jaiden Colwell. Coats will be collected at the school through Friday, December 18th.
Last Updated on December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin
National Honor Society Fall Induction
December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin

The new inductees included seniors Chase Burch, Zachary Cambron, Chang Chi, Steven Haley, Kailee Kanell, Zachery Lawrence and Mallory Pierce. They join their 22 classmates who made the pledge during the spring induction, each signing a PBHS register that goes back to 1941, 20 years after the national organization was founded.
Selection is based on GPA, service, leadership and character by majority vote of a five-member faculty council appointed annually by the high school principal, according to chapter adviser Paul Conover, social studies teacher.
(Standing, left to right) NHS vice president Christian Cmehil-Warn and president Jackson Rideout perform the candle ceremony for inductees Chang Chi, Zachary Cambron, Chase Burch, Zachery Lawrence, Kailee Kanell and Steven Haley, before Principal Mike Kiehne (seated) awards the certificates. Not present was student Mallory Pierce.
Submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator
Poplar Bluff R-I School District
Last Updated on December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Rainey-Mathis Funeral Sponsors PIZZA PARTY for Students
December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin

Mindy Thurmon encourages the student to raise money each year for the Wreaths Across America event. She is the 6th grade history teacher at T.S. Hill Middle School.
The students raised over $1,600 and have increased their goal to $2,000 for the 2016 event.
Cemetery Supervisor Ken Swearingen was on hand to personally thank those who participated.
Pizza was served to the students by the Administrative staff of the school.
Greg Mathis hopes that this will become an annual service project for the school and Rainey-Mathis Funeral Home looks forward to sponsoring the pizza party on a annual basis.

Last Updated on December 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Students Raise Money for Wreaths Across America
December 16th 2015 by Dee Loflin

Mindy Thurmon who sponsors the students says next year their goal will be $2,000. The students were also honored with a Pizza Party sponsored by Rainey-Mathis Funeral Home in Dexter.
Wreaths Across America mission "Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on a specified Saturday in December in Arlington, as well as veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.
Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. We also organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia where we stop along the way to spread our message about the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms. - See more at: [url_new=http://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/about/mission-vision/#sthash.ikmxybDe.dpuf
Our mission, Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. We also organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia where we stop along the way to spread our message about the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms. - See more at: [url_new=http://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/about/mission-vision/#sthash.ikmxybDe.dpuf
The date has already been set for 2016. So please mark your calendar, December 17th, and join America in honoring our fallen heroes.
Last Updated on December 16th 2015 by Dee Loflin