Local Schools

Students Selected for Prestigious Choir
December 01st 2015 by Dee Loflin
Students Selected for Prestigious Choir
Dexter, Missouri - Two Dexter students have been selected for inclusion in the Southwestern Division of the American Choral Directors Association 2016 Honors Choir.  Both will perform at the Kauffman Center in Kansas City in March of 2016.

Jamie Sepulvado is the choral director of Dexter Public Schools and is a member of the association as well.  Only the association's members may submit candidates for the select choir.

The auditions were very specific in nature.  Candidates were required to submit audio tapes that demonstrated their vocal range.  Each submission included the contestant's singing of "My Country Tis of These," along with the top five notes and bottom five notes of their vocal ranges.

"The auditions are through audio tapes that are submitted to the committee," explained Sepulvado.  "I selected seven students to submit tapes."

Sepulvado received word that two of her students made the cut.  One of those students is Sepulvado's daughter, Grace, a fifth grade student at Central Elementary.  The other student is Tres Hampton, sophomore at Dexter High School.

The Southwestern District comprises of seven states - Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Hampton was selected for inclusion in the Men's Choir Grades 9 - 10.  Sepulvado was selected for grades 5 - 7.

"This is a huge accomplishment considering it is for the REGIONALS honors choir," stated Sepulvado. 

Tres and Grace will travel to Kansas City, Mo.  March 7-10 to rehearse and perform at the beautiful Kuaffman Performing Arts center!  The theme for this year's event is, "Then Sings My Soul."

Grace is the daughter of Chip and Jamie Sepulvado and Tres is the son of James Hampton and Erin Brown.

Congratulations Grace and Tres!

Last Updated on December 01st 2015 by Dee Loflin

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