Local Schools

Students Chosen for H.S. All-District Band
November 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Students Chosen for H.S. All-District Band
Dexter, Missouri - High School All-District Band auditions were held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at Jackson High School.

The Dexter high school band is under the direction of Scott Rybolt.

Cady Puliam earned 8th Chair Flute, Kerigan Brady earned 11th Chair Flute, Erin Lauters earned 3rd Chair Clarinet, Courtney Scholl earned 11th Chair Clarinet, Victoria Merrit earned 15th Chair Clarinet, Johnna Hinklin earned 2nd Chair Alto Clarinet, Emily Johns earned 6th Chair French Horn, Sean Rybolt earned 2nd Mallet Percussion, Abby Mangum earned 2nd Chair Oboe, and Gina Magarian earned 2nd Chair Trumpet.

Shown in the photo front row from left to right:  Cady Puliam, Kerigan Brady, Erin Lauters, and Courtney Scholl.  Back row from left to right: Victoria Merrit, Johnna Hinklin, Emily Johns, and Sean Rybolt.  Not pictures are Abby Mangum and Gina Magarian.

Last Updated on November 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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