Cape Girardeau, Missouri - A new era of leadership begins at Southeast Missouri State University today as Dr. Carlos Vargas takes the reins as the 18th president of the University.
“I am very proud to have been selected as the 18th president of the University,” Vargas said. “I am eager … to live up to the expectations of the students, the staff and the faculty of the institution.”
Vargas will hit the ground running with his first day spent with the University’s executive staff who will brief him on numerous University initiatives. During the next couple of weeks, he also will meet with Interim Provost Dr. Gerald McDougall, members of the Board of Regents and Student Government President Peter Jacobsen. He also plans on attending divisional retreats throughout the summer.
“I want everybody to know that I am going to do my absolute best and I am going to work very hard to make sure this institution continues on the path that it has been for a long time. I just want to make sure that we do whatever it takes to help the students be successful.”
Vargas’ presidency at Southeast culminates a comprehensive and wide-ranging search process that began following the announcement in September 2014 that President Kenneth W. Dobbins would retire effective June 30, 2015.
The Southeast Board of Regents announced the appointment of Vargas on March 4. Vargas has been serving as acting president at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania since last July. He previously served as the provost and vice president for academic and student affairs, and had been the school’s chief academic officer since 2006. For more information on President Vargas’ career in higher education, visit http://www.semo.edu/president/about.html.
Southeast also welcomes Vargas’ wife, Dr. Pamela Vargas, who begins her new duties today as the director of the Office of Research and Grant Development on campus. She has served as executive director of the Kutztown University Research Center since 2006. She previously served as the director of Sponsored Programs in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School of Engineering and Management at the Air Force Institute of Technology. She also has served as the director and in several other capacities with The Graduate School, Office of Research with the University of Notre Dame.
President and Mrs. Vargas – the campus welcomes you and wishes you much success here at Southeast Missouri State University!

Below are is the Press Release from Dexter Public Schools.
In open session, the Board:
Approved the Tentative Budget for 2015-2016
Approved the Vocational Program Annual Review
Tabled consideration of the Middle School Cross Country Program until the July Meeting
Approved Superintendent Mitchell Wood as the authorized representative for Dexter R-XI Schools for all state and federal programs, effective July 1, 2015.
Approved Asphalt Bid from ASA Asphalt
Approved Seal Coating Bid from B & K Asphalt Seal Coating
Approved concrete work to be completed by Randy Laird and Sons
In closed session, the Board:
Employed the following for Paraprofessionals for the 2015-2016 School Year: Curt Hillis – Adrian Byrd – Christopher Muzny – Roxanne McGhee – Maryssa Campbell – Lauren VonRuden
Employed the following as Bus Drivers for the 2015-2016 School Year:
Jackie Ash – Regina Dowdy

Wyman defeated 22 other competitors from 10 other states including: Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, and others to bring home the title of champion. Wyman traveled to Nashville and did her preregistration work for the event on Thursday.
She then took the timed multiple choice test on Friday afternoon. "Much of the national test focused on reading comprehension while much of the state test was on grammar," stated Wyman.
After seeing her name on the Top 10 list on their way into the Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Convention Center on Sunday morning, she was surprised to hear her named called to receive the top honor.
Wyman won the right to compete on the national stage by taking third place in the state competition in Poplar Bluff back in December. Wyman will be a freshman this fall at Richland R-1 School.
Congratulations Kate!

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie Cheerleaders will host a Little Mules Cheer Camp for first grade through sixth grade on Tuesday, June 30th and Thursday, July 2nd from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at the Bernie Elementary Gym.
Forms have been mailed to all elementary girls.
During the camp the girls will be taught a cheer, chant, and cheer motions. The Little Mules Cheerleaders will perform at a home game during the High School season.
Cost is only $25.00 per girl and that includes a cheer t-shirt. You may register and pay the first day of camp. You may also purchase a hair bow for an additional $10.00. The bows will be delivered before the home performance.If you would like further information please contact Coach Casey Arnold at 573-421-5752arnoldc@bernie.k12.mo.us.

First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th and they will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. Kindergarten classes will begin on Friday, August 14th.
Central Elementary has already made available the 2015-2016 School Supply List for third, fourth, and fifth grade students.
Below is the Supply List for 3rd grade students at Central Elementary in Dexter.
Click HERE for School Calendar.