Local Schools
Middle School Drama Group To Perform
February 24th 2011 by News

Practice Makes Perfect Performance!
Members of the T.S. Hill Middle School Drama Club have been busy for several weeks preparing for its annual spring play. The production will be presented to the public at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 1 at the Dexter High School Auditorium. Drama Club members paused for a photo during a rehearsal this week. Members include (front row, from left) Delfina Flores, Haley Chapman, Andrew Morgan, Brooks Probst, Savannah Deal, Nicole Battles, Erika McCoy, Natalie Midgett; (middle row, from left) Jordan Dodson, Ryan Hulsof, Jackson Hubbard, Colton Averett, Zach Midkiff, Rebecca Singh, Oliver Warren, Dawson Reynolds, Keasha Hubbert, Shayna Bess; (back row, from left) Jessica Ladd, Jake Hundman, Katie Dewitt, Shelby Creado, Cheyenne Courter, Shelby Gathings, Michelle Hale, Austin Aldridge, Alexa Ash. Not present for the photo were Lacey Midgett, Jordan Rose, Rachel Putnam, Honey Patel and Jesse Eads. The production is directed by Melinda Sweeney and Tina Cox. (ShowMe Times photo by Annabeth Miller)Last Updated on February 24th 2011 by News
DHS Jazz Students Perform In All-District Group
February 23rd 2011 by News

A ShowMe Times News report
POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. – Dexter’s Jazz ‘Cats dominated the stage Saturday evening as the Southeast Missouri All-District Jazz Band performed during the 20th annual Jazz Fest at Three Rivers College.The All-District Jazz Band, an auditioned performance ensemble of students throughout the region, performed under the direction of guest clinician Dan Schunks. Out of 26 high school students selected for the All-District Jazz Band, 19 were members of the DHS jazz group.
DHS Students participating include:
Alto Sax: Brandon Moore, Shelby Lintz and Blake Kimbrough;
Tenor Sax: Brandon Moore, Steven Harrellson, Tyler Jones;
Baritone Sax: Lauren Dudlen;
Trumpet: Hannah Huls, Lnda Love, Alex Allstun, Chris Littleton;
Trombone: Alex Rybolt, Luke Dahs, Kendra Stevenson; Chuy Lara;
Piano: Joseph Greer;
Vibes: Samantha Long;
Drums: Brandon Propst;
Bass: Blake Kimbrough, Nathan Elliot .
At Saturday evening’s concert the All-District Jaz Band performed “Senator Sam,” by Ernie Wilkins; “Fly Me To The Moon” by Bart Howard and arranged by Sammy Nestico; “The Way I Feel About You’ by Carl Severinsen and Tommy Newsom; “Village Dance” by Tom Kubis; and “Hit the Ground Running” by Count Basie and arranged by Mark Taylor.
Dan Schunks was the guest clinician for the jazz ensemble. Schunks has garnered a reputation as one of Missouri's top band directors. He retired recently after over 30 years in public education in Missouri, having taught at North County (Bonne Terre) for 22 years; West County (Leadwood) for 10 and in the Bell City school district. He is an adjunct faculty member at Mineral Area College in Park Hills and conducts the Community Band, the Mineral Area Kicks Band and teaches private low brass and steel drum class.
Schunks’ bands through the years received consistently high ratings at state contests and in jazz and marching competitions throughout Missouri. He lives in Farminton with his wife Ellen, and sons Nathan and Philip.
The Three Rivers Jazz Fest was held the week of Feb. 16 – 19 and is supported by the Three Rivers Patrons of the Arts. Three Rivers College instrumental music instructor Buddy White is the director of the jazz festival.
Photo above:
A number of Dexter High School Jazz Band students participated in the Southeast Missouri All-District Jazz Band as a part of the 20th Annual Three Rivers College Jazz Fetival. The DHS Jazz 'Cats students who were members of the All-District band gathered for a photo in the lobby of the Tinnin Fine Arts Center on the campus of Three Rivers in Poplar Bluff. Reader-submitted photo by Kay Stevenson.
Last Updated on February 23rd 2011 by News
Area Students To Participate in Spelling Bee
February 20th 2011 by Unknown

This year’s competition marks the second year that Three Rivers College will host a regional Scripps Spelling Bee for area elementary and junior high school students. The winner immediately is qualified for the national spelling bee.
“Three Rivers is one of only a few higher education institutions to sponsor the national spelling bee,” said Mark Sanders, English instructor and coordinator of the Southeast Missouri Regional Spelling Bee at Three Rivers.
Sanders reports the 2010 Southeast Missouri Regional Spelling Bee was won by Summer Johnston, a student from Advance.
“We invite public, private, parochial and home-schooled students from 17 southeast Missouri counties to take part in this event.”
The E.W. Scripps Publishing Company has sponsored and hosted the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C., since 1941.
According to Sanders, 45 spellers are registered for the competition at Three Rivers. The winner of this bee will be qualified to advance to the National Spelling Bee this summer. Last year's national champion received over $40,000 in savings bonds, prize money, and books.
“Until Three Rivers began hosting this last year, kids in our area did not have any opportunity to compete against other spellers from throughout the country,” said Steve Lewis, Division Chair for Humanities and Social Sciences at Three Rivers. “Now they do. The spelling bee fosters excellence in academic achievement among the students in southeast Missouri. The event also provides an opportunity for the students and their family members to set foot on our campus, become more acquainted with our facilities and personnel, and realize that Three Rivers is an excellent choice for higher education.”
“As an institution of higher learning, it’s important for us to support educational experiences at all levels of learning,” said Dr. Wesley Payne, Vice President for Learning at Three Rivers. Events like this give us the opportunity to be good community citizens by supporting the efforts of elementary and middle-school learners.”
The 2nd Annual Southeast Missouri Regional Spelling Bee at Three Rivers will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb.26, in the Tinnin Fine Arts Center auditorium. The event is presented by the Three Rivers Endowment Trust and open to the public; admission will not be charged. Sponsors include Boycom Cablevision; Insta-Print; First Midwest Bank; Poplar Bluff Rotary Club; Sikeston Rotary Club; River Radio; East Side Discount Pharmacy; First Missouri State Bank; Kennedy, Kennedy, Robbins & Yarbro; Mayas Restaurant; Poplar Bluff Federal Credit Union; Poplar Bluff Kiwanis; Southern Bank; Sterling Bank and Walmart. For more information, please contact Mark Sanders at (573) 840-9122.
Photo above
The 2010 winner of the Southeast Missouri Spelling Bee. Summer Johnston of Advance, participated in several events as a part of the 2010 National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. She is pictured above with the 2009 National Spelling Bee winner, Kavya Shivashankar, who won the spelling bee in Lafayette, Ind. Sponsored by the Journal and Courier. Her winning word in the 2009 National Spelling Bee was “laodicean” (which means a person who is lukewarm or indifferent, especially a person who is lukewarm or indifferent, especially in religion).
Last Updated on February 20th 2011 by Unknown
DHS Dance Team Marks End of Season
February 18th 2011 by News

Dance Team Success
The Dexter High School Dance Team celebrated the end of its season recently. The team has worked all fall preparing for its performances at each DHS Bearcat boys home basketball game. Team members include (front row, from left) Meagan Trewatha, Hannah Sandage, Hillary Baker, Kaycee Dukes, Lizie Kohlbaker; (second row, from left) Ashley Cogle, Jessica Snider, Catherine Kinchen, Audra Lasater, Amanda Cooper; (third row) Brooke Baker, Keagan Belcher, Tori Seabough, Bethany Christian; (fourth row) Karson Adams, Jennifer Aslin, Taylor Winstead, and Courtney Wilson. (ShowMe Times photo by Annabeth Miller)Last Updated on February 18th 2011 by News
12 For 12: DECA Students Make Mark At District
February 14th 2011 by Unknown

A ShowMe Times Report
Photos by Luke Robinson
The DHS DECA (Distributive Educational Clubs of America) chapter participated in District 12 Competition on Tuesday, Feb. 8. The day's competitions were held in Dempster Hall on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University.
A total of 12 DHS students participated in the competition, and Chapter Advisory Tammy Crowley reports all 12 won trophies for their excellent work. Dexter students participating were:
- Luke Robinson, first place, Principles of Finance
- Austin Stacy, second place, Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
- Sarah Davis, second place, Principles of Marketing
- Elisha Flanignan, first place, Community Service Project
- Logan Crowley and Glen Parker, first Entrepreneurship Promotion Project
- Arriel McGowen and Taylor Robey, second place, Buying and Merchandising
- Matt Blattman, Josh Galloway and Brennen Justice, second place, Advertising Campaign Event
- Austin Seabaugh, second place, Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan
Crowley reports most of these students will have the opportunity to move on to the Missouri State DECA Leadership Conference on March 13-15 at the Lodge of the Four Seasons at Lake of the Ozarks.
Last Updated on February 14th 2011 by Frank M. Kromann