Local Schools
Dexter students selected for state music honors
January 27th 2011 by Unknown

By Annabeth Miller, The ShowMe Times
Two Dexter High School Choir students have been chosen for top music honors in the state.
Senior choral music students Kaycee Dukes and Jessica Lesley were selected for the Missouri All-State Choir following a series of auditions held this fall. They will participate this month in All-State Choir activities and performances at the Missouri Music Educators Association Conference.
The two completed months work and auditions to achieve the All-State status. The participated in auditions earlier school year in All-District Auditions and performed a prepared vocal solo and sight-read music for judges. During the All-District Choir day in November the auditioned again, performing a standardized statewide musical selection and completed a tonal memory exercise for judges.
From the 100-voice Southeast Missouri All-District Choir only 20 students were tapped for All-State honors, including Dukes and Lesley.
Dukes and Lesley are both seniors at DHS and are members of the DHS Chamber Choir.
DHS choral music director MaryRuth Boone praised the two students and their accomplishment in being chosen for the prestigious statewide honor.
“These two young ladies represent the very best of the Dexter music program and Dexter High School. I am extremely proud of their achievements. They will represent our community very well,” Boone said.
On Saturday, Jan. 8 the two Dexter students were joined by the other All-State Choir students for a daylong rehearsal at Dexter High School. Another day of rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 15 at Jackson.
Photo aboveTwo Dexter High School students were selected for the Missouri All-State Choir during auditions held this fall. Shown with DHS Choir Director MaryRuth Boone following the announcement are Dexter students Jessica Lesley (left) and Kaycee Dukes. The young ladies will participate in the Missouri All-State Choir week later this month at the Missouri Music Educators Association conference.
Photo below
All of the Missouri All-State Choir members gathered Saturday, Jan. 8 at Dexter High School for one of the group’s required rehearsals before participating in the statewide honors choir later this month. On hand for the day-long rehearsal were (front row, from left) Jessica Lesley, Dexter; Alica Petzoldt, Saxony Lutheran; Ashley Hotop, Perryville; Taylor Dickerson, Jackson; Morgan Bass, Notre Dame; Sarah Fults, Fredericktown; Maycie Parker, Fredericktown; Alyssa Kapp, Perryville; Haley Rothenberger, Jackson; Allie Penzel, Jackson; Lacy Beebe, Poplar Bluff; Kaycee Dukes, Dexter; (back row, from left) Jeremy Pyle, Fredericktown; Tanner Puckett, Poplar Bluff; Geoffrey Payne, Doniphan; James Hunt, Doniphan; Nathan Fridley, Jackson; Seth Tyler, Jackson; Taylor Smith, Poplar Bluff; Dalton Manche, Perryville; Taylor Marsyla, Cape Girardeau Central; Drew Hosp, Jackson; Jonny Deneke, Jackson; Jason Cox, Jackson.

Last Updated on January 27th 2011 by Unknown