Political Blogs

Candy Collier Announces Run for Stoddard County Recorder
February 21st 2022 by Dee Loflin
Candy Collier Announces Run for Stoddard County Recorder

Stoddard County, MO - Candy Collier has announced that she will run for Recorder of Deeds on the Republican ticket in the upcoming 2022 primary election in August.

She is married to Shannon Collier, Maintenance Supervisor at the MO State Veterans Cemetery in Bloomfield.  They have one daughter, Becky Orton who is married to David Orton, both are employed by WW Wood Products in Dudley.  They have 2 grandchildren, Brenner, age 12 and Druzy, age 5. Both grandchildren are students at Dexter Public Schools.

Collier has worked for 30 years in the Recorders Office, three years for Freida Lee and 27 years as Chief Deputy Recorder for Kay Asbell.

Asbell has chosen not to seek another term.

She has worked in the office when they went from aperture cards to computer indexing and scanning images to now the majority of recording being done through e recording an online service.

"I have assisted in maintaining our counties most important records, transferring real estate, subdivision plats, and surveys, Federal and State tax liens, Military Discharges and Marriage Licenses," commented Collier. "The work is very interesting and I enjoy my job.  Kay has done a fantastic job in keeping the Recorders Office up on all the current updates and improvements available.  I have been here and assisted her with every upgrade done to the office."

"Everything Kay has done has been to improve the office and the services available to the citizens of Stoddard County.  I will continue the tradition she has established," continued Collier. "She has been a great boss and I have learned how the office operates under her leadership."

"I feel I have the knowledge and experience necessary to run the office and hope the citizens will have enough confidence in me to elect me the next Recorder of Deeds of Stoddard County."

Last Updated on February 21st 2022 by Dee Loflin

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