Montauk State Park near Salem, Missouri has a lot to offer. With its crystal clear spring water, a humungous trophy pond, a large fish hatchery, and great camping sites, it is a go-to place for people of all ages. In fact, even Missouri’s Governor, Jay Nixon, is thrilled to be spending this Friday, March 1st, at Montauk.
There are many great things about the park, but its premier attraction is trout fishing. The clear waters and heartily stocked trout fish bring fishermen and vacationers from all over. Governor Nixon will be shooting off the starting pistol at 6:30am on the bridge at Montauk State Park to indicate the beginning of this year’s trout season. Fishermen will be anxiously awaiting that sound of gun fire in the bright and early morning as they are waist deep in the cool spring water.
Trout season has officially been declared from March 1st until October 31st. There is a catch and release pond offered at Montauk year round. Licenses and tags are required and can be purchased at the State Park shop in the center of the park. Trout fishing will start around 6:00am to around 7:30am and will end near 7:00pm or 8:00pm. The daily limit of fish caught at Montauk is four and these fish can be cleaned at one of the cleaning stations near the banks of the river.
Governor Nixon will be one to participate in this annual event and is excited to jump into a pair of waders, grab his fly fishing pole, and wade into Current River this Friday with the other Missouri fishermen attending. After a few hours of great fishing at Montauk State Park, Governor Nixon will arrive at Bennett Springs State Park near Lebanon to begin his fly-fishing adventure.
“One of the pleasures of living in Missouri is trying to land a trout on opening day,” Governor Nixon stated. “I’m delighted to be at two of our trout parks on Friday to join in one of the generations-old traditions that make Missouri State Parks such great places to visit.”
Governor Nixon will be available to talk to the media at Montauk State Park after firing the starting pistol around 6:30am. When he arrives in Lebanon, he will also speak to the media around 11:30am before continuing his day of fishing.
If you are interesting in other great trout fishing locations aside from Montauk and Bennett Springs, fishermen can kick off this year’s season at Roaring River State Park (near Cassville) and Maramec Spring Park (near St. James).

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Jefferson City, Missouri - As we anticipate the arrival of Spring and the plans and items we look forward to doing - your Missouri House of Representatives was busy with the task of moving Missouri forward.
HJR 14 – which relates to Funding for Higher Education, Improvements, Construction, and Transportation Infrastructure –will provide the funding necessary to accomplish the task we have at hand; repairing our broken infrastructure. The resolution creates the Fifth State Building Fund for the payment of the bonds and any interest earned.
On Thursday, February 14 the House Third Read and Passed HCS HB 48 & 216 and HCS HJRs 5 & 12, this legislation requires a person to submit a specified form of photo identification in order to vote in a public election. This is submitted on a ballot initiative for approval of the people while being added to the Missouri constitution.
The goal of these bills is to protect the sanctity and integrity of the election process, not to restrict anyone from voting. Acceptable forms of identification under these measures include: non-expired Missouri driver’s or non-driver’s license; a document issued by the federal or state government that contains the individual’s name, signature, photograph and expiration date; or a photo ID issued by the National Guard, US Armed Forces or US Department of Veterans Affairs. There are also provisions in the bills that would help Missourians who might not have or be able to afford an ID to obtain a proper form of identification at no cost to the voter or vote by provisional ballot. Thus, allowing everyone to partake in the democratic process while safeguarding against voter fraud.
As always, it is an honor to serve you in the Missouri House. If you would like to discuss any issue, please call 573-751-3629. you can also email me at Kent.Hampton@house.mo.gov. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Listening Posts are intended for Missourians to share their questions and concerns during meetings with members of Senator Blunt's staff.
Senator Blunt's Jefferson City office also extends one-on-one service to all Missourians who have an issue with a federal agency or need additional assistance.
To reach the Senator's Office of Constituent Services, please call 573-634-2488 or send a letter to 308 E. High Street, Suit 202, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101.
What: Senator Blunt's Staff Hosts Listening Post Meeting
When: Wednesday, February 20th from 11:00 a.m. - noon CTS.
Where: Bootheel Regional Planning Commission,
105 E. North Main in Dexter, Missouri.

In the past, I have relied on you for help. Today, I invite you to help again AND get free registration to the Missouri Republican Party statewide gathering next weekend (Feb 15-17) in St. Louis.
Our Republican Party calls these gatherings Lincoln Days in honor of President Lincoln. This year is no different, and as the party faithful descend upon the statewide Lincoln Days event, we need volunteers to help us out.
If you volunteer for a shift during the weekend - 3 hours of helping out in so many ways - then we will give you free registration. And, at some of our ticketed events, we will be offering volunteers a chance to hear the keynote speeches.
If you are willing to work a shift as a volunteer, I would be grateful for the help. Find out more of the details on Lincoln Days at www.mogop.org and please email vols@mogop.org to sign up to volunteer.
I look forward to seeing you.
All the best.
PS: Lincoln Days will be here:
St. Louis Renaissance Grand
800 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101
For those of you who wonder "how can I help" or "what can I do next", please stay in close touch with me by email - ed@edmartinformissouri.com or by phone at (314)256-1776. Together, we will take back America and make Missouri great.

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Jefferson City, Missouri - Gov. Jay Nixon has proclaimed Monday, February 4, 2013 as Rosa Parks Day in Missouri. A state law passed in 2006 designated the date to remember and honor the late Ms. Parks.
The famed civil rights pioneer was born on February 4, 1913 and passed away in 2005. Gov. Nixon wanted to honor her on what would have been her 100th birthday.
Best remembered for her refusal on December 1, 1955 to obey the order of a bus driver to give up her seat to a white male passenger on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
Rosa Parks has been described as the “Mother of the Modern Day Civil Rights Movement.” Her refusal led to the successful boycott of the segregated city bus system, and is considered one of the seminal events of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
“As Missourians, we can honor the legacy of this courageous woman on the 100th anniversary of her birth by continuing to ensure that the civil rights of all Americans are protected,” Gov. Nixon said.
The U.S. Postal Service also issued a special Rosa Parks Forever Stamp to honor. This special stamp went on sale today, February 4th and is only one of several events schedule through out the United States today to remember and honor Ms. Rosa Parks.