The Dexter High School Track & Field Team held their only home meet this year and honored their seniors.
The Dexter Invitational set for May 5th has been cancelled.
Clayton Bell is the son of Mendy and Christian Bell.
He is a member of Future Farmers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Rotary Interact.
After Clayton graduates, he plans to attend Arkansas State to obtain a degree in business.
As a member of the track team, his most memorable moment at DHS would be the hotel room with Carter Dorton, Gavin Cartwright, and Chris Stone before the state track meet my sophomore year.

The Dexter High School Track & Field Team held their only home meet this year and honored their seniors.
The Dexter Invitational set for May 5th has been cancelled.
Tristan Bryant is the son of Benjamin Bryant and Rosa Bryant
He has been a member of varsity track 4 years, Sr. Beta Club 3 years, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
After Tristan graduates, he plans on getting a business associate degree online.
As a member of the track team, his most memorable moment at DHS, was getting to ride home with Mr. and Mrs. Dowdy after getting hurt at the Hillsboro meet his Junior year.

The Dexter High School Track & Field Team held their only home meet this year and honored their seniors.
The Dexter Invitational set for May 5th has been cancelled.
Juan Cuevas is the son of Juan and Angie Cuevas

The Dexter High School Track & Field Team held their only home meet this year and honored their seniors.
The Dexter Invitational set for May 5th has been cancelled.
Maddie Glaus is the daughter of Ron and Kara Glaus.
She has been a member of the varsity Track team, varsity girls basketball team, BETA club, FBLA, HOSA, Pep Club, NHS, FCA, and Choir.
After Maddie graduates, she plans to attend the University of Arkansas and major in Political Science.
As a member of the track team, her most memorable moment at DHS was when on the drive to Cape Invitational the entire water container tipped over and spilt on Coach B.

The Dexter High School Track & Field Team held their only home meet this year and honored their seniors.
The Dexter Invitational set for May 5th has been cancelled.
Malik Hinson-Floresi is the son of Crystal Hinson
He has been a member of the basketball and track teams.
After Maliki graduates, he plans to find his dad.
As a member of the track team, his most memorable moment at DHS is watching Jimmy trying to learn high jump.