Dexter, Missouri - It's been many years since Dexter has sent anyone to state in Cross Country. Could this be the year? Coach Morse and his runners seem to think so and they believe they will have a very good season.
"Our goal every year is always so send as many runners to state as possible," commented head Cross Country Coach Leonard Morse. "It's been many years since we have sent anyone. I believe that drought will end this year. We will have a very competitive team this year both on the boys' and the girls' sides. I believe we have the runners to get to state thsi year. I also believe we will see the school records for boys and girls broken this year and most likely several times each."
Cross Country is an individual team sport; however Coach Morse believes his runners this year have meshed into a team, a competitive team and a good group of individuals who are working together to build up a great Bearcat Cross Country program.
"I believe that this team will continue to improve over the positive steps it took last year," continued Morse. "We have hungry runners who are working hard and I think that hard work will pay off in a very positive way. We also have some very talented freshmen runners joining us this year who will push the varsity runners."
There are 13 seniors this year. Leading the Bearcat pack are Emily Ladd on the girls Cross Country side.
"She has been my number one girl all through high school," stated Morse.
Also returning are seniors Jonni Hill and Shelby Smith who are also showing signs of great improvement.
"Sophomore Margo Nea is my returning number two girl. They will be joined by freshman Madelyn Haynes. While we only have one junior, Hannah Smith, we have a new crop of sophomore girls that are new to the team. I believe that we will have several solid female runners emerge from this group which is good for this year and great for the next couple of years as well."
On the boys side there are six varsity runners returning. Dawson kasting, Lucas Goodrich, Sean Rybolt, Nate Drivas, Matthew Chesser, and Dylan Long are extremely competitive.
"These six have been working hard this year. Senior Blake Bolin returns from last year's team. Jacob Chamness and Chris Seabaugh rejoin the team this year after taking their junior years off. We also have a transfer runner in Dakota Morlan. They will be joined by sophomore Dylan Homan and Wyatt Parker. Then, we have three up and coming freshmen in Gavin Cartwright, Carter Dorton, and Andrew Ellinghouse. I expect great things from these three throughout their high school careers."
Dexter will host an Invitational on Saturday, October 21st as well as the Class 3, District 1 meet on Saturday, October 28th.
"Hopefully we will perform well at districts on our home course. While I am hopeful we will advance to the state meet, the District meet will give some of our seniors one last chance to run in front of family and friends at home."
Class 3, District 1 competition is tough in this part of southeast Missouri. The Dexter Bearcats are up against several impressive schools such as Festus, DeSoto, Herculaneum, North County, Notre Dame, Potosi, Ste. Genevieve and Windsor. Newcomers to the group are Kennett and Perryville and they continue to improve.
"I do believe that we will make a strong showing at Districts this year on both the boys' side and girls' side," Morse said.
Seniors are Blake Bolin, Jacob Chamness, Matthew Chesser, Nate Drivas, Lucas Goodrich, Dawson Kasting, Dylan Long, Dakota Morlan, Sean Rybolt, Chris Seabaugh, Jonni Hill, Emily Ladd, and Shelby Smith.
The only junior cross country member is Hannah Smith.
Sophomores are Dylan Homan, Wyatt Parker, Keaira Craft, Samantha Glore, Shelby Haynes, Hailee Mayfield, Grace Milam, Margo Nea, AnnMarie Slaton, and Alexis Williamson.
Freshman are Gavin Cartwright, Carter Dorton, Andrew Ellinghouse, and Madelyn Haynes.
Managers for Cross Country are Jacob Smith, Andreus Garrett, Demi Cecil, and Sophie Freeman.
Dexter will compete in Class 3, District 1 with DeSoto, Doniphan, Kennett, Festus, Herculaneum, North County, Notre Dame, Perryville, Potosi, Ste. Genevieve and Windsor

Dexter, Missouri - The 2017 - 2018 Bearcat Band Schedule was released this week. Since uniforms have not been distributed, students are asked to wear khaki shorts, marching shoes, black socks and the band shirt.
2017 - 2018 Bearcat Band Schedule
Fri. Aug 18 Band Room 5:30 P.M. Home Game vs. St. Genevieve
Wed. Aug 23 Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Wed. Aug 30 Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Fri. 1st Band Room 6:00 P.M. Home Game vs. NMCC
Wed. 13th Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Fri. 15th Band Room 6:00 P.M. Home Game vs. Sikeston
Tues. 19th Dexter Library 5:00 P.M. Stoddard Co. Fair Parade (Annual Group Photo will be taken behind Keller Library - be ready at 5 p.m.)
Fri. 22th Band Room 6:00 P.M. Home Game vs. Caruthersville
Wed. 27th Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Wed. 4th Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Tues. 3rd Sikeston MB Festival - rehearse during the day – evening performance
Wed. 11th Practice Field 7:30 A.M. morning rehearsal
Fri. 13th Band Room 6:00 P.M. Home Game vs. Malden
Sat. 14th Sikeston SEMBDA Marching Band Competition
Tues. 7th Jackson All District Band Auditions at Jackson – leave immediately after school
Fri. 10th BEC Veteran’s Day Performance
Tues. 14th Dexter All District Band Rehearsal
Sat. 18th Cape Central All District Band Rehearsal and Concert at Cape Central
Fri./Sat 1st - 2nd Columbia All State Band Auditions in Columbia
Thurs. 7th Auditorium Christmas Concert – 6:30 – Auditorium All DAY
Sat. 9th Cape Girardeau Tuba Christmas at Cape Girardeau (Tubas and Baritones only)
Wed. 24th – Sat. 27th MMEA All State Bands!!!
Tues. 13th Auditorium Winter Concert – Auditorium ALL DAY
Tues. 20th Poplar Bluff Concert Band Festival
Sat. 24th Poplar Bluff District Solo and Ensemble Music Contest at Poplar Bluff
Sat. 7th Poplar Bluff State Large Ensemble Music Contest at Poplar Bluff
Sun. 22nd Dexter Honors Recital
Thurs. 26- Fri. 27 Columbia State Solo and Ensemble Contest in Columbia
Thurs. 3rd Aud./Cafeteria 6:30 P.M. Spring Concert/Reception – Auditorium ALL DAY
Cafeteria for the reception
Sat. 5th Dexter M.S. Solo and Ensemble contest (at M.S.)
Fri. 11th BEC Graduation
Wed./Thrs. 14th - 15th @M.S. Color Guard and Drum Major clinics
Fri. 16th at H.S. Gym 3:00 P.M. Color Guard and Drum Major Auditions

Dexter, Missouri - The all popular Dexter High School Jazz Cats have several performances in the 2017-2018 academic school season. Under the direction of Scott Rybolt, the Jazz Cats will perform at several events.
2017-2018 DHS Jazz Cats Schedule
Added Thursday, October 12th Mineral Area College - MAC Day of Jazz at Park Hills, MO
November 7th Tuesday All District Band Auditions 4:30 – Jackson H.S.
December 1st - 2nd Fri./Sat. State Auditions in Columbia
December 7th Thursday Christmas Concert – 6:30 p.m. – Auditorium ALL DAY
January 12th Friday Home Basketball Game vs. Bernie – call time 5:30
January 19th Winter Homecoming at the Bearcat Event Center
January 24th - 27th Wed. – Sat. All State Jazz Band
February 2nd Friday Home Basketball Game vs. Advance – call time 5:30
February 3rd Saturday SEMO Phi Mu Alpha Jazz Festival
February 5th Monday Basketball Home Game vs. Perryville – call time 5:30
6th Tuesday Home Game vs. Bernie – call time 5:30
8th Thursday TRCC Jazz Festival - TRCC
9th Friday All District Jazz Rehearsal - TRCC
10th Saturday All District Jazz Rehearsal and Performance – TRCC
24th Saturday SIU Carbondale Jazz Festival CANCELLED!
28th Wednesday Fort Zumwalt North – Jazz Festival
March 10th Saturday MAC Jazz Fest
13th Tuesday Winter Concert – 6:30 p.m. - Auditorium ALL DAY
24th Saturday District Solo and Ensemble Contest
April 7th Saturday Poplar Bluff – State Large Ensemble festival
20th Friday UMSL
21st Saturday North County Jazz Festival (TBA)
22nd Sunday Honors Recital
26th - 27th Thrs./Fri. State Solo and Ensemble Contest at Columbia
May 3rd Thursday Spring Concert/reception 6:30 p.m. - Auditorium ALL DAY
May 11th Friday Graduation 7:30 p.m.