Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the Special Session Meeting on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
At the meeting Mr. Mathis and Commissioner Carol Jarrell are slated to interview seven candidates. Each candidate will have an opportunity to speak for 15 minutes.
After the appointment by The Commission, the Governor will then have 60 days to finalize the appointment or choose a Commissioner on his own.
Below is the Missouri State Statute on how to fill vacancies for Commissioners.
"105.030. Vacancies, how filled. — Whenever any vacancy, caused in any manner or by any means whatsoever, occurs or exists in any state or county office originally filled by election of the people, other than in the offices of lieutenant governor, state senator or representative, sheriff, or recorder of deeds in the city of St. Louis, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the governor except that when a vacancy occurs in the office of county assessor after a general election at which a person other than the incumbent has been elected, the person so elected shall be appointed to fill the remainder of the unexpired term; and the person appointed after duly qualifying and entering upon the discharge of his duties under the appointment shall continue in office until the first Monday in January next following the first ensuing general election, at which general election a person shall be elected to fill the unexpired portion of the term, or for the ensuing regular term, as the case may be, and the person so elected shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of the office the first Monday in January next following his election, except that when the term to be filled begins on any day other than the first Monday in January, the appointee of the governor shall be entitled to hold the office until such other date. This section shall not apply to vacancies in county offices in any county which has adopted a charter for its own government under Section 18, Article VI of the Constitution. Any vacancy in the office of recorder of deeds in the city of St. Louis shall be filled by appointment by the mayor of that city."
Mr. Mathis handed out a letter from Kyle Aubuchon stating how the county office vacancies are filled by gubernatorial appointment. Mr. Aubuchon is aware that the Commission is fielding questions from citizens who are interested in applying for the office. An online application must also be filled out as well. Both the Central Committees may also recommend candidates as well.
Candidates are CD Stewart, Lori Thrower, David Cooper, Greg Lintz, Chad Payne, Logan Lowery, Shannon Sisson, and Steve Hunott
"One candidate stated that there has been a decline in the representation of how the Commissioners worked together. Lots of problems over the past couple of years. I just had a lot of concerns and comments from courthouse staff and they just need good leadership."
Mr. Mathis and Mrs. Carroll will announce their decision today and then a swearing in ceremony will be held on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 9 a.m. The ShowMe Times will be notified today by phone from Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis. The announcement will be posted on Facebook.
Update: at 3:00 p.m. today.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to appoint Greg Lintz as District 1 Commissioner. Mathis seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to adjourn at 12:51 p.m. Mathis seconded the motion. Both voted yes.