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Governor Parson Proclaims September 5th - 11th Suicide Prevention Week in Missouri
September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Governor Parson Proclaims September 5th - 11th Suicide Prevention Week in Missouri

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has proclaimed September 5th - 11th, 2021, as Suicide Prevention Week.

"I am taking a pro-active approach to suicide prevention by learning risk factors and warning signs so we can all work to reduce suicide attempts and deaths," stated Parson.

More than 1,100 Missourians die by suicide each year.  That is an average of person every seven hours.

Since 2009 suicide rates have increased by 27% with Missouri ranked 16th highest in the nation.  

If you know of someone that is immediate crisis contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Missouri has designated the twenty-second day of each month as "Buddy Check 22 Day" to promote education and awareness of the problems of suicide fcing military personnel.

Last Updated on September 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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