Dear City of Dexter Residents:
Effective Monday March 23rd City hall is closed, all city employees are here to serve its citizens and we will continue to accommodate.
Planning and Zoning scheduled for March 23rd at 6:00 P.M. has been canceled.
We apologize for any inconveniences this might be on our citizens, but our primary goals are to obey orders passed down by our State officials and keep all of our people safe.
Our hours and schedules will continue to be posted on our Social Media Sites with all updates and future plans.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call City of Dexter 573-624-5959 and our employees will try to accommodate you need. . Our goal is to make your life as less stressful as we can during these difficult times.
Here are temporary hours and procedures for the city of Dexter offices and buildings:
City Hall: All public offices including customer service /water, sewer, trash billing, building permits, and meeting request are cancelled without calling prior to make arrangements. All payments can be made online or by using our drop boxes on the Kiosk building, or in front of City Hall. To pay bill online www.CITYOFDEXTER.ORG.
Police Department: Closed to public; authorized personnel only.
Fire Department: Closed to public; authorized personnel only
Municipal Court: Payments are accepted limited access. No Court until April 6th.
Water/Sewer, Street departments: Closed to public; employees only.
Park & Recreation: refunds where applicable, all programs cancelled or postponed.
Library: Closed as of March 18th until April 6th. Books on line available and can contact Keller Public Library 573-624-3764 or email kellerpl@yahoo.com if need a Library Card for Books-On-Line.
City of Dexter
Mark Stidham
City Administrator