Visitors and residents will be out in full force along Route 61 Labor Day weekend in search of bargains at the 61-Mile Yard Sale from Bloomsdale to Jackson, Mo., but MoDOT wants you to remember the greatest savings of the event could be a life.
“It’s a fun weekend that people look forward to each year,” says Traffic Engineer Craig Compas, “but we want people to remember that there’s more traffic and more congestion along Route 61 this weekend than any other and drivers need to keep that in mind.”
MoDOT will do its part to bring the safety message to the forefront. Message boards will be in place along the route to alert drivers of the unusual traffic patterns and promote safe driving.
“We really want drivers to be alert—to be aware of their surroundings, to be aware of sudden stops and to look for pedestrian traffic,” Compas says. “It’s a big event locally, and we want everyone to enjoy themselves and be as safe as possible.”

Dexter, Missouri - Contractor crews will improve the intersection of Route 25 and Route Y in Bloomfield, Missouri, located in Stoddard County. A turn lane will be added on Route 25, along with acceleration and deceleration lanes. Additionally, crews will overlay the intersection. As work is underway, a 12-foot width restriction will be in place.
Contractor crews will also overlay Route Y from Route 25 to the Chester Sub Railroad crossing. As work is underway, an 11 foot width restriction will be in place.
Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, Sept. 9 through Friday, Nov. 1 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Bloomfield, Missouri - Now Hiring Administrative Support - Stoddard County Extension Council is seeking a professional, friendly, and organized individual to perfrom customer service, bookkeeping, website updates, event coordination, and other office duties in support of the council and MU extension Staff.
The position is an employee of the county's University of Missouri Extension Council and is responsible for a variety of secretarial work and some office management for the county extension programs.
Position is located at 316 S. Prairie Street, Bloomfield, MO and is 40 hours per week. Regular work hours are Monday - friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Minimum requirements: high school diploma or equivalent, ability to type 50 words per minutes with high accuracy, effective written and verbal communication skills, and proficient computer skills, and proficient computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. Must be efficient in Quickbooks.
90-Day Probationary Start Salary of $8.60 per hour.
Complete job description and application form are available at http://extension.missouri.edu/stoddard/
Please create own resume and mail with application or bring to the office. Mailing address: Stoddard County Extension, P.O. Box 169, Bloomfield, MO 63825.
Anticipated start date will be 10/01/2019
For more information or questions, please call 573-568-3344, or email the office at: stoddardco@missouri.edu

Route AE in Stoddard County will be closed as Missouri Department of Transportation crews overlay the roadway.
This section of roadway is located from Route 51 to County Road 497.
Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, Aug. 19 through Thursday, Aug. 22 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Open to local traffic only.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

As parents rejoice and students lament, schools are returning to session across the Show-Me State. Drivers are reminded to slow down and pay attention as more children will be on or near roadways, walking and bicycling to school or waiting for the bus.
Also, with many of Missouri’s colleges and universities about to reopen, drivers could experience increased traffic on major highways over the next two weeks as students return to campus.
Here are some back to school safe driving reminders:
For Drivers:
- Buckle Up Phone Down! These four words are never more important than during the school year. Looking away from the roadway to send a text message doubles the chance of being involved in a crash. Avoid using your cellphone or any other activity that might take attention away from the roadway. And set a good example for your young passengers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is buckled in.
- Expect the unexpected! When backing out of a driveway or leaving a garage, watch out for children walking or bicycling to school. Remember, children in groups or who are arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking for traffic.
- Do not pass! It is a state law that vehicles in both lanes must stop when a school bus has its red warning lights flashing and the stop sign is extended.
- Slow down! Watch for school zones where speed limits are reduced.
For Students:
Parents and caregivers should talk to children about bus stop and traffic safety rules. Here are a few tips:
- Always stay in sight of the bus driver! Make eye contact when possible. Assume drivers cannot see you and never walk behind a school bus.
- Don’t hurry off the bus! Make sure to check traffic first.
- Use sidewalks where available! If you must walk in the street, walk single file facing traffic.
- Be alert! Avoid using cellphones, ear buds and hand-held games as they can be a distraction.
- Use caution! When crossing a street -in a crosswalk or at a corner - look left, then right, then left again. Wait until all cars are stopped or the road is clear before stepping out—that means all cars in all lanes in all directions.