Local News

Bloomfield Living Center Now Hiring CNA and LPNs
July 30th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Living Center Now Hiring CNA and LPNs

Bloomfield, Missouri - Bloomfield Living Center is currently seeking Certified Nursing Aides for day shift and evening shift LPN as well.

The LPN will have $.50 differential pay and pay depends on experience.

The Bloomfield Living Center is located at 606 West Missouri Street.  Please apply in person.

They have high-quality nursing home services for promoting health and improving the quality of life.

Last Updated on July 30th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Crystal Hart Still Missing in Stoddard County
July 30th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Crystal Hart Still Missing in Stoddard County

Crystal Marie Brown-Hart was last seen in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, on April 9, 2019. Her family filed a missing persons report with Butler County authorities, and the case was turned over to the Dexter Police Department.

Reportedly, Crystal arrived at a residence in Poplar Bluff on Township Line Road on April 9th. From there, she phoned a friend in Dexter at approximately 2:30 a.m. April 10th and said she was coming back to Dexter, as she had to go back to work at 6:00 a.m..The friend reported Crystal seemed confused and disoriented on the phone.

She left, alone, driving a black, four door, Mitsubishi Lancer with a possible Missouri registration of XB2D3M.

She is described as 4', 11", and weighs 100 pounds.

If you have information, please contact the Dexter Police Department at 573.624.5512 or the MSHP Missing Persons Unit at 800.877.3452, or 911

Last Updated on July 30th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Bootheel Recycling Price Sheet - July 24, 2019
July 29th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bootheel Recycling Price Sheet - July 24, 2019
Dexter, Missouri - "Bootheel Recycling is a Missouri scrap metal recycling company whose customer base includes regional utility companies, large manufacturing businesses, tool and die shops, local Dexter scrap dealers, haulers, farmers and individuals across Southeast Missouri and Arkansas."

"We comply vigilantly with the laws set forth by OSHA, EPA, federal and Missouri. Our scrap metal recycling policies are honest and transparent. Our scales are certified yearly and calibrated twice a year. We belong to the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. We are OSHA 10 certified. We have the highest graded material in the industry."

"We buy most forms of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, scrap iron, radiators and catalytic converters. Please consult our Scrap Metal Selling Guide to find out more about how to sell scrap metal, and how to get the most money for your scrap metal. The best indication of our success is our loyal customer base. We are nice people with good business practices. We have a very high level of return business, and our new customers often come to us by way of referral."

"Our friendly customer service staff will ensure that your recycling experience is simple and hassle-free. Our modern and streamlined processing system allows us to offer competitive prices. Please contact us today if you would like to inquire about our services."

Last Updated on July 29th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Fly Flags Half-Staff - Proclamation on the Death of John Paul Stevens
July 18th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Fly Flags Half-Staff - Proclamation on the Death of John Paul Stevens

Proclamation on the Death of  John Paul Stevens

As a mark of respect for the memory and long standing service of John Paul Stevens, retired Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that on the day of his interment, the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset on such day. 

I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.


Last Updated on July 18th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Crickets Tell the Temperature in Warm Weather
July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Crickets Tell the Temperature in Warm Weather
Crickets tell the temperature in warm weather
MDC education consultant recommends teaching children this fun summer trick.

Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) naturalists say a fun activity for children during summer break is to listen for crickets and determine the temperature.

“Summer is such a wonderful time to help children fall in love with nature,” said Bridget Jackson, a MDC education consultant. “The weather gets warm, we spend time outdoors and it’s just natural for us to interact with wildlife during the summer months.”

When people think of watching wildlife, they may think about birds, deer, or turkeys, but Jackson says Missouri has many insects, like crickets, that are just as interesting and just as beautiful as other wildlife.

“By listening to cricket sounds, you can teach your children to calculate the temperature,” Jackson said. “Once they catch on, children will really enjoy this trick and remember it for years.”

A male field cricket will make a slow series of chirps on warm nights to attract a mate, when the temperature is around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Usually, they’ll chirp about two or three times per second. The formula to convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit can be found in the Old Farmer’s Almanac. First, count the number of chirps that occur within 14 seconds, then, add 40 to the number of chirps and the sum will tell you what the temperature is. For example, if the cricket chirps 30 times in 14 seconds, you would add 40 to the 30 chirps and know that the temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fall Field crickets are found in summer and fall mainly in grassy habitats, feeding on plant and animal matter. Though crickets can sometimes damage vegetable crops, they also bring a benefit by consuming the eggs and pupae of pests and scavenging dead insects. 

“Insects perform so many important functions, like breaking down decaying matter, keeping soil healthy and serving as a food source for other animals in the food chain,” Jackson said. “We couldn’t survive without them.”

Last Updated on July 07th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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