Bernie, Missouri - On Saturday, April 27th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. the Bernie Police Dept will host the annual DEA National RX Take Back Day.
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That's dangerous and often tragic. That's why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in - safely and anonymously - a record amount of prescription drugs.
Bring your unused, unwanted, or expired medications for safe disposal to the Bernie police Department.
This even is sponsored by Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health, local law enforcement, and local pharmacies.
"Keep them safe! Clean them out! Take them back!"
"The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet."
The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Bond passed on Tuesday by a vote of 1,290 - 377. That's an overwhelmingly 78% win for the Dexter Public Schools.
"We would like to thank the community for showing their support for the students and staff of Dexter R-XI," stated Gavin Miller, Assistant Superintendent of Dexter Schools. "Not only does this affect our school it's also a win for our community. As it adds value to our campus as our community moves forward in industrial growth and can give our patrons something to be very proud of. 77.3% Yes votes on Proposition K.I.D.S. We are so excited that we had such a great turn-out of voters and we are looking forward to the projects beginning soon."
"It will take a few days to get some "legal" aspects of this taken care of and some contracts to be signed, but we are hopeful that we can see equipment on campus within two weeks," continued Miller.
Miller credited the work of the bond committee saying that over the last year and a half they have worked diligently to get this passed.
Several projects will begin as early as Monday. He also said that after Thursday evening the contracts will be signed with CTS. ThThen CTS will send out winners for the bid contracts. Hopefully we will see big equipment on campus over the next week or so. Ten of the 12 projects will be ready for use by the 2019-2020 school year with the exceptions of the gym and new classrooms at Central and Southwest Elementary preschool. Thos projects will take about a year to complete.
In school board news Nancy Mayer retained her seat receiving 991 votes. Herman Morse and Ronal David Glaus III run was a tad closer with only 3 votes separating them. Morse retained his seat with 932 votes, Glaus received 929 votes.
These results are unofficial until Friday when they will be certified. Stoddard County Clerk Mr. Cecil Weeks (his first election) said that military votes could still arrive in the mail.
Again here are a list of projects to begin work as soon as possible.
Southwest Elementary
Addition of six classrooms. Four classrooms for preschool to serve 4, 5-year-old students.
Added access to One Mile Road for safer pickup and drop-off of students.
Central Elementary
Building a new gymnasium and two classrooms for art and music.
T.S. Hill Middle School
Expansion of the kitchen and cafeteria will also provide new rooms for music, choir and band.
More parking and new drainage flow in front of the school will make for safer and quicker pickup and drop-off of students.
High School
Upgrading the AG building to include new welding stations and an additional 2,800 square feet of space.
Facelift to entire building with new doors and windows.
Auditorium face-lift will see new lights and sound systems as well as new seats and ADA-compliant seating.
New lobby and cafeteria expansion will bring the west lobby a new, modern look and give students much-needed space.
Modify existing facilities to create secure, one-point entry systems with state-of-the-art fob-entry keyless systems.
District-wide improvements
Roof replacements over much of the campus.
Replace the six-lane track with MSHSAA-regulated eight-lane track and lower football bleacher replacement.
New ADA-compliant restrooms and concession stand at the stadium. A new two-story building would feature locker rooms in the lower level and a concession area in the top.
New junior high and high school football locker rooms, along with storage for tennis, track and football.
New synthetic football turf.
Pictured are Gavin Miller, Asst. Superintendent and C.A. Counts, Superintendent of Dexter Public Schools.