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FFA Members Participate in Leadership Workshops
April 29th 2015 by Dee Loflin
FFA Members Participate in Leadership Workshops
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Poplar Bluff High School FFA members participated in leadership workshops and honored their colleagues for outstanding achievements at the Missouri FFA Convention Thursday and Friday, April 16-17, in the Hearnes Center at the University of Missouri in Columbia.
Sophomore Daniel Williams, and juniors Hunter Hudson and Chase Burch received proficiency awards for their supervised agricultural experience projects. Poplar Bluff teams qualified in various career development events including farm management, forestry, FFA knowledge and agronomy. The chapter received a superior rating and a 10 percent growth award since club membership increased this year.
Speakers included Gov. Jay Nixon, Missouri Director of Agriculture Richard Fordyce, Missouri Commissioner of Education Margaret Vandeven, and American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman.

Shown in the photo - The PBHS FFA chapter attended the state convention at Mizzou, and toured Busch Stadium, the St. Louis Zoo and the Rock Bridge Conservation Center along the way.

Photos and article by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on April 29th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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