Hendrickson Business Advisors and
Dale Carnegie Training Announce
Courses for Young Adults
Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Hendrickson Business Advisors and Dale Carnegie Training will hold three week-long Dale Carnegie Courses for high school students.
The Dale Carnegie Course – Skills for Young Adult Success is just like the Dale Carnegie Course – except that it is tailored for high school students rather than people already out of school and in the workplace. Candidates for this course will have just completed either the 10th, 11th, or 12th grades. Each one-week course will run from Monday through Friday and participants will be in session from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM, including a break for lunch. They will be held at the Cape Girardeau Career and Technology Center during the weeks of June 8th, June 15th, and July 13th.
Participants will develop greater self-confidence, set realistic goals, and hold themselves accountable. They will enhance their communication and presentation skills, refine their leadership and problem-solving skills, increase their motivation, and manage their attitudes and stress levels. Graduates will earn 2 college credits through the University of Central Missouri.
Rhett Hendrickson of Hendrickson Business Advisors and a certified trainer with Dale Carnegie Training said: “Most of us would have benefitted from learning how to Win Friends, Influence People, Stop Worrying, and Start Living earlier than we did. The skills developed and honed through The Dale Carnegie Course are just as relevant to young adults as to their parents. By developing strong positive habits early, these students will increase their chances of developing the right relationships the first time. These courses are not lectures – they’re laboratories in which participants can try out their new skills in a safe environment, see what works and what doesn’t work, and be more ready for the world.”
For more than a century, Dale Carnegie Training has helped millions around the world become better at people skills and is the gold standard in personal development courses. For more information visit HendricksonBusinessAdvisors.com or visit stlouis.dalecarnegie.com/events to enroll.
Hendrickson Business Advisors is a management and marketing consulting firm based in Cape Girardeau, Missouri with clients throughout the United States. They are also the area managers for Dale Carnegie Training – St. Louis. Visit HendricksonBusinessAdvisors.com to learn more.