Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri – The National Weather Service in Paducah, Kentucky has issued a FREEZE WATCH from late Thursday night through Friday morning. High pressure will build in with a reinforcing shot of cold Canadian air Thursday night. This will cause temperatures to drop to or below freezing across the entire area. A widespread frost will accompany the freeze if the high builds in strong enough to cause skies to clear and winds to diminish sufficiently.
Thursday night lows are forecast in the upper half of the 20s across the North, especially from the highlands of Southeast Missouri toward the interstate 64 corridor of Southern Illinois.
A FREEZE WATCH means sub-freezing temperatures are possible. These conditions could kill crops and other sensitive vegetation.

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri – Who has Cardinal spirit? Lloyd Hyten does. He bounces from being retired to keeping himself busy, but no matter what he is doing he never stops loving the St. Louis Cardinals. He created a new online business called Unique Design Apparel, which includes his latest St. Louis Cardinal designs.
The Cardinals have won the World Series 11 times in their history. Owning a unique t-shirt commemorating their success will make you a popular fan! These shirts are not sold anywhere, but right here in Dexter, Missouri.
Lloyd stated, “I have gone through all the hoops to make this a real business from designing a website to get tax ID number, etc. I was in St. Louis and I also checked with them to make sure I am not infringing on any copyright laws. My unique designs are available online or I can deliver them to you if you live close.” His designs are original and thought through down to the smallest detail.
His "What Time Is It?" shirts are a hit. Everywhere he travels, people are asking him about them.
If you would like to purchase a high quality unique Cardinal style shirt just contact Lloyd at lloyd.hyten@yahoo.com or go to his website at http://uniquedesignapparel.com.
Shown in the picture are just a few of his designs. Cheer for the Cardinals in your new look from Unique Design Apparel!

Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Malden, Missouri- On Saturday, November 9th, the Beautiful, Brave, and Strong, We Wear Lime Green for Darian 5K Run/ Walk will be held at the Malden City Park at 1:00 p.m. to benefit Darian Muse and her fight against Lymphoma.
The registration fee is $25.00. All participants that register by October 31st will receive a FREE T-SHIRT! Shirts for non-participants may also be purchased for $20.00.
The divisions below will be separated by gender.
15 and under 15-19 years old
20-29 years old 30-39 years old
40-49 years old 50-55 years old 55 +The top three runners in each division will receive medallions.
The top walker will also receive a medallion.
-Registration forms can be found at Fitness Connection in Dexter.
Please make checks payable to the Darian Muse Health Fund.
Return forms to:
Amber Anderson
16246 CR 511
Dexter, MO 63841

Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Stoddard County- Route 91 in Stoddard County will be closed as railroad company crews perform repairs.
This section of roadway is located from County Road 341 to County Road 351.
Weather permitting; work will take place Thursday, Oct. 24 through Monday, Oct. 28 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or visit www.modot.org/southeast.

Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Carbondale, Illinois- The District 9 Office of the Illinois Department of Transportation has announced that the structure carrying US Routes 60 and 62 traffic over the Mississippi River will be reduced beginning Oct. 23. The lane closure is expected to be in place weekdays until approximately Nov. 22. All traffic will be maintained by flaggers. Maintenance crews are scheduled to repair this structure.
This bridge is located south of the City of Cairo, Ill. (Alexander County, IL & Mississippi County, MO)
Emergency vehicles will be allowed through the construction site as quickly as possible. Through traffic should seek alternate routes, as delays will be expected.
For more information, please contact Keith Miley at (618) 549-2171