Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri – The Stoddard County Genealogy Society met on Monday, January 14, 2013 at the Hickory Log for their annual awards banquet.
Installation of officers was held and the winner of the M.A. Hart Volunteer Award for Society Volunteer was also announced.
Officers are Shirley Carney, President; Frances Moore, Vice-President; Lynda Stewart, Secretary and Rick Young, Treasurer.
This year’s recipient was Lynda Stewart who has been an active member of the Stoddard County Genealogy Society since 2005. Presenting the award was M. A. Hart and Frances Moore.
Lynda has served as the Editor of the Society newsletter and Secretary of the organization. She volunteers in the Genealogy Room at the Keller Public Library and assists the staff with the cataloging and maintenance of the Genealogy Collection. She also assists patrons with their genealogical research. Lynda helped to organize the Beginning Genealogy Workshop, which was held in June 2012. She is also helping organize the FamilySearch Workshop that will be held on February 9th at the Keller Public Library.
The M.A. Hart Volunteer Award is presented annually to a person who has made outstanding contributions to Genealogy and the preservation of the history of Stoddard County. We congratulate Lynda Stewart for her endless ability of volunteering her time to this endeavor.
font-family:Verdana">If you would like to know more about Genealogy research the Stoddard County Genealogy Society meets at the Keller Public Library once a month and they have a wonderfully informative Facebook page, www.facebook.com/StoddardCountyGenealogySociety.
font-family:Verdana">If you are interested in the FamilySearch Workshop, please register by calling the Keller Pubic Library at 624-3764.