Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
The library's guest reader this week was Mary Ann Taylor and the kids sure seem to love her. She is so exuberant and it was a pleasure to hear her reading of "Snow Friends"! It's about Little Bear who wakes up early from his hibernation and is startled to see the world covered in SNOW! Unable to find a playmate, he builds a snowman. Otter and Rabbit are Little Bear's two friends. The story is just simply too-cute.
There were quite a few children who endured the bitter, cold weather Tuesday morning to be entertained. They sang, laughed, and a few were even crawling a little as they giggled. Just good old fashioned fun!
After they listened to Mrs. Taylor read her book, the children were able to sing more songs and do a little hokey pokey. Then they all participated in some fun crafting activities by creating their very own snowman. Some children colored a snowman friend. Each child was very excited to take their artwork home!
Next week, the Keller Public Library will host "Tacky the Penguin" about a penguin that is somewhat eccentric and marches to the beat of a different drum and it will be read by Kim Cook. Mark your calendar for 10:15 a.m. on January 22nd.

"No one will understand why a person would move when you are comfortable and satisfied where you are," stated Pixley. "It's an excellent opportunity for my family and I have always loved a challenge."
In his first year as the Dexter Head Coach, Pixley had a team shirt that stated his philosophy toward the game of football, and obviously life. The slogan read "Never Accept Mediocrity".
His thirteen seasons at the gridiron master has provided our community many exciting Friday nights. His record tells the story with 78 wins which is a record for any Head Coach at DHS. His two best seasons were in 2002 in his third year as the head coach the Bearcats had a season of 8-3 and then in 2010 was perhaps his most memorable year with a record of 8-5 and playing in the State Quarterfinals.
The Bearcats have scored 3,285 points under Pixley with their opponents scoring 2,670. In addition, we have been able to experience the joys of victory with three titles as SEMO Conference Champions, 2002, 2005 and 2011. The Bearcats won four District Playoffs, 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2011, with 2010 making it to the State Quarterfinal.
Many emotions flood a community when news of this nature is shared. The feelings of loss will weigh heavily among students, faculty, friends, and the fans of Dexter High School and the Pixley's. None more critically touched than those athletes who have become known as one of the "Pixley's Boys".
Coach Pixley has gone above the normal call of dedication for Bearcat athletes, both current and past. Not simply the football players, but all athletes as well as non-athletes. he has delivered to our young people the proud virtues found in organized athletes such as hard work, dedication, team and honor.

The news certainly comes as a surprise to the Dexter Public Schools and they will busy themselves working on a replacement for the head position. There is little speculation at this time to the direction the district will pursue.
Coach Pixley and his wife, Amy, will finish the year at Dexter before making the move to Kennett sometimes this summer. Typically known as the "coaches wife", Amy has been a major part of her husband's success with the football program in Dexter. She has dedicated countless hours to the tough jobs of laundry, schedule interruptions and household duties.
Aaron Pixley DHS Coaching Statistics (CLICK HERE)
(Provided By Brett Dorton)

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri - Many Dexter folks looked out their window to find snow falling this afternoon. The white stuff came down so quickly that in less than a couple of hours Dexter schools were letting out and the roads were rather slick.
Winter weather calls for drivers to make adjustments! The Missouri State Highway Patrol encourages motorists to plan ahead and drive safely or not at all during inclement weather.
Drivers: Take the time to clean snow and ice completely from your vehicle. Allow extra driving time for you to reach your destination at a slow, safe speed. Make sure the windows are completely cleared to ensure visibility. Remember: Missouri law states if you’re using your windshield wipers, your headlights must be turned on. It takes only a second to turn on your vehicle’s headlights. That second could make you more visible to other drivers and prevent a traffic crash.
Keep in mind that Section 307.020 RSMo. states that lighted lamps are required "from a half-hour after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead."
Have you winterized your vehicle? Have a mechanic check the battery, heater, defroster, lights, hoses, belts, brakes, oil, tires, wipers, and fluid levels. Before you travel, gather an ice scraper, tire chains, battery booster cables, blankets, flashlight, and a bag of sand to place in your trunk. Emergencies cannot be predicted, but planning for them can help you if one should arise. Missouri’s Road Condition Report (1-800-222-6400) can help you plan your route--before you leave. This number gives an automated listing of road conditions throughout the state. You may also view MoDOT’s Road Condition Map by going to the Patrol’s web site www.mshp.dps.mo.gov and clicking on the Road Condition icon.
When inclement weather hits, please adjust how you drive so that you continue to "exercise the highest degree of care". For instance: Stopping quickly in the winter on snow-covered or icy roads is next to impossible. Use care by increasing your following distance as you drive. Increase your following distance to five seconds or more. Section 304.012 RSMo. directs motorists to exercise the highest degree of care on Missouri's roadways. This part of Missouri law states, "Every person operating a motor vehicle on the roads and highways of this state shall drive the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed so as not to endanger the property of another or the life or limb of any person and shall exercise the highest degree of care."
Ask yourself if the speed you're traveling is safe for the weather conditions. Slow down when driving in snow or on ice. Driving the speed limit may not be "exercising the highest degree of care" during inclement weather; driving over the speed limit never is.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is here to serve and protect. If you become stranded or see another vehicle stranded on the side of the road with passengers, please call the Missouri State Highway Patrol emergency number at 1-800-525-5555 or dial *55 on a cellular phone. These numbers ring at the nearest troop headquarters.
Planning ahead and being a courteous driver are important every day. In winter driving conditions, this becomes crucial. Please slow down, pay attention, and wear your seat belt.
Of course, no matter how safely you drive, you can’t control other drivers. Thus, the Patrol encourages motorists to protect themselves from all types of hazardous drivers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint. Click It 4 Life.

Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri – Two very good friends came together for a worthwhile cause and have created what they hope will be a new “movement” in Stoddard County!
Alexis Smith, a sophomore and her best friend, Jacob Robinson, a junior, both attending Dexter High School are just “Two People With One Goal!” They are on a mission to stomp out poverty in Stoddard County.
These two very special students decided to take a stand to end the impoverished conditions that many people in our community live in.
According to their website, www.endpovertystoddardcounty.com the poverty rate in Stoddard County is around 16.9%, being one of the highest counties in the state of Missouri. That means one out of six people in Stoddard County live below the poverty line.
“When I looked around me, and I saw all the people hurting and I knew that it was time for me to stand up and try to make a difference,” Alexis stated. Her goal is for this organization to reach out to as many folks as possible and decrease the number of those living in poverty.
“We realize how lucky we are and we feel like it is time to speak up and give back to the people in need, “ continued Alexis.
Jacob too has realized that there are so many with so little. As a student he should be focused on school, sports and having fun, but when a fellow classmate made a comment, it went straight to his heart. “ When I heard a student at my local high school talk about how the school food is their only meal during the day, I found this unacceptable. People should not be going hungry in America, not this day in age.” stated Jacob.

“It’s time for the community to unite and fight against poverty,” continued Robinson, "That's our mission!"
Both students are very active in their school and community. Alexis is planning to major in Biology and further her education by going to medical school. She is involved in student council, FBLA, FLC, TARS, FCA, and attends the Bernie Church of Christ.
Jacob is also very active in school. He will attend college and eventually follow his dream of attending medical school and hopes to be a dermatologist. He is involved in FBLA, FLC, TARS, FTA, STUCO, and is a Dexter Honor Society Member. He is active in high school tennis as well.
So now you have two students who have their first goal of how to rid poverty in Stoddard County. They have endeavored to start a Coat Drive and it has already been successful with a several donations.

Beginning now until January 31st they have a goal of collecting 100 coats. Exceeding their goal would enrich the lives of even more kids and adults who need coats during these very cold days of January.
Drop off locations in Dexter are Dexter Medical Center, located next to Sonic, and if you have a student at T.S. Middle School, you can simply take the coats to the library and give to Mrs. Robinson.
Drop off location in Essex is the 1 Stop located next to First Commercial Bank.
Pick-ups are available as well and you may contact one of the following:
Jacob Robinson (573)-552-2108
Alexis Smith (573) 820-5699
Joe Foster (573) 421-5228 in the Essex area
They hope to have more drop-off locations throughout the county very soon so check out their website or their newly created Facebook page for continuing updates. The Facebook page is EndPovertyInStoddardCounty.
Alexis and Jacob plan to deliver the coats to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission. Any children-sized coat will be distributed to the elementary schools throughout the county, so the school faculty can give the coats directly to the children that need them the most.
With the public’s help, they plan to host coat, food, shoes, clothes, and school supplies drives throughout 2013. They wish to host a 5k run, provide sack lunches in parks to impoverished children, adopt families, and continue to raise awareness about the conditions of the people in our own community.
They are asking for your commitment and your ideas. Together they can help make poverty and the suffering it causes a thing of the past.
If you wish to help financially, they have online donating available on their website and every dollar donated will go directly to hosting events and buying items for the needy of our community.
So please however you can, help these students accomplish their goals it will truly be rewarding.
This is truly a worthwhile cause and for two high school students to step up and take on such a huge challenge is remarkable. The ShowMe Times will be reporting on their continued success and keep you up-to-date as they are simply "Two People With One Goal" and a whole lot of heart!

Dexter, Missouri - City offices of Dexter will be closed on Monday, January 21st in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
Trash will be one day late and there will be no yard waste pick-up on Friday.
The Dexter Public Schools will also be closed on Monday, January 21st in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
This holiday was established a United States federal holiday marking the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King's birthday, January 15th. The floating holiday is similar to holidays set under the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, though the act predated the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by 15 years.
This Federal Holiday was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in the year 2000. Typically all banks, state and federal offices, schools, city and county offices are closed on this day. Check your local businesses and offices before heading out to make sure they are open.