Local News

Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Shoulder Work
November 28th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Route 114 in Stoddard County Reduced for Shoulder Work

Route 114 in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as construction crews perform shoulder work.   

This section of roadway is located from Route 25 to McCormick St. in Dexter, Missouri. Weather permitting, work will take place Tuesday, December 6 through Friday, December 16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Last Updated on November 28th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting Minutes - Monday, November 21, 2022
November 21st 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting Minutes - Monday, November 21, 2022

The Stoddard County Commissioner met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

David Cooper and Debbie Robey, Stoddard County Water District #5 Board Members, asked again about the ARPA funds for the water district.

There is available funds,” Talkington stated.  “We have held back $600,000 for things that come up.  Not 100% has been allocated.”

Robey stated that in a previous meeting Talkington had said that if she brought by a receipt on a Thursday, the Commissioners could have a check back to her on the following Monday. However after talking with Katelyn Lambert at the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission, all requests for ARPA funds must be submitted them to see if the receipts qualify first.  That may take a few days depending on scheduling.

“When the request comes in from you (Debbie) the way we have been doing it is we give it to Bootheel Regional Planning Commission.  If they say it qualifies then The Commission can approve the allocation of the funds and process the request,” stated Presiding Commission Danny Talkington.

David Cooper asked about the interest gained from having the ARPA funds sitting in the bank and/or in money market accounts.  Talkington stated that the interest from the ARPA funds has been applied back to the ARPA fund account and not General Revenue. Currently as of today, the monies have been assigned to General Revenue and not the ARPA account.  There has never been a vote by the Commissioners during an open commission meeting according to the minutes of all meeting since the ARPA funds were available.

Cooper had submitted receipts for ARPA funds and they have been deemed qualified by Bootheel Regional Planning Commission.  In today’s meeting the Stoddard County Commissioners have a voucher ready to be signed in the amount of $3,095.25 to give to the Water District #5.

The 10:00 a.m. 2022 Single Audit Bids Open did not occur. The public notice for the bid was placed in the paper without a vote by the Commissioners in any previous meeting.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to advertise for the 2022 Stoddard County Single Audit in the November 30th and December 7th in the Dexter Statesman and perform a Bid Opening on December 12th.  Seconded by Talkington.  Both voted yes and passed.  There are two bids already sealed and in the County Clerk’s office.  

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the October 12, 2022 Insurance Bid Opening Meeting Minutes.  Talkington seconded it.  Both voted yes.   The previous meeting minutes that were approved in a prior meeting had the wrong date showing November 10th and not October 12th.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the November 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes.  Talkington second it.  Both voted yes.

Presiding Commissioner Talkington made a motion to approve the voucher for attorney Alvin Schrader billing charges for Danny Talkington and County Clerk Cecil Weeks.  The motion was killed due to not having a second by the other County Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  There was no vote taken. Jarrell stated that these charges were not previously voted on in commission chambers to use another attorney besides the attorney that the County has on retainer which is Travis Elliot.

Commissioner Jarrell  made a motion to accept the revised Drainage District Tax Book from Collector Josh Speakman’s office dated November 9, 2022. Seconded by Talkington.  Both voted yes and the motion passed.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to adjourn at 12:02 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Talkington.  Both voted yes.

Last Updated on November 21st 2022 by Dee Loflin

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St. Francis Health Center in Dexter to Host Blood Drive
November 20th 2022 by Dee Loflin
St. Francis Health Center in Dexter to Host Blood Drive

It’s no secret: As winter approaches, blood donations can be negatively impacted by weather and seasonal illness. Your type O blood donation is critically needed, no matter the weather, so we’re showing our gratitude for dedicated donors like you in an extra cozy way. Those who come to give blood Nov. 23-27 will receive an exclusive American Red Cross knit beanie, while supplies last.

Plus, because your blood type is especially needed, you’ll also get a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice when you come in to give by Dec. 31.** 

So many families will be celebrating the holidays a little differently, gathered in a hospital room, thankful that their loved ones are still here with them. We know they’re thankful for you, too. Your one donation may give hope and joy to patients in need. 

St. Francis Health Center in Dexter will host a blood drive on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The Health Center is located at 1212 Saint Francis Drive.  Sponsor Code: SaintFrancisHealthDexter

Last Updated on November 20th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Saint Francis Welcomes Fr. Anthony
November 20th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Saint Francis Welcomes Fr. Anthony

Saint Francis Healthcare System is pleased to welcome Fr. Anthony C. Nwankwo, STL, CPE, as a Chaplain in Pastoral Care Services.

Fr. Anthony earned his Bachelor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Theology from Seat of Wisdom Seminary, affiliate of Urbania University in Rome, Italy. He earned his Licentiate of Sacred Theology from Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif. and his Clinical Pastoral Education at John Muir Health Concord/Walnut Creek Facilities in California.

Fr. Anthony has more than five years of pastoral experience. He will assist Pastoral Care Services in the visiting and anointing of the sick, pastoral counseling for patients, integrating our Catholic Mission into daily practices across the Healthcare System and more.

Saint Francis Healthcare System is guided by our Mission to provide a ministry of healing, wellness, quality and love inspired by our faith in Jesus Christ. Founded by Franciscan Sisters in 1875, our priority remains the same: serve all who enter with dignity, compassion and joy. Serving nearly 713,000 people across Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas, our focus is on patients' outcomes, experience and value.

Anchored by Saint Francis Medical Center, a 306-bed tertiary hospital, and supported by nearly 3,000 employees and more than 250 providers in eight communities, the Healthcare System is a driving economic force in the region. Major services include the Cancer Institute, Emergency and Level III Trauma Center, Family BirthPlace and Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Heart Hospital, Neurosciences and Orthopedics.

Last Updated on November 20th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Saint Francis Foundation Recognizes Physician Philanthropists
November 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Saint Francis Foundation Recognizes Physician Philanthropists

Saint Francis Foundation recently honored both Charles H. Pancoast, MD, and Clifford R. Talbert Jr., MD, FACC, with Healing Hands Lifetime Giving Awards in recognition of their long-term support and leadership giving.

“Their generosity has helped provide comfort and healing to numerous patients and colleagues over the years,” said Stacy Huff, Executive Director - Foundation. “We extend our deepest gratitude to both of them.”

The Healing Hands Lifetime Giving Award was created to recognize physicians and advanced practice providers at Saint Francis Healthcare System whose cumulative giving has reached the $50,000, $100,000 or $250,000 level.

Saint Francis Healthcare System is guided by our Mission to provide a ministry of healing, wellness, quality and love inspired by our faith in Jesus Christ. Founded by Franciscan Sisters in 1875, our priority remains the same: serve all who enter with dignity, compassion and joy. Serving nearly 713,000 people across Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas, our focus is on patients' outcomes, experience and value.

Anchored by Saint Francis Medical Center, a 306-bed tertiary hospital, and supported by nearly 3,000 employees and more than 250 providers in eight communities, the Healthcare System is a driving economic force in the region. Major services include the Cancer Institute, Emergency and Level III Trauma Center, Family BirthPlace and Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Heart Hospital, Neurosciences and Orthopedics.

Pictured left to right:  Nate Gautier, Saint Francis Foundation Development Officer - Special Events Charles H. Pancoast, MD, Cathy Pancoast, Clifford R. Talbert Jr., MD, FACC, Phyllis Newman-Lewis, and Justin Davison, Saint Francis Healthcare System President and Chief Executive Officer

Last Updated on November 18th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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