Local News

DPR Takes Action Against Disrespectful Behavior and Profanity
August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin
DPR Takes Action Against Disrespectful Behavior and Profanity

Dexter, Missouri - A walk in the park is more than just a nice way to spend an afternoon.  It is essential component for great health!  Dexter Parks and Recreation has recently had some challenges at one of their heavily utilized parks and are now taking a stand against disrespectful behavior and profanity.

After receiving complaints of profanity and disrespect with many of the incidents involved groups of congregating teens and young adults on the basketball courts, city leaders got involved.  The park in question is West Park. It is located on Business Highway 60 just across from the Stoddard County Ambulance District. 

West park is very popular, especially with families and young children.  Over the past few months, Dexter Police Dept. has been called due to teenagers or young adults acting disorderly. Things kept getting worse.  More trash was left on the ground and on the tables in the pavilions.  DPR employees were having to go and spend extra time at the park to clean it up so people could enjoy their surroundings without looking at someone's litter.  The pavilion was even vandalized.

More complaints were steadily streaming into the office over the next few months to the point that DPR employees were sitting at the park observing basketball games and people using the park. Local residents began calling and letting the Dexter Parks know they would not be bringing their children back and that's when the Parks Dept. asked the police to step up patrols.

One of the goals of DPR is to try and prohibit conduct in the park before it reaches the level of a fight.  

"Tempers flare, fights start and then some innocent child is going to get hurt," stated Jamie Rowe, Dexter Parks and Recreation Director.  "That's not what we want.  We want a safe environment for everyone to enjoy."

However in August a fight did ensue and a person was injured.  Something had to change!  

On Wednesday, August 9th after a long discussion at their board meeting, the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department decided to take the basketball goals and backboards down at West Park.

This is a temporary solution and the goals will be returned; however their is no date and it won't be anytime soon.  The local Dexter Juvenile Officer also suggested that if the goals were removed this would also send a message that their behavior will not be tolerated at the park.

"We want to keep this park a family oriented place for everyone to use, but it has to be maintained in a safe setting," commented Jamie Rowe, DPR Director.

Simple cursing in front of someone in public is protected speech; however if that cursing incites a fight or is directed at a person or persons then it becomes disrespectful and can be considered as threatening behavior.

"They think it’s their right to freedom of speech," stated Dexter Police Chief, Sammy Stone.  "What they’re doing is harassing a lot of the other people who use this park. A lot of parents who use this park don’t want their children to be exposed to this profanity,"

"The language is atrocious and we’re not going to put up with it, and they were warned multiple times. It didn’t do any good, so we took the basketball goals down." Rowe said.

"We want everyone to come and enjoy the park," commented Rowe.  "That's the purpose of a park to be used for birthday parties, walking, playing basketball and utilize the playground equipment. We even added a tennis court and striped a pickle ball area.  We just want people to feel safe and welcomed at the park."

Some larger cities in Missouri and other states now have "no profanity" ordinances in their city parks.  They give out tickets just like for littering, fighting, or vandalism. 

"This is a sad situation because it costs the community and affects the families who could be enjoying the wonderful playground we have at West Park," commented a local walker who wished to remain anonymous. "I want to thank police for their hard work as well as the people in the community who are letting the parks people know about their behavior."

Last Updated on August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Sales Tax Holiday is August 4th - 6th
July 28th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Sales Tax Holiday is August 4th - 6th

Missouri - The annual Sales Tax Holiday is set for Friday, August 4th, Saturday, August 5th, and Sunday, August 6th in Stoddard County.

On these particular days certain back-to-school items such as clothing, school supplies, computers, and various other needed items are exempt from sales tax.

The sales tax holiday applies to state and local sales taxes when a local jurisdiction chooses to participate.  However some local jurisdictions choose to not participate in the holiday.

If one or all of your local taxing jurisdictions are not participating in the sales tax holiday, the state's portion of the tax rate (4.255%) will remain exempt for the sale of qualifying sales tax holiday items.

The sales tax exemption is limited to:

1.  Clothing - any article having a taxable value of less than $100.  (a fur coat valued at $250 would not fit in this category)

2.  School supplies - not to exceed $50 per purchase (if you are buying for three children, you might want to get your spouse to go through the line or come back more than one time to get your items)

3.  Computer software - taxable value of $350 or less.

4.  Personal computers - not to exceed $1,500.

5.  Computer peripheral devices - not to exceed $1,500.

6.  Graphing Calculators - not to exceed $150.

Please note:

Clothing is defined as any article of wearing apparel, including footwear, intended to be worn on or about the human body.  That does not include watches, watchbands, jewelry, handbags, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, scarves, ties, headbands, or belt buckles.

School supplies are defined as any item normally used by students in a standard classroom for education proposes, including but not limited to, textbooks, notebooks, paper, writing instruments, crayons, art supplies, rulers, book bags, backpacks, handheld calculators, chalk, maps, and globes.  The term shall NOT include watches, radios, CD Players, headphones, sporting equipment, portable or desktop telephones, copiers or other office equipment, furniture, or fixtures.

Link to cities NOT participating; therefore you will pay the city sales tax!  Click HERE.

Link to counties NOT participating; therefore you will pay the county sales tax! Click HERE.  Stoddard is NOT participating.

Last Updated on July 28th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter PD 4th of July Crackdown Results
July 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter PD 4th of July Crackdown Results
Dexter Police Department's Fourth (4th) of July Holiday DWI Enforcement Crackdown 'Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over' Enforcement Campaign results

Dexter Police issued 36 citations during the enforcement period, which ran from June 30-July 4, 2017.  The following are the summons' issued; 1 traffic control device violation, 11 speeding violations, 3 seatbelt violations and 3 uninsured motorists.  There were also 45 written/verbal warnings issued to 54 motorists stopped during this campaign.
In 2016, there were 233 fatalities and 700 serious injuries that involved at least one substance-impaired driver. That equates to one substance-impaired driving fatality every 1-3/4 days. During the July 1-4, 2016 holiday period, two (2) people were killed and ten (10) seriously injured in crashes involving at least one substance-impaired driver. 

For more information, visit the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" Campaign headquarters at www.TrafficSafetyMarketing.gov, or www.saveMOlives.com.

Last Updated on July 05th 2017 by Dee Loflin

City of Dexter Offices Closed for Holiday
June 28th 2017 by Dee Loflin
City of Dexter Offices Closed for Holiday

Dexter, Missouri - The city of Dexter administrative offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2017 for the Independence Day holiday.

Monday, July 3rd trash will be on schedule.  Tuesday - Thursday's trash will be one day late.  There will be no bulk pick up on Friday, January 6th.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July holiday from the City of Dexter.

Last Updated on June 28th 2017 by Dee Loflin

Dexter Fireworks Display Set for Monday - July 3, 2017
June 27th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Fireworks Display Set for Monday - July 3, 2017

Dexter, Missouri - The City of Dexter's annual Fourth of July Fireworks Display is slated for Monday, July 3rd at dusk (around 8:30 p.m.) at East City Park.  Sunset is 8:23 p.m. on Monday July 3rd for Dexter.

S&N Display Fireworks from Lincoln, Illinois will provide the pyrotechnics again this year.  

In case of rain on Monday, the fireworks show will be held on Wednesday, July 5th.

The event is free and open to public.

"It will be in the same spot as last year.  The soccer fields and baseball/softball fields will be roped off, but there is plenty of parking at the fairgrounds, south of the ball fields, at the aquatic center, and around the levee," commented Mark Stidham, Dexter City Administrator.

The city ordinance prohibits the shooting of fireworks inside the city limits however that will be waived both Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th to allow residents a chance to celebrate the holiday.  Fireworks are also allowed at the park prior to and after the official city display.

Last Updated on June 27th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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