Local Schools

Bloomfield High School Held Its Class of 2022 Graduation on Saturday
May 17th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield High School Held Its Class of 2022 Graduation on Saturday

Bloomfield, MO - On Saturday, May 14th, the Bloomfield High School held the Class of 2022 graduation ceremony with a total of 51 students.  The Senior Choir performed the National Anthem and the welcome was given by Mrs. Toni Hill, Superintendent of the school district.

Class of 2022 President, Mr. Will Robison, came to the stage to give the opening remarks, but first wanted to recognize a very special guest, Mr. Boyd Fry.  

"Before I get to my opening remarks, I would like to take a second and introduce a special guest of the Class of 2022," stated Robison. "60 years ago to the day, Bloomfield High School graduated the class of 1962.   Mr. Fry was a senior in 1962; however his father was in the Air Force and he had to leave two weeks before graduation so he could drive his mother and sister to New York City.  Then they boarded a ship to be with his father in Morocco."

"Since he didn't get to walk across the stage with his class and considering his father's and his family's sacrifice to serve our great country, we are pleased to have him back to give him this opportunity to walk across the stage and receive his diploma."  With that being said, he introduced Mr. Fry to the audience and they gave him a standing ovation.

Robison then gave his opening remarks and pro-tips that will hopefully make the graduate's lives a little better.

"Well we made it!  For 13 years we have attended the state requirement called school to get to this moment.  Personally, I am grateful that this is the one formal school event that we all get to wear a hat!"

Robison went on to say that parents, grandparents, and teachers have all helped shape them into adults and what great memories each of them will carry with them forever.

"What great memories we have made together throughout our 13 years of government enforced education," Robison continued.  "But really what do YOU want to be when you grow up?"

"In elementary, many of us said things like a firefighter or an astronaut, and just like that, here we are.  I hope to see many of you on news achieving greatness in the world of outer space.  Many of you know what your life will look like in six months, but many of us do not and despite what it seems like, I've heard that is ok.  Doors will be closed, and doors will be opened, so don't be afraid to walk through them.  As you plan and think about the future, I have a small piece of advice.  Instead of "what do I want to be when I grow up," ask yourself "WHO do I want to be when I grow up".  Twenty years from now, do you want to be the best parent you can be? or the best nurse you can be? or the best friend that you can be?  This is the only path to true happiness and success."

Here are a few Pro-Tips he gave to his classmates: 1.  Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future; 2.  You're better off to have two or three true friends than 10 fake ones; 3.  Be a problem solver, not a problem creator; 4.  Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss and use mouthwash too; 5.  Have faith.  Isaiah 58:11  "Where God guides, He provides.

"Although you may have not been ready for life just 60 seconds ago, I now feel that you are all ready for everything that life has to offer.  I would like to thank each and everyone of you for 13 great years of life together.  This is Will Robison signing off.  Peace out BHS!"

High School principal, Mr. Jason Karnes, recognized seven individuals who have dedicated their last two years of high school career, attending Sikeston Career & Technology Center.  They are Garrett Cohen (Criminal Justice), Nathan Haught (Criminal Justice), Skylar Howard (Radio/TV Broadcasting), Lane Sisson (Welding), Skyler Smith (Auto Mechanics), Tanner Taylor (Carpentry), and Kylie Wheelis (Child Development Care).

Mrs. Jenifer Ragins then announced the A+ Recipients. Those students must have completed all of the A+ requirements.  These students have maintained a 2.5 GPA or higher, 95% attendance, completed 50 hours of mentoring, 20 hours of community service, and scored proficient or advanced on the Algebra 1 EOC.  They are Molly Below, Garrett Cohen, Abigail Conner, Aidan Cowart, Macie Davidson, Andrew DeVore, Emilie Hancock, Rosa Hester, Dawson Hill, Ashlynn Hudgens-Sills, Shane Hull, Alyssa Jarrell, Joseph Lane, Nathan Lockhart, Mattison Pennington, Karsynn Phillips, Hayleigh Poe, Austin Pratt, Will Robison, Abbigayle Siler, Lane Sisson, and Michael Webb.

Principal Karnes recognized the  Top 10 Seniors: Hayleigh Poe, Austin Pratt, Rosa Hester, Karsynn Phillips, Ely Stoker, Aidan Cowart, Molly Below, Abigail Conner, Will Robison, and Joseph Lane.

Austin Pratt, Salutatorian, gave his address to the Class of 2022.  "Well, Look around, we did it guys.  Friends, instructors, family, and extended family.  I'm glad you are all here.  I wish I could say "let's make this quick," but sadly I'm too awesome to fit an entire speech in a small package.  I will, however, spare you from the usual repeated stuff you have already heard today."


He gave a shout out to someone who was so close to getting this sash (his salutatorian sash) that it was a difference of thousandths on our GPA.  Can we all give a round of applause to Rosa Hester?  Rosa, I still consider this a tie for second place.  Official rules can kiss it, you earned it!" 

The one thing he wanted to leave his fellow classmates was this, "I want to share today is IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE PERFECT!  We have been screwing up on things our entire lives, what makes us all think adulthood is gonna change that?  We may change, we may become "mature", whatever the heck that means, but we will still screw up.  We will make mistakes.  We will get unsatisfactory grades on history tests.  We will still get second place (pointing to his sash).  But we won't be the only ones."

Hayleigh Poe, Valedictorian, gave her address next.  "It's an absolute honor to be standing here today speaking for the amazing class of 2022."

She gave great advice.  "I genuinely believe that it is never too late to start living your dream, to do what brings you the purest form of joy.  In this next chapter of our lives, we need to focus on allowing ourselves to be happy because we seldom allow ourselves that iny liberty.  It is what society needs the most of, a smile, a good deed, even something as simple as chocolate cake on the weekends."

She thanked everyone for the memories and said it was even better than a high school musical.  "Go out and face the world in true Wildcat fashion.  Show them what you've got because I know it's going to be great.  Until next time guys."

Students were recognized for their scholarship. (Those scholarships will be listed in a separate article on the ShowMe Times).  The class of 2022 earned a total of $501,300.00 in scholarships and the A+ Program and a variety of organizations and institutions, including local organizations and sponsors.


The students were given one last opportunity to hug and say their goodbyes to the song by Hannah Montana - "I'll Always Remember You"

The certification of the Class of 2022 was stated by Mrs. Hill, diplomas were distributed and the closing remarks were done by Dawson Hill, treasurer of the class.

Dawson read a poem to the class then thanked them.

"On behalf of the Class of 2022, I would like to thank all of the teachers, parents, and friends who helped us make it here today.  Without all of you we wouldn't be the people we are now.  To close out my speech today I am going to paraphrase a quote from kid president.  If it ain't gonna make the world a better place just don't do it.  Class of 2022 it is our time and I love you all!!! Farewell!" 

"it has been a pleasure to serve as your principal the last four years.  I have enjoyed working hand in hand with you this year and I look forward to hearing about your accomplishments as you enter the next chapter of your life," commented Karnes. "Always remember you are a special part of this school district and community, and we wish you well in whatever your next chapter holds."

The Class of 2022 stood and faced the audience before leaving in a recessional.

Graduating seniors are Gabriel Adkins, Shilynn Bader, Molly Below, Mason Bennett, Marian Black, Persephone Bradley, Matthew Cazee, Garrett Cohen, Abigail Conner, Aidan Cowart, Macie Davidson, Gavyn DeBeaux, Andrew DeVore, Alaina Dockins, Hannah Faries, Rollins Gigaroa, Alyssa Goins, Dalli Griffin, Emilie Hancock, Nathan Haught, Rosa Hester, Dawson Hill, Skylar Howard, Ashlynn Hudgens-Sills, Shane Hull, Alyssa Jarrell, Jeffrey Jarrell, Katelyn Johnson, Joseph Lane, Nathan Lockhart, Austin Loveless, Ryan McAnally, Ethan McRoberts, Mattison Pennington, Karsynn Phillips, Hayleigh Poe, Austin Pratt, Hannah Pullum, Joshua Reynolds, Will Robison, Connor Scott, Abbigayle Siler, Skyler Sindorf, Lane Sisson, Skyler Smith, Ely Stoker, Tanner Taylor Emma Sherfield, Isabelle Tippen, Michael Webb, and Kylie Wheelis.

Last Updated on May 17th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield High School Announces 2022 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
May 13th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield High School Announces 2022 Valedictorian and Salutatorian

Bloomfield, MO - The Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Bloomfield High School 2022 graduating class has been announced.

The BHS 2022 Salutatorian is Austin Pratt.

Austin is the son of Lana and Zachariah Pratt.

He has obtained a 3.97 out of 4.0 GPA during his high school career.

His activities include Sr. Beta Club, Scholar Bowl, FCCLA, and Band.

His future plans are to attend college where he will pursue a major in Computer Science and become an independent video game developer. 

The BHS 2022 Valedictorian is Hayleigh Poe.

Hayleigh is the daughter of Roy and Jessica Poe.

She accumulated a 3.99 out of 4.0 GPA while in high school.

Her activities include Sr. Beta Club, Scholar Bowl, FCCLA, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council, Yearbook, and Band.

Her future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau and major in English Education, in hopes of becoming an English teacher.  Hayleigh would also like to pursue writing fiction novels.

Last Updated on May 13th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield R-XIV School Board Swears in Two New Board Members
April 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield R-XIV School Board Swears in Two New Board Members

Bloomfield, MO - Bloomfield Reorganized School District XIV held their April meeting on Monday evening. 

Board Secretary Justin Bell, was on hand to swear in the two new board members, David Clary and Brooke Smith.  

The Board also elected officers. President is Brad Warner, Vice President is Cecil Haley, Treasurer is Bill Robinson, and Secretary is Justin Bell.

The Board approved the minutes of the Board Meeting of March 14, 2022.

The Board set the Budget Workshop Date and the May Board meeting for Noon on May 11th.  Budget Workshop usually takes about two hours and the Board meeting will follow.

There was some discussion on the Agriculture Shop expansion.  Around 1,800 square feet will be added and they will possibly put that out for bid in August.  They are still working on the details.  Also there was discussion of the Bus Garage.  They hope to get 9 buses at a time in the garage.  Currently they have 10 buses in operation.

Toni Hill, Superintendent, stated that there were two summer projects on the agenda.  Workroom remodels for all three buildings and will be paid for by a Teacher Retention Grant and the Central Office will have some updates as well.

The superintendent gave her report on a few budget bills in the legislature and HB 1552 as well.  They then entered into Executive Session to discuss employment matters.

Last Updated on April 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Bernie Board of Education February 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
February 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Board of Education February 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Bernie, MO -  The Bernie Board of Education met in regular session Monday night February 14th.

The Board approved changes made to the current 2021/22 school calendar and approved Calendar A for the 2022/2023 school year.  

Program evaluations on Co-Curricular Activities, Discipline and A+ were approved. 

The A+ Assurance statement was re-adopted thereby allowing Bernie students who qualify to obtain 2 years of tuition at a Community College or Tech school.

The Board approved the financial statement and paying the monthly bills.

During executive session:  

The Board awarded Principal contracts to Tommie Ellenburg and Brad Botsch through the school year 2023/2024.

Last Updated on February 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin

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2022 Bloomfield High School Sports Senior Night Featuring Connor Scott
February 17th 2022 by Dee Loflin
2022 Bloomfield High School Sports Senior Night Featuring Connor Scott

Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield High School celebrated Senior Night on Thursday, February 10, 2022. 

Connor Scott is the son of Brooks and Danielle Scott

He is a member of the Basketball Team, Future Farmers of America and Cross Country Team.

His favorite high school memory is running in the state cross country meet.

His future plans are to go to lineman school and move to Florida.

Last Updated on February 17th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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