
Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Recipient
June 26th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Recipient

The Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce presented Mallory Hawkins as the 2023 scholarship recipient.

Pictured are Amy Haas, Chamber President, Hawkins, Zach Pounds, Chamber Board Member and Karen Griffin, Chamber Board Member.

Taking the photo is Dee Loflin, Chamber Board Member.

Last Updated on June 26th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Regional Healthcare Foundation 2023 Scholarship Recipient
May 31st 2023 by Dee Loflin
Regional Healthcare Foundation 2023 Scholarship Recipient

A $4000 Regional Healthcare Foundation Scholarship is given to a Stoddard County High School Senior who is pursuing post-secondary education in a 4-year college or university and planning to enter a healthcare field.

The recipient of the 2023 RHF Scholarship is Peyton Boles from Dexter.

Peyton is the son of Eric and Kristi Boles.

He plans to attend Murray State University in the Fall and pursue a degree in nursing, with the hopes of becoming a nurse practitioner.

Peyton was on the DHS basketball and tennis teams, Top 10% of his class, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, National Honor Society, Future Health Professionals, Future Business Leaders of America, and Pep Club.

He also participated in Missouri Boys State and received Elks Student of the Month in November.

Peyton also works with his family to host the annual fundraiser Courts for Cancer, with donations being distributed to 18 Fore Life, Friends of Kids with Cancer, and a local student or teacher who is dealing with a cancer diagnosis.  His brother Ryder is a cancer survivor.

Photo submitted.

Last Updated on May 31st 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Puxico Public Library Summer Reading Program
May 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Puxico Public Library Summer Reading Program

The public is invited to attend the "All Together Now" 2023 Summer Library Reading Program.  The program begins June 5, 2023.

Children ages birth to 18 years of age can register for the program.  You will register at the Puxico Public Library.

You may register for the reading program any time on or after June 5th.

You will receive a log sheet to record the hours you read this summer.

You must complete a minimum of 1 hour of reading to be in the final drawing.

Everyone who completes the program and turns in their log sheet by July 28th at noon, which is the final day to turn in log sheets, no late sheets will be accepted, 

You will be able to attend the final party with certificates and prize drawings in August.

The more hours you read the more entries you get into the final drawing.

The library welcomes children of abilities.

For more information, stop by the library, call the library at (573) 222-3855, or visit the Facebook page: Puxico Public Library or go to the website

Last Updated on May 28th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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The National Stars and Stripes Museum to Host a Journalism Summer Camp
April 27th 2023 by Dee Loflin
The National Stars and Stripes Museum to Host a Journalism Summer Camp

EXTRA! EXTRA! A Journalism Summer Camp will be held at The National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library on June 19th to June 23, 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm each day.

Campers will be researching, investigating, interviewing, and participating in activities to publish a special summer camp edition of the Stars & Stripes to share the importance of reporting in documenting the wars that shaped our country's history. Activities will include calligraphy, quill pen writing, sending messages with a cipher, rifle drills, and more!

Each day will focus on a different era. We will be covering the Revolutionary War on Monday, the Civil War on Tuesday, World War 1 on Wednesday, World War 2 on Thursday, and the Vietnam War on Friday. 

This camp is open to children ages 8-13. The registration fee is $50. Registration includes all activities, an exclusive camp t-shirt, daily snacks, and lunch on Friday. Space is limited to 28 campers, so register early. Sign up online before June 7 at, call the Museum at 573-568-2055, or email them at

About The National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library: 

The National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library is located in Bloomfield, Missouri. It is dedicated to the preservation and history of the Stars and Stripes Newspaper and the US Armed Forces.

Contact Information: Laura Dumey, Administrator, The National Stars and Stripes Museum and Library, 17377 Stars and Stripes Way, Bloomfield, MO 63825 or call 573-568-2055.

Last Updated on April 27th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield Chamber to Host Easter Egg Hunt
March 30th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Chamber to Host Easter Egg Hunt

Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in the Bloomfield City Park.  

There will be three age groups in three separate areas of the park. 

Ages 0-3 years of age will hunt eggs inside the softball field area.

Ages 4-7 years of age will hunt eggs next to the pavilion on the southeast side of the park.  

Ages 8-12 years of age will hunt eggs in the area of the playground equipment.

The Easter Bunny will also be there for pictures, so bring your phone or camera!  

Each age group will have three "special" eggs to search for and put in their basket. 

Prizes will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each age category. 

If you find a special egg come up to the pavilion and a member of the Chamber will have a special gift just for you. 

The newspaper will also be on hand to take photos of each group of children who find the special “purple” egg.

Also we hear that the Easter Bunny will be there so please bring your camera!!!

Last Updated on March 30th 2023 by Dee Loflin

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